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Fredericton Campus Map

      • Centre map on Aitken University Centre (AC)
      • Centre map on South Gymnasium (DG)
      • Centre map on The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER
      • Centre map on University Dome
      • Centre map on BMO Centre Field
      • Centre map on Chapman Field
      • Centre map on College Field
      • Centre map on Annex C (XC)
      • Centre map on Bailey Hall (B)
      • Centre map on Carleton Hall (C)
      • Centre map on F.J. Toole Hall (TO)
      • Centre map on Forestry & Geology Building (FG)
      • Centre map on Gillin Hall (GW)
      • Centre map on Harriet Irving Library (HIL)
      • Centre map on Head Hall (H)
      • Centre map on Head Hall/Civil Engineering (H)
      • Centre map on Head Hall/Electrical Engineering (H)
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Forestry (NF)
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Physics & Admin (P)
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Science Library (SL)
      • Centre map on Information Technology Centre (IT)
      • Centre map on Keirstead Hall (K)
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium (LBG)
      • Centre map on Ludlow Hall (L)
      • Centre map on MacLaggan Hall (ML)
      • Centre map on Maggie Jean Chestnut
      • Centre map on Marshall d'Avray Hall (DH)
      • Centre map on R.N. Scott Hall (RNS)
      • Centre map on Renaissance College (RC)
      • Centre map on Singer Hall (SH)
      • Centre map on Tilley Hall (T)
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Physics & Admin (P)
      • Centre map on Residence Administration
      • Centre map on Sir Howard Douglas Hall
      • Centre map on Alden Nowlan House
      • Centre map on Bank & Bookstore Building
      • Centre map on McConnell Hall
      • Centre map on Student Union Building
      • Centre map on Building #7
      • Centre map on Central Heating Plant
      • Centre map on Facilities Management Building
      • Centre map on Header House
      • Centre map on Hut #5
      • Centre map on Salt Storage Building
      • Centre map on Storage Shed
      • Centre map on Yellow Building
      • Centre map on Alden Nowlan House
      • Centre map on Bank & Bookstore Building
      • Centre map on Bonar Law-Bennet Building
      • Centre map on Brydone Jack Observatory
      • Centre map on Burden Academy
      • Centre map on Campus House
      • Centre map on College Hill Daycare
      • Centre map on Community Health Clinic
      • Centre map on Enterprise UNB #1
      • Centre map on Enterprise UNB #2
      • Centre map on McCord Hall (MC)
      • Centre map on Memorial Hall (M)
      • Centre map on UNBEA Building
      • Centre map on Wu Conference Centre (WU)
      • Centre map on Institute for Information Technology (NRC)
      • Centre map on Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre
      • Centre map on The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER
      • Centre map on Aitken House
      • Centre map on Bridges House
      • Centre map on Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Residence
      • Centre map on Harrison House
      • Centre map on Joy W. Kidd House
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Residence
      • Centre map on Lady Dunn Hall
      • Centre map on MacKenzie House
      • Centre map on Magee House
      • Centre map on Maggie Jean Chestnut
      • Centre map on McLeod House
      • Centre map on Neill House
      • Centre map on Neville House
      • Centre map on Tibbits Hall
      • Centre map on Alumni Memorial Building
      • Centre map on C. C. Jones Student Services Centre
      • Centre map on Neville Homestead
      • Centre map on Student Union Building
      • Centre map on Aitken Centre West
      • Centre map on Alden Nowlan House
      • Centre map on Alumni Memorial Building
      • Centre map on D'Avray Hall East
      • Centre map on Dunn/Kidd/Tibbits
      • Centre map on Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Residence
      • Centre map on Harriet Irving Library
      • Centre map on Head Hall (B-level)
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Physics & Admin
      • Centre map on Information Technology Centre
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Gym South
      • Centre map on Ludlow Hall (Rear)
      • Centre map on MacLaggan Hall
      • Centre map on Memorial Hall
      • Centre map on Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre
      • Centre map on Pacey Drive
      • Centre map on R.N. Scott Hall
      • Centre map on Sir Howard Douglas Hall West
      • Centre map on Alumni Memorial Building
      • Centre map on Carleton Hall
      • Centre map on Elizabeth Parr-Johnston Residence
      • Centre map on Gillin Hall
      • Centre map on Harrison/Neville
      • Centre map on Head Hall
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Forestry
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Science Library
      • Centre map on Kierstead Hall
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Gym South
      • Centre map on Magee House
      • Centre map on Marshall d'Avray Hall
      • Centre map on McLeod House
      • Centre map on Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre
      • Centre map on Neill/Bridges
      • Centre map on Singer Hall
      • Centre map on South Gym
      • Centre map on Student Union Building
      • Centre map on The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER
      • Centre map on Tilley Hall
      • Centre map on Wu Conference Centre
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Gym West
      • Centre map on Peter Kelly Drive
      • Centre map on Aitken Centre East
      • Centre map on Aitken Centre North
      • Centre map on Aitken Centre/South Gym
      • Centre map on Alden Nowlan House
      • Centre map on BMO Centre Field
      • Centre map on D'Avray Hall East
      • Centre map on Dunn/Kidd/Tibbits
      • Centre map on Information Technology Centre
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Gym East
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Rink
      • Centre map on Ludlow Hall
      • Centre map on MacKay Drive North
      • Centre map on McLeod House
      • Centre map on Pacey Drive
      • Centre map on Provincial Archives (Rear Lot)
      • Centre map on Student Union Building
      • Centre map on Harriet Irving Library
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Residence
      • Centre map on Residence Administration
      • Centre map on Sir Howard Douglas Hall
      • Centre map on The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER
      • Centre map on Dunn/Kidd/Tibbits
      • Centre map on Harrison House
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Residence East
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Residence West
      • Centre map on MacKenzie House
      • Centre map on Residence Administration
      • Centre map on Facilities Management Building
      • Centre map on Ludlow Hall (Rear)
      • Centre map on Alumni Memorial Building
      • Centre map on Annex C
      • Centre map on Bailey Drive
      • Centre map on Bridges House
      • Centre map on Campus House
      • Centre map on Carleton Hall
      • Centre map on Central Heating Plant
      • Centre map on D'Avray Hall South
      • Centre map on Dunn/Kidd/Tibbits
      • Centre map on Facilities Management Building
      • Centre map on Facilities Management Building
      • Centre map on Forestry & Geology
      • Centre map on Harriet Irving Library
      • Centre map on Harriet Irving Library (Upper Lot)
      • Centre map on Head Hall
      • Centre map on Head Hall (A-level)
      • Centre map on Head Hall (B-level)
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Science Library
      • Centre map on Kierstead Hall
      • Centre map on Kings College Road
      • Centre map on Lady Beaverbrook Gym South
      • Centre map on MacKay Drive North
      • Centre map on MacKay Drive South
      • Centre map on MacLaggan Hall
      • Centre map on MacLaggan Hall (Upper Lot)
      • Centre map on McConnell Hall
      • Centre map on Memorial Hall East
      • Centre map on Memorial Hall West
      • Centre map on Pacey Drive
      • Centre map on R.N. Scott Hall
      • Centre map on Residence Administration
      • Centre map on Security and Traffic
      • Centre map on Singer Hall
      • Centre map on Sir Howard Douglas Hall West
      • Centre map on Student Union Building (Lower Lot)
      • Centre map on Wu Conference Centre
      • Centre map on Bailey Drive
      • Centre map on Harrison House
      • Centre map on MacKay Drive
      • Centre map on MacKay Drive North
      • Centre map on Pacey Drive
      • Centre map on Peter Kelly Drive
      • Centre map on Student Union Building
      • Centre map on Windsor Street
      • Centre map on Aitken Centre South
      • Centre map on Alumni Memorial Building
      • Centre map on Bank and Bookstore
      • Centre map on Dunn/Kidd/Tibbits
      • Centre map on Head Hall
      • Centre map on I.U.C. Forestry
      • Centre map on Kings College Road
      • Centre map on Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre
      • Centre map on Pacey Drive
      • Centre map on Security and Traffic
      • Centre map on Sir Howard Douglas Hall East
      • Centre map on Sir Howard Douglas Hall South
      • Centre map on Sir Howard Douglas Hall West
      • Centre map on Wu Conference Centre
      • Centre map on Brian Mulroney Hall (BMH)
      • Centre map on Edmund Casey Hall (ECH)
      • Centre map on George Martin Hall (GMH)
      • Centre map on Holy Cross House (HCH)
      • Centre map on J. B. O'Keefe Fitness Centre (OKE)
      • Centre map on Margaret Norrie McCain Hall (MMH)
      • Centre map on Sir James Dunn Hall (JDH)
      • Centre map on Welcome Building (ADM)


  • Regular Location
  • Wireless Internet available
  • Accessible parking


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Marshall d'Avray Hall

Marshall d'Avray Hall picture

Marshall d'Avray Hall built as a result of a bequest to honour Joseph Marshall de Brett. An Englishman who had grown up in the courts of France, Joseph Marshall de Brett, the second Baron d'Avray, first came to this province not to serve as a King's College professor but to establish, early in 1848, New Brunswick's first normal school for the training of teachers.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Adult Learners, Part-time Students (ALPS) (103A)
  • Centre for Enhanced Teaching & earning (CETL) (125)
  • Education, Faculty of (327)
  • Early Childhood Centre (215)
  • Field Services (325-1)
  • Learning Centre (212)
  • Mi'kmaq-Maliseet Institute (343)
  • NB Centre for Educational Administration (325-1)
  • Second Language Research Institute of Canada (346)
  • Imaging Services (106)
  • Media Services (124)
  • Disabilities, Services for Students (212)
  • Teaching ≈ Learning Centre (125)
  • Eaton Multimedia Centre (N/A)
  • Interactive Multimedia Instructional Lab (IMIL) (237)
Marshall d'Avray Hall
10 MacKay Drive Yes Marshall d'Avray Hall

Ludlow Hall

Ludlow Hall picture

Ludlow Hall named for the province's first chief justice, George Duncan Ludlow. The official opening of the Ludlow Hall in October 1968 included an address by John Turner, then was federal minister of justice.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Law, Faculty of (202)
  • Law Library (111)
  • Property Studies, Centre for (214)
Ludlow Hall
41 Dineen Drive Yes Ludlow Hall

Harriet Irving Library

Harriet Irving Library picture

Built in 1968, it is named for the wife of New Brunswick's most prominent businessperson, K.C. Irving. UNB libraries hold over one million bound volumes, three million microforms, 220,000 government documents, 49,000 maps, and 4,000 current print journals, as well as many rare books, manuscripts, the University archives and a number of other special collections.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location
Harriet Irving Library
5 MacAulay Lane Yes Harriet Irving Library

Annex C

Annex C picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Anthropology, Department of (28)
Annex C
13 MacAulay Lane Yes Annex C

Bailey Hall

Bailey Hall picture

UNB's Biology building named for Prof. Loring W. Bailey who joined UNB in 1861 and taught for forty-six years, a record for continuous teaching that remains unbroken to this day.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Animal Care (28)
  • Biology, Department of (29)
  • Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility (25)
Bailey Hall
10 Bailey Drive Yes Bailey Hall

Keirstead Hall

Keirstead Hall picture

Reverend Wilfred Currier Keirstead was the formal designation of the popular professor known affectionately to his students as "Tubby". He was appointed professor of economics and philosophy at UNB, beginning a 36 year career as one of the university's most distinguished educators. Keirstead Hall, built in 1968 as the headquaters of the psychology department, is named in his honour.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy (307)
  • Psychology, Department of (119)
Keirstead Hall
38 Dineen Drive Yes Keirstead Hall

MacLaggan Hall

MacLaggan Hall picture

Home of the faculty of nursing, the building was named in honour of the first director of the school in 1968. Katherine MacLaggan, an outstanding nursing educator and scholar, wrote Portrait of Nursing which had a major impact on the development of nursing education on Canada.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Nursing, Faculty of (106)
MacLaggan Hall
33 Dineen Drive Yes MacLaggan Hall

R.N. Scott Hall

R.N. Scott Hall picture

Founded in 1965 as the "Bio-Engineering Institute", the Institute has evolved to become a world renowned, multi-disciplinary research unit involved in a broad spectrum of activities in biomedical engineering. The Institute's mandate is to further education, research and community service in biomedical engineering.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Biomedical Engineering, Institute of (1)
R.N. Scott Hall
25 Dineen Drive Yes R.N. Scott Hall

Forestry & Geology Building

Forestry & Geology Building picture

Forestry & Geology Building was an imposing addition to the campus in 1931.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Geology, Department of (112)
Forestry & Geology Building
2 Bailey Drive Yes Forestry & Geology Building

I.U.C. Forestry

I.U.C. Forestry picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Forestry ≈ Environmental Management, Faculty of (101)
I.U.C. Forestry
28 Dineen Drive Yes I.U.C. Forestry

F.J. Toole Hall

F.J. Toole Hall picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Chemistry, Department of (J)
F.J. Toole Hall
30 Dineen Drive Yes F.J. Toole Hall

I.U.C. Science Library

I.U.C. Science Library picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Science ≈ Forestry Library (N/A)
I.U.C. Science Library
4 Bailey Drive Yes I.U.C. Science Library

I.U.C. Physics & Admin

I.U.C. Physics & Admin picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • UNB Teachers, Association of (112)
  • Financial Services (001 & 107)
  • Payroll Services (107)
  • Human Resources ≈ Organizational Development (102)
  • Physics, Department of (206/209)
  • Science, Faculty of (109)
I.U.C. Physics & Admin
8 Bailey Drive Yes I.U.C. Physics & Admin

Carleton Hall

Carleton Hall picture

The first building to be considered home to the Faculty of Arts � Carleton Hall � was built in 1960.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Classic ≈ Ancient History, Department of (239)
  • Culture ≈ Language Studies (333)
  • English, Department of (247)
  • Philosopy, Department of (209)
Carleton Hall
19 MacAulay Lane Yes Carleton Hall

Tilley Hall

Tilley Hall picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Conflict Studies, Centre for (42)
  • Arts, Faculty of (26)
  • French, Department of (231)
  • History, Department of (120)
  • Mathematics ≈ Statistic, Department of (418)
  • Political Science, Department of (219)
  • Sociology, Department of (20)
Tilley Hall
9 MacAulay Lane Yes Tilley Hall

Singer Hall

Singer Hall picture

In 1987, a significant addition to Tilley Hall was made as a result of a bequest to honour Ethel Singer, the first Jewish woman to graduate from UNB.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • International Business Studies, Centre for (260)
  • Business Administration, Faculty of (255)
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership, Centre for (260)
  • Economics, Department of (465)
  • Policy Studies, Centre for (453)
Singer Hall
7 MacAulay Lane Yes Singer Hall

Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium

Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium picture

For more information about the Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium, go to http://www.unbf.ca/CampusRec/lb

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Kinesiology, Faculty of (N/A)
  • Campus Recreation (N/A)
Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium
2 Dineen Drive Yes Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium

Head Hall/Electrical Engineering

Head Hall/Electrical Engineering picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • CADMI Microelectronic Inc. (H-106)
Head Hall/Electrical Engineering
19 Dineen Drive Yes Head Hall/Electrical Engineering

Head Hall/Civil Engineering

Head Hall/Civil Engineering picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Civil Engineering, Department of (124)
  • Atlantic Masonry Research ≈ Advisory Bureau Inc. (310)
  • Geological Engineering Program (124)
  • Dr. J. Herbert Smith Centre (H225)
Head Hall/Civil Engineering
17 Dineen Drive Yes Head Hall/Civil Engineering

Head Hall

Head Hall picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Chemical Engineering, Department of (D-39)
  • Nuclear Engineering, Chair in (E-230)
  • Power Plant Engineering, Chair in (E-230)
  • D.C. Campbell Chair in Highway Construction ≈ Pavement (A-6)
  • Construction Technology Centre Atlantic Inc. (H-229)
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of (D-36)
  • Engineering, Faculty of (C-28)
  • Geodesy ≈ Geomatics Engineering (E-54)
  • Information Technology Services (ITS) (D-11)
  • Engineering Library (C-15)
  • Mechanical Engineering, Department of (E-41)
Head Hall
15 Dineen Drive Yes Head Hall

Gillin Hall

Gillin Hall picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Computer Science, Faculty of (E-128)
Gillin Hall
540 Windsor Street Yes Gillin Hall

Information Technology Centre

Information Technology Centre picture

A Centre designed to assist and support the growth of the Information Technology industry in New Brunswick. Website: http://www.cs.unb.ca/itc/

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location
Information Technology Centre
550 Windsor Street Yes Information Technology Centre

Maggie Jean Chestnut

Maggie Jean Chestnut picture

Wireless Availability

  • Everywhere except residence areas
Maggie Jean Chestnut
811 Charlotte Street Yes Maggie Jean Chestnut

McLeod House

McLeod House picture

Opened in 1974. There are 24 doubles / 112 singles / 40 specials rooms available.

McLeod House
810 Montgomery Street No McLeod House

Magee House

Magee House picture

The University operates one apartment building, Magee House located on the Fredericton Campus. The building can accommodate 101 families in 49 one bedroom, 47 two bedroom and 5 three bedroom apartments.

Magee House
780 Montgomery Street No Magee House

Joy W. Kidd House

Joy W. Kidd House picture

A war bride of a different stripe, Joy Kidd was a captain in the British armed forces when she met her husband, also an officer, and immigrated to Canada in 1945. Widowed in 1962, she worked in the financial aid office of the University of Toronto before coming to UNB in 1966 as dean of women's residences. She endorsed the concept of co-ed residences and, when she stepped down in 1985, welcomed the integration of the men's and women's residence systems.

Joy W. Kidd House
42 MacKay Drive No Joy W. Kidd House

Lady Dunn Hall

Lady Dunn Hall picture

Lady Dunn Hall, the first on-campus women's residence, was orginally to have been called Mary K. Tibbits Hall, in recognition of UNB's first woman graduate. But Lord Beaverbrook decide just prior to the sod-turning in 1961 to name it in honour of Sir James Dunn's widow.

Wireless Availability

  • Cafeteria
Lady Dunn Hall
40 MacKay Drive Yes Lady Dunn Hall

Tibbits Hall

Tibbits Hall picture

Ladies were not permitted to enroll at the University until 1886 when Mary Kingsley Tibbits challenged this regulation and was the first, regularly admitted, female student.

Points of Interest

  • Development ≈ Donor Relations, Office of (148)
Tibbits Hall
40 MacKay Drive No Tibbits Hall

MacKenzie House

MacKenzie House picture

Opened in 1965. There are 39 doubles / 20 singles rooms available.

MacKenzie House
43 MacKay Drive No MacKenzie House

Bridges House

Bridges House picture

Opened in 1962. There are 43 doubles / 14 singles rooms available.

Bridges House
45 MacKay Drive No Bridges House

Neill House

Neill House picture

Opened in 1965. There are 43 doubles / 8 singles rooms available.

Neill House
22 Bailey Drive No Neill House

Neville House

Neville House picture

Opened in 1961. There are 43 doubles / 8 singles rooms available.

Neville House
16 Bailey Drive No Neville House

Harrison House

Harrison House picture

Thomas Harrison, who grew up in Sheffield, NB, was the first native New Brunswicker to serve as UNB president.

Harrison House
12 MacAulay Lane No Harrison House

Aitken House

Aitken House picture

Opened in 1958. There are 47 doubles / 1 single rooms available.

Aitken House
14 Bailey Drive No Aitken House

Lady Beaverbrook Residence

Lady Beaverbrook Residence picture

The first university residence was a gift from Lord Beaverbrook who, growing up in New Brunswick as William Maxwell Aitken, studied law, and over the succeeeding years developed an increasing interest in the welfare of the university. Other buildings brought into being through his efforts and those of his family were the Lady Beaverbrook Gymnasium, Aitken House, Ludlow Hall, and the Aitken Centre.
Lady BeaverBrook Residence

Lady Beaverbrook Residence
9 Dineen Drive No Lady Beaverbrook Residence

Maggie Jean Chestnut

Maggie Jean Chestnut picture

Wireless Availability

  • Everywhere except residence areas
Maggie Jean Chestnut
811 Charlotte Street Yes Maggie Jean Chestnut

Residence Administration

Residence Administration picture

UNB considers residence living to be part of a student's total academic experience. Residence l(2, ife at UNB aims to provide the student with an environment that encourages cultural, social, and intellectual growth within an academic context. In the summer months the residences welcome individuals and groups to stay at UNB while visiting or meeting in Fredericton. All year around UNB offers meeting space, on-site catering and other services to people looking to meet on campus. A wide range of services are available and meetings, conferences, weddings, reunions and other special events are coordinated through Conference Services.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Residential Life ≈ Conference Services (N/A)
Residence Administration
20 Bailey Drive Yes Residence Administration

I.U.C. Physics & Admin

I.U.C. Physics & Admin picture

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • UNB Teachers, Association of (112)
  • Financial Services (001 & 107)
  • Payroll Services (107)
  • Human Resources ≈ Organizational Development (102)
  • Physics, Department of (206/209)
  • Science, Faculty of (109)
I.U.C. Physics & Admin
8 Bailey Drive Yes I.U.C. Physics & Admin

Sir Howard Douglas Hall

Sir Howard Douglas Hall picture

The building that housed King's College is now known as the Sir Howard Douglas Hall (Old Arts Building) and is the oldest university building in Canada still functioning as a viable part of a university campus. In the Great Hall are portraits of past presidents and two memorial stained glass windows. Immediately to the left of the front entrance is the Edwin Jacob Chapel, named in memory of the Vice-President and Principal of King's College. A permanent display illustrating the history of the University is located in the Great Hall, including the cornerstone of the building, laid in 1826 and excavated in 1978 prior to the sesquicentennial celebrations.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • V.P. Campus Services ≈ Planning (104)
  • Campus Safety (5)
  • Graduate Studies, School of (317-320)
  • President Office (111)
  • Registrar's Office (N/A)
  • Research Services, Office of (215)
  • Student Recruitment (308)
  • University Secretariat (110)
  • VP Academic (105)
  • VP Finance ≈ Administration (112)
  • VP Research (212, 214, )
Sir Howard Douglas Hall
3 Bailey Drive Yes Sir Howard Douglas Hall

Central Heating Plant

Central Heating Plant picture

Central Heating Plant provides electricity, steam, propane, furnace oil, and domestic hot and cold water to all campus facilities. Conservation efforts to save money are always a priority at UNB.

Central Heating Plant
950 College Hill Road No Central Heating Plant

Salt Storage Building

Salt Storage Building picture

Salt Storage Building is a part of UNB's Physical Plant facilities.

Salt Storage Building
948 College Hill Road No Salt Storage Building

Building #7

Building #7 picture

Building #7 is a part of UNB's Physical Plant facilities.

Points of Interest

  • Records Storage Facility (n/a)
Building #7
6 Garland Ct. No Building #7

Header House

Header House picture

Header House is a part of UNB's Physical Plant facilities.

Points of Interest

  • Facilities Management Equipment Storage (n/a)
Header House
4 Garland Ct. No Header House

Yellow Building

Yellow Building picture

Yellow Building is a part of UNB's Physical Plant facilities.

Points of Interest

  • Storage Facility (n/a)
Yellow Building
7 Garland Ct. No Yellow Building

Hut #5

Hut #5 picture

Hut #5 is a part of UNB's Physical Plant facilities.

Points of Interest

  • Omni Facility Services (n/a)
Hut #5
3 Garland Ct. No Hut #5

Storage Shed

Storage Shed picture

Storage Shed is a part of UNB's Physical Plant facilities.

Storage Shed
5 Garland Ct. No Storage Shed

Facilities Management Building

Facilities Management Building picture

This building is the administrative centre for UNB's Facilities Management unit.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Facilities Management (N/A)
Facilities Management Building
767 Kings College Road Yes Facilities Management Building

South Gymnasium

South Gymnasium picture

Gymnasium facilities for the Faculty of Education used also for University Registration activiies and special events.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location
South Gymnasium
16 MacKay Drive Yes South Gymnasium

Aitken University Centre

Aitken University Centre picture

Aitken University Centre - University of New Brunswick's Multi Purpose facility. Opened in May of 1976 with the University Spring Encaenia and followed by a sell out Anne Murray Concert, the Aitken University Centre (AUC) has hosted in excess of 3,000 major ticketed Events during the past 22 years. Owned and Managed privately by the University of New Brunswick, the Centre has played the role of the Municipal Civic Centre for the greater Fredericton region for all of those years.

Wireless Availability

  • Arena
  • Colter Room

Points of Interest

  • Athletics (1)
Aitken University Centre
20 MacKay Drive Yes Aitken University Centre

University Dome

University Dome picture

The University Dome is found on Chapman Field from December through April of each academic year.

University Dome
MacKay Drive No University Dome


The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER picture

The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER is UNB's newest building and a beacon for health and wellness in the province. It boast several gymnasiums, fitness and exercise rooms, an indoor running track and an advanced human performance research lab.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location
15 Peter Kelly Drive Yes The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER

Institute for Information Technology (NRC)

Institute for Information Technology (NRC) picture

The Institute is proud of its research excellence and innovative business practices and values its R&D collaborations in information and telecommunications technologies with business, universities and government agencies, in Canada and around the world.

Points of Interest

  • Canada Institute for Science ≈ Tech Information (N/A)
  • Industrial Research Assistance Program (N/A)
  • National Research Council Canada (N/A)
Institute for Information Technology (NRC)
46 Dineen Drive No Institute for Information Technology (NRC)

Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre

Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre picture

Muriel McQueen Fergusson was a lawyer long before women would be accepted into the profession. She was a city councillor in Fredericton, the first woman senator from the Atlantic region and the first woman to serve as Speaker of the Senate. She was a tireless and uncompromising activist for the rights of women and the poor. She spent her life setting the standard for New Brunswick women and women everywhere.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (N/A)
Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre
678 Windsor Street Yes Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre


The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER picture

The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER is UNB's newest building and a beacon for health and wellness in the province. It boast several gymnasiums, fitness and exercise rooms, an indoor running track and an advanced human performance research lab.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location
15 Peter Kelly Drive Yes The Richard J. CURRIE CENTER

College Hill Daycare

College Hill Daycare picture

College Hill Daycare has 60 spaces available. These spaces can be applied for by affiliates of UNB / STU and non-affiliates.

Points of Interest

  • Daycare (N/A)
College Hill Daycare
850 Montgomery Street No College Hill Daycare

Wu Conference Centre

Wu Conference Centre picture

The ultramodern Wu Conference Centre is a state-of-the-art meeting and training facility, specifically designed to enhance educationally related activities such as conferences, seminars and workshops. The Centre is part of the University's pursuit of excellence in teaching, research and community service.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • College of Extended Learning (N/A)
  • Centre for e-Learning Development (215)
  • English Language Programmes (111)
  • Security ≈ Traffic (3)
Wu Conference Centre
6 Duffie Drive Yes Wu Conference Centre

Burden Academy

Burden Academy picture

As a Centennial project, the University brought to the campus and restored a one-room New Brunswick schoolhouse, located for more than a hundred years at Burden in York County. The schoolhouse, located at the King's College Road entrance, was officially opened in May 1967.

Burden Academy
Windsor Street No Burden Academy

Enterprise UNB #1

Enterprise UNB #1 picture

Operated by the University of New Brunswick, Enterprise UNB is a facility focused on enterprise and entrepreneurial development. Enterprise UNB is a direct link between the university and the business community and also provides business services to small enterprises allowing them to make the transition from a concept to a thriving business.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Limerick Pulp ≈ Paper Centre (217)
  • Cleaning Services (SMS Modern) (N/A)
  • Enterprise UNB (110)
  • Nuclear Energy Research, Centre for (121)
Enterprise UNB #1
2 Garland Ct. Yes Enterprise UNB #1

Enterprise UNB #2

Enterprise UNB #2 picture

Enterprise UNB operates from the University of New Brunswick campus, Fredericton, New Brunswick, and provides services to both resident and outreach clients. Resident clients can lease space at affordable rates with all utilities provided including state of the art telecommunication facilities.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location
Enterprise UNB #2
8 Garland Ct. Yes Enterprise UNB #2

UNBEA Building

UNBEA Building picture

Points of Interest

  • UNB Employees Association (10)
UNBEA Building
10 Garland Ct. No UNBEA Building

Campus House

Campus House picture

Originally built as a residence for University President Colin B. MacKay in 1957, Campus House is now the headquarters for the Centre for Conflict Studies as well as several scholarly journals such as Fiddlehead and Acadiensis.

Points of Interest

  • Acadiensis (11)
  • Fiddlehead (2)
  • Studies in Canadian Literature (2)
Campus House
11 Garland Ct. No Campus House

Bank & Bookstore Building

Bank & Bookstore Building picture

UNB's Fredericton campus bookstore, carries books, textbooks, computers, supplies, clothing and giftware. This building also houses a branch of the Bank of Montreal.

Points of Interest

  • Bank of Montreal (N/A)
  • Bookstore (N/A)
Bank & Bookstore Building
29 Dineen Drive No Bank & Bookstore Building

Alden Nowlan House

Alden Nowlan House picture

One-time residence of New Brunswick poet and author, Alden Nowlan, 676 Windsor now houses the UNB Graduate Students' Association.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Graduate Student Association (1)
Alden Nowlan House
676 Windsor Street Yes Alden Nowlan House

Bonar Law-Bennet Building

Bonar Law-Bennet Building picture

UNB's first library building was orginally presented to the university by the provincial government in January 1931. It was named in honour of Andrew Bonar Law, prime minister of Great Britain from 1922 to 1923, and R.B. Bennett, prime minister of Canada from 1930 to 1935. Both had been born in New Brunswick.

Points of Interest

  • Archives of NB, Provincial (1)
Bonar Law-Bennet Building
23 Dineen Drive No Bonar Law-Bennet Building

Memorial Hall

Memorial Hall picture

Built to honour the 35 UNB Alumni who died in the First World War, Memorial Hall was originally designed as a science building in 1924.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Art Centre (11)
  • Musical Arts, Centre for (22A)
  • Theatre UNB (24)
Memorial Hall
9 Bailey Drive Yes Memorial Hall

McCord Hall

McCord Hall picture

McCord Hall, located at the east entrance of the Sir Howard Douglas Hall (Old Arts Building), was once used as the University's ice house. The nineteenth-century structure was restored in 1963 and named in honour of David T.W. McCord, the distinguished writer and former executive director of the Harvard University Fund Council, and honorary graduate of UNB.

McCord Hall
7 Bailey Drive No McCord Hall

Brydone Jack Observatory

Brydone Jack Observatory picture

The Observatory, located at the east entrance to the Sir Howard Douglas Hall (Old Arts Building), was built in 1851 through the efforts of William Brydone Jack, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy at King's College and later President of UNB. Constructed of wood, it has an octagonal tower especially designed to house its equatorial telescope. It now houses a small museum.

Brydone Jack Observatory
5 Bailey Drive No Brydone Jack Observatory

Community Health Clinic

Community Health Clinic picture

The Community Health Clinic (CHC) operated by the Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick began operation on December 1, 2002 at its present location at 275 Brunswick Street.

The University of New Brunswick and the Faculty of Nursing established the CHC to meet several pre-determined goals. At the University level the facility provides a way for the University to become more visible and connected to the community while fulfilling its mandate of teaching and research, as the CHC is being utilized as a teaching and research facility. For the Faculty of Nursing the CHC serves to provide access to primary health care services for persons living in the community. In addition, the CHC provides continuity for the service and teaching that has previously taken place in multiple facilities around the city for limited bursts of time. It also provides the additional benefit of being consistent resource for the development of a health research program, one of the University's top research priorities for the coming years.

Community Health Clinic
275 Brunswick Street No Community Health Clinic

Student Union Building

Student Union Building picture

The Student Union Building was the result of a collaboration between UNB and St. Thomas Students and the UNB administration. Built in 1969, it was designed to provide student services that could no longer be accommodated in the Memorial Hall.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Brunswickan, The (35)
  • CHSR-FM (223)
  • Student Union (126)
Student Union Building
21 Pacey Drive Yes Student Union Building

Neville Homestead

Neville Homestead picture

he Neville Homestead, a small white clapboarded house on the east side of the campus, dates back to 1876. Fred Neville, University groundskeeper for 42 years, lived in the house from his birth in 1878 to his death in 1969. The Neville family first settled the land in 1850 with a purchase from the Hon. William Odell. In its 84th year, the house was moved a short distance to its present location to make way for a new men's residence, named to honour Mr. Neville. The Homestead now houses the Student Employment Service.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Student Employment Services (N/A)
Neville Homestead
58 MacKay Drive Yes Neville Homestead
C. C. Jones Student Services Centre
26 Bailey Drive No C. C. Jones Student Services Centre

Alumni Memorial Building

Alumni Memorial Building picture

In 1955, the Alumni Memorial building was built to provide a central building for student services. It was widely considered to be the most modern and attractive in Canada at the time.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Alumni Office (119)
Alumni Memorial Building
13 Bailey Drive Yes Alumni Memorial Building

Student Union Building

Student Union Building picture

The Student Union Building was the result of a collaboration between UNB and St. Thomas Students and the UNB administration. Built in 1969, it was designed to provide student services that could no longer be accommodated in the Memorial Hall.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Brunswickan, The (35)
  • CHSR-FM (223)
  • Student Union (126)
Student Union Building
21 Pacey Drive Yes Student Union Building

McConnell Hall

McConnell Hall picture

Finished in the summer of 1961, McConnell Hall was one of the most impressive buildings on the campus with its windows overlooking the St. John River.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location
McConnell Hall
19 Bailey Drive Yes McConnell Hall

Bank & Bookstore Building

Bank & Bookstore Building picture

UNB's Fredericton campus bookstore, carries books, textbooks, computers, supplies, clothing and giftware. This building also houses a branch of the Bank of Montreal.

Points of Interest

  • Bank of Montreal (N/A)
  • Bookstore (N/A)
Bank & Bookstore Building
29 Dineen Drive No Bank & Bookstore Building

Alden Nowlan House

Alden Nowlan House picture

One-time residence of New Brunswick poet and author, Alden Nowlan, 676 Windsor now houses the UNB Graduate Students' Association.

Wireless Availability

  • Entire location

Points of Interest

  • Graduate Student Association (1)
Alden Nowlan House
676 Windsor Street Yes Alden Nowlan House

Holy Cross House

Holy Cross House picture

Department office of Catholic Studies, Political Science, Philosophy, Native Studies, Human Rights, Great Ideas, and English as a Second Language.

Holy Cross House
845 Montgomery Street No Holy Cross House

Welcome Building

Welcome Building picture

The Registrar's Office and Recruitment

Welcome Building
53 Dineen Drive No Welcome Building

Brian Mulroney Hall

Brian Mulroney Hall picture

Professional Studies Building of Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Work. Department offices for Criminology, Gerontology and Criminal Justice Studies.

Brian Mulroney Hall
825 Montgomery Street No Brian Mulroney Hall

Edmund Casey Hall

Edmund Casey Hall picture

Ted Daigle Auditorium, Department offices for English, History, Irish Stuidies, Religious Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Environment and Society, Romantic Languages, Psychology, Sociology, and Women's Studies and Gender Studies.

Edmund Casey Hall
51 Dineen Drive No Edmund Casey Hall

George Martin Hall

George Martin Hall picture

Cafeteria, Chaple, Campus Ministry,  Dean of Students, Institutional Research, Financial Services, HR and Research Offices.

George Martin Hall
59 Dineen Drive No George Martin Hall

J. B. O'Keefe Fitness Centre

J. B. O'Keefe Fitness Centre picture

A state of the art fitness center with all cardiovascular equipment available, Athletics Offices

J. B. O'Keefe Fitness Centre
65 Dineen Drive No J. B. O'Keefe Fitness Centre

Margaret Norrie McCain Hall

Margaret Norrie McCain Hall picture

Noël A. Kinsella Auditorium, Dr. Daniel O'Brien Study Hall, President's and Vice-Presidents' Offices, Alumni Office, Department offices for Fine Arts, Math, Science and Technology Studies, and Journalism and Communications.

Margaret Norrie McCain Hall
9 Duffie Drive No Margaret Norrie McCain Hall

Sir James Dunn Hall

Sir James Dunn Hall picture

Cafeteria,  Residence Life Offices, Computer Labs, IT Services, Black Box Theather

Sir James Dunn Hall
67 Dineen Drive No Sir James Dunn Hall