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DOI News

News Releases

DOI® News: September 2014 (PDF)

DOI® News: October 2013 (PDF)

DOI® News: January 2013 (PDF)


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DOI Outreach Meeting 2014, 21 November 2014, Milan, Italy

The 2014 DOI Outreach Meeting, organised by DOI Registration Agency mEDRA, focused on services enabled by DOIs demonstrated by use cases showing applications and external projects within the DOI community. A collection of presentations from the meeting is available here. See also "DOI unveiled", a Smart Book Report on Outreach Meeting 2014 by Paola Mazzucchi, AIE - mEDRA

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DOI System reaches 100 million registrations

The 100 millionth DOI has now been assigned, via the Entertainment Identifier Registry, a DOI-based registry of universal unique identifiers for movie and television assets. This significant milestone builds on earlier growth. The ten millionth DOI was assigned in August 2003 via another major Registration Agency, CrossRef, as a persistent, interoperable, and extensible identifier to a technical article in a journal; and the millionth DOI was assigned in April 2000. DOIs are assigned by a growing federation of Registration Agencies across a variety of content sectors and language areas, and are in use by over 12,000 registrants. For further information, see DOI Registration Agencies & Entertainment Identifier Registry.

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International DOI Foundation participates in new Linked Content Coalition

The International DOI Foundation is pleased to be one of the six founder Board members of the LCC. A further group of standards bodies, including many of the International Agencies for the ISO TC46/SC9 Information and Documentation identifier standards, are now set to join. The Linked Content Coalition (LCC) is a not-for-profit global consortium of standards bodies and registries with a remit to facilitate and expand the legitimate use of content in the digital network. Its Ten Targets for a Digital Future aim to ensure that every creator and every creation can be automatically identified on the Internet if they wish to be; that every creation can have machine-readable rights information linked to it (whether for commercial or free use); and that existing standards of different media types can be interoperable. Download the full press release from LCC more information.

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Facilitating the use of DOIs in Wikipedia

Wikipedia is the 8th largest referrer of DOI links to published research, despite only a fraction of eligible references in the free encyclopaedia using DOIs. CrossRef, a DOI Registration Agency, is joining with Wikimedia in launching a new initiative to better integrate scholarly literature in the world's largest public knowledge space, Wikipedia. This work will help promote standard links to scholarly references within Wikipedia, which persist over time by ensuring consistent use of DOIs and other citation identifiers in Wikipedia references. See the CrossTech posting to learn more.

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DOI Outreach Meetings

DOI outreach meetings were held in Asia in December 2013, on December 4 in Taipei and December 6 in Beijing. These were one day meetings were organised by local DOI Registration Agencies (Airiti, Inc. in Taipei; The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) in Beijing). The meeting theme was "Open Meeting: Innovative Content Applications Driven by DOI". Each meeting gave an overview of DOI and its underlying principles, followed by presentations from several RAs (CrossRef, DataCite, and EIDR) describing how they have implemented DOI for their industries and giving examples of the applications that have been built. Presentations from the outreach meetings are available here.

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Another DAM podcast interview with Norman Paskin

Transcript of Norman Paskin's interview with Henrik de Gyor, July 12, 2012. Dr. Paskin discussed his involvement with Digital Asset Management, his involvement in the development of ISO Standard 26324 and the standard's application to DAM systems (among many other Enterprise Content Management solutions), and his advice for DAM Professionals and people aspiring to become DAM Professionals. View the transcript and listen to the podcast.

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DOI System reaches one billion resolutions per year

The DOI system reached a significant point in its development during 2012, with DOI resolution growing to a rate of one billion DOI resolutions per year. 2012 also saw the publication of the DOI system as international standard ISO 26324 and the appointment of additional Registration Agencies. Note that by late 2014, DOI resolution had grown to a rate of 1.2 billion DOI resolutions per year.

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China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Appointed New DOI Registration Agency

The International DOI Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of a further Registration Agency in China. China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), launched in 1988, is the largest authoritative, comprehensive source of China-based information resources in the world, reflecting the latest developments in Chinese politics, economics, humanity and social science, science and technology. The parent company of CNKI is Beijing-based Tsinghua Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology Company (TTKN), founded by Tsinghua University. CNKI publishes databases containing e-journals, newspapers, dissertations, proceedings, yearbooks, reference works, etc. CNKI is the second agency to be appointed in China, with ISTIC already a major agency in the DOI community. The appointment of a second DOI agency in China reflects the importance of the digital sector in one of the world's largest economies.

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DOI system strengthens social infrastructure

DOI Registration Agencies are free to offer to their customers unique services built on DOI registration. The DOI system has now agreed an additional Registration Agency Collaboration Policy, which provides safeguards ensuring that customers can choose from multiple Registration Agencies for appropriate services whilst avoiding the allocation of multiple DOI names to the same entity, or conflicting services for one DOI name. The policy also sets out appropriate measures for sharing information across DOI Registration Agencies within the DOI federation. The policy joins other existing policies which form a social infrastructure unique to the DOI system, which ensures persistence and interoperability. For further information see the DOI Handbook, Chapter 6, Policies.

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Additions to DOI technical infrastructure

The DOI system provides a dedicated infrastructure system for DOI users, comprising 57 DOI handle servers in 14 international locations, in addition to the underlying Global Handle Registry™ (GHR) and DOI HTTP proxy servers, all of which are also distributed across multiple international locations. In 2013, the International DOI Foundation extended this dedicated DOI network further by initiating multiple cloud-based server resources to provide additional flexibility and resilience; the Foundation has also improved the management of existing resources.

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See also the news, press coverage, and publications archives.

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