GTA Online Heists - Series A Finale - Now Playing

Rob gets his GTA gang back together for the finale to the Series A Heist.

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Schedule: Wednesdays at 2pm PT


I 'd thought you'd do better being right next to each other. I had about the same issues and none of the people I ran with used mics sadly. =(


U lot get payed for this? Not being funny but u r all rubbish at the game.sad but so true.Get a grip.


The image of the video flickers bad, .....warning for people with epilepsy


I just hate the whole leveling things, you have to be level 12 to start the heists... why? There were no levels in the main game, none of my friends play games which require you to level up, we're all from before that generation. I just wanted to be able to jump in, mess around playing them with friends and have that be it, I didn't want to have to spend a few hours before hand grinding up.....

In the end we waited a year and a half for heists, we have no interest in the online portion, just want to play these heists together. We'll end up not playing them because we cannot just jump in and play them :\

Rockstar always make shite online, dunno how they keep getting it wrong and yet small modders like the GTA:SA MTA guys do it far better and everyone is still playing it all these years later. 

No one on PC will stick with GTA V online for long because Rockstar makes the menus so slow and cumbersome and go for animation over function. Just give us a Server Browser, make the menus quick and stop with the persistence thing, it's just too cumbersome.