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Life with a disability

Disabled people are often talked about as though they form one group. But every disabled person faces different challenges and health conditions.

The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as anyone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out day-to-day activities. These impairments include:

Older people are more likely to develop a disability and most disabled people are adults. More than 11 million people in the UK are disabled, around 6% of whom are children.

More people are living with a disability now than in the past because we’re living longer, and improved medical treatments are enabling more people to manage long-term health problems.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission says that 58% of people over 50 will have a long-term health condition by 2020.

Support for living independently

Disabilities of any kind present challenges, but this doesn’t mean that life with a disability can’t be fulfilling.

For most people, a fulfilling life means having control over their day-to-day activities and being able to choose how they live.

More than 1 million disabled people live alone in the UK, and many more lead independent lives with help. To learn more about independent living with a disability, read the article on Disability and independent life.

For a lot of people, independent life also means being employed. Half of the UK’s disabled people are in jobs, but it should be more. Read Work and disability to learn more.

Only 17% of disabled people are born with their disability. Most disabled people have had to adjust to their disability as adults. You can learn more about this in Adjusting to disability.

Caring for carers

It’s not just disabled people who are challenged by disability, but also the people who care for them. The term "carer" describes people who care for others on an unpaid basis, as opposed to people who are paid, such as care workers and home helps.

There are 6.5 million carers in the UK. If you’re one of them, you may be entitled to support, such as help with caring, home adaptations and equipment, and short breaks from caring. 

There's lots of practical advice as well as financial, legal and rights information for carers available from the Care and support section or by calling the Carers Direct helpline on 0300 123 1053.

Living with a disability

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In this video, Tim, Celia, Kate and Peter share their stories and describe how they found their own way to cope with their disability.

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Page last reviewed: 30/04/2014

Next review due: 30/04/2016


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The 1 comments posted are personal views. Any information they give has not been checked and may not be accurate.

Anonymous said on 28 March 2008

I think that helping disabled children is the right thing and other children shouldn't laugh at other children that are disabled, they should help them out

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