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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Space & Cosmos

The Soyuz spacecraft that will take Scott Kelly to the space station. Blast off is scheduled for 3:42 p.m. Eastern time on Friday.
Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters

The Soyuz spacecraft that will take Scott Kelly to the space station. Blast off is scheduled for 3:42 p.m. Eastern time on Friday.

NASA hopes to learn more about physical and psychological effects of space travel from the mission of Scott J. Kelly, who will have spent more time in space than any American when he returns.

Follow the International Space Station Launch

Scott Kelly is the first American astronaut to head into space for a year. He arrived at the International Space Station Friday with two Russians. See how the launch went with bits of trivia and photos.

Europeans (Carefully) Gaze Upward for Glimpse of the Solar Eclipse

As officials warned of possible power failures and encouraged people to view the phenomenon only through special glasses, excitement grew for the rare celestial event.

Solar Eclipse and Supermoon Have Europe Energy Providers Watchful

Energy operators reliant on the sun prepared for a day of headaches as a total eclipse coincided with a supermoon.

Watch a Total Solar Eclipse Without Venturing to a Remote Island

Friday’s eclipse appeared total only on the Faroe Islands and in Svalbard, Norway, but it can be seen without going farther than your computer.

Suddenly, It Seems, Water Is Everywhere in Solar System

Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, appears to have a roiling ocean with hydrothermal vents, while Ganymede, orbiting Jupiter, may have an ocean under ice, researchers report in two new papers.

NASA Mission to Study Magnetic Explosions Lifts Off

The Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, consisting of four identical spacecraft, will study a phenomenon that is key to understanding solar storms.

Mars Curiosity Rover Tracker

A selection of images from NASA’s Curiosity rover as it drives toward Mount Sharp.

Rosetta Is Tailing a Warming Comet

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft dropped a lander onto the rubber-duck-shaped Comet 67P/C-G and is following it as it swings closer to the sun.

Out There | Raining Fire

Though it is sedate in comparison with other stars, our sun is a volatile neighbor, a thermonuclear furnace fueling spectacular storms that send high-energy particles and radiation far out into space.

NASA’s Dawn Spacecraft Enters Orbit Around Ceres

Dawn has arrived at the dwarf planet Ceres, a Texas-size ball of ice and rock.

NASA’s New Horizons Probe Is Closing In on Pluto

The New Horizons spacecraft is now closer to Pluto than Earth is to the sun.

Recipe for a Small Planet

Astronomers have found a recipe for rocky, Earth-like planets orbiting other stars.