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The setting-up of this website was financially supported by the European Union within the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme from 1 January 2005 until 28 February 2007.

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News Messages
June 2007

29 June 2007
Monsanto responds to CRIIGEN study raising doubts on safety of GM crops
A study carried out by the research institute CRIIGEN raised doubts once more on safety assessments and testing of GM crops prior to approval for sale and consumption, ...

28 June 2007
EU Commissioner requests "green light" for GM foods
Peter Mandelson, EU Trade Commissioner, has warned that unless the EU closes the gap between its own GM approval system and those of countries exporting feed, "hungry cows" ...

28 June 2007
New method for better profiling of GM plants
Spanish scientists have developed a new technique that may result in better nutritional and safety profiles for the next generation of genetically modified plants. The method ...

28 June 2007
Court ruling on GM maize trial in Germany
The Bavarian Higher Administrative Court in Germany has overruled the judgement of a local court that originally decided in favour of a bee keeper. The first ruling ordered ...

27 June 2007
France: No suspension of GM maize
France will not ban the only genetically modified crop allowed in the country, MON810 from Monsanto, because there is no new information to question its approval, as stated ...

27 June 2007
First Australian field trials with GM wheat
In Australia, an application for the first field trial of the cultivation of genetically modified wheat has been approved by federal authorities. The trial of new GM wheat ...

22 June 2007
US study: Bt crops more ecological than conventional cultivation
Bt plants have fewer damaging effects on biodiversity than does the application of insecticides in conventional farming. The tallies are even better when insecticides are ...

22 June 2007
EU Study: Economic risks for EU meat industry due to slow approvals
The slow approval procedures for GM plants in the EU likely will affect the European meat industry, according to an internal report of the European Commissions’ DG AGRI cited ...

21 June 2007
No qualified majority for approvals of new GM maize
In the approval process of two new GM maize varieties, EU biotech experts have failed to agree. The first variety, MON810/NK603, is a product of Monsanto and is a hybrid of ...

15 June 2007
EU ministers agree on new regulation for organic production and labelling
On Tuesday, the EU agriculture ministers passed a regulation on the production and labelling of organic products. The use of genetically modified organisms remains ...

11 June 2007
Switzerland: research programme on benefits and risks of GM plants
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) has launched a research programme with 27 scientific projects that will investigate aspects of biology, economics, law and ethics ...

06 June 2007
EU authorises GMO carnations
The Australian company Florigene has been authorised to import and market genetically modified carnations in the European Union and to sell them as cut flowers. The carnation ...

05 June 2007
Large-scale trial of GM potatoes in Germany approved
The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) has approved large-scale field trials of the genetically modified potato Amflora. Developed by BASF ...

04 June 2007
US scientists develop new herbicide-tolerant GM crops
For the first time, US scientists have created genetically modified crops tolerant of the herbicide dicamba. Such new crops will augment current herbicide resistance ...

Messages 2013
Messages 2012
Messages 2011
June 29, 2007 [nach oben springen]

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