Steven Rattner

Jay Mallin/Bloomberg News

Steven Rattner, a long-time Wall Street financier, led the restructuring of the auto industry in 2009 as counselor to the Treasury secretary under the Obama administration. His book “Overhaul: An Insider’s Account of the Obama Administration’s Emergency Rescue of the Auto Industry” was published in 2010. He is the chairman of Willett Advisors, the investment arm for Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s personal and philanthropic assets, and the economic analyst for MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Follow Steven Rattner at

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Sep. 24, 2012

    Letter from New York State Assemblyman Richard N Gottfried responds to Steven Rattner Sept 17 Op-Ed article on rationing health care to control costs. MORE

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Europe’s Anti-Business Stance

The debate over stimulus vs. austerity misses the point.

January 29, 2015, Thursday

The Year in Charts

How economics and politics unfolded in 2014, as told in 10 graphics.

December 31, 2014, Wednesday

Inequality, Unbelievably, Gets Worse

Have we become inured to the struggles of the working class?

November 17, 2014, Monday

Megarich Plaintiffs, Legally Adrift

I’ve spent my life in finance, but these lawsuits are ridiculous.

October 20, 2014, Monday

Let Our Oil and Gas Go

Take advantage of our energy boom. Lift the ’70s-era export ban.

July 24, 2014, Thursday

Fear Not the Coming of the Robots

Historically, technology lifted us all by creating new jobs and greater efficiency.

June 22, 2014, Sunday

G.M.’s Flawed Culture

Looking under the hood of G.M. was the most stunningly disappointing dissection of a paid-up member of corporate America in my career.

June 11, 2014, Wednesday
MORE ON STEVEN RATTNER AND: General Motors , Corporations

End Corporate Taxation

It’s the only way to stop the rush to countries with lower rates on profits.

May 3, 2014, Saturday

Saving Young People From Themselves

We need to prepare millennials for retirement by mandating savings.

April 13, 2014, Sunday

Europe, Stuck in a Rut

Many of its economies are still in trouble, with little sign of sensible policy moves or the energy to implement them.

March 22, 2014, Saturday

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