Allison Arieff

Jim Wilson for The New York Times

Allison Arieff writes about architecture and design for The New York Times and numerous other publications, including the California Sunday, Dialogue and City Lab. The former editor in chief of Dwell magazine, she is co-author of the books “Prefab” and “Trailer Travel: A Visual History of Mobile America.”


Showers on Wheels

Design can’t solve homelessness, but a number of projects have emerged aiming to address the sanitation problems that can plague even rich cities.

January 17, 2015, Saturday

Don’t Like Your Neighbors’ House? Sue Them.

In North Carolina, a bitter fight over how a neighborhood should look.

July 13, 2014, Sunday

Can Paradise Be Planned?

To regain its appeal and improve its future, suburbia can’t just look to the past.

April 19, 2014, Saturday

The Search for Silence

We’re always taking in what our environment looks like, but have we become inured to what it sounds like?

March 21, 2014, Friday

What Tech Hasn’t Learned From Urban Planning

Companies flock to cities talking of community, then proceed to isolate themselves from the urban experience.

December 14, 2013, Saturday

Driving Sideways

Many experts, from architects to automobile executives, predict the ascendancy of the autonomous vehicle within three generations. Is that a good thing?

July 23, 2013, Tuesday

Prefab Lives!

Modular building, a design approach that once focused on single-family homes, is becoming increasingly popular for multi-unit residences.

May 23, 2013, Thursday

Reading the City

Finding out what makes cities smart, through books, conferences and hitting the pavement.

December 17, 2012, Monday

How Small Is Too Small?

In cities with serious housing problems, mini-apartments, however controversial, might be part of a solution.

October 19, 2012, Friday

Facebook Plays It Safe

Frank Gehry is an unsurprising choice to design Facebook’s new headquarters — and that’s the problem.

August 31, 2012, Friday

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