

China’s Broken Justice System

That the police have every incentive to extort confessions all but guarantees a stunning conviction rate.

March 18, 2015, Wednesday

How Best to Strengthen Chemical Regulations

Two bills raise the troubling question of whether to settle for a reasonable compromise or strive instead for a stronger reform to ensure the public’s safety.

March 18, 2015, Wednesday

An Israeli Election Turns Ugly

In his desperation to win, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resorted to fear-mongering and anti-Arab attacks.

March 18, 2015, Wednesday

The House Budget Disaster

The Republicans’ road map to a “Stronger America” sticks to the tired themes of tax cuts and spending cuts, no matter the need or consequences.

March 18, 2015, Wednesday

Murder? Pull Out the Kremlin Script

The murder of Boris Nemtsov has generated the usual theories about the West.

March 17, 2015, Tuesday

The Loretta Lynch Confirmation Mess

What seemed like a sure thing only a few weeks ago is now being held hostage to last-minute political mischief.

March 17, 2015, Tuesday

Gen. Petraeus’s Light Punishment

While whistle-blowers and other leakers of classified information have been imprisoned, the general stands to emerge largely unscathed from his case.

March 17, 2015, Tuesday

Venture Capital’s Boys’ Club on Trial

A gender discrimination lawsuit raises the curtain on an industry with a terrible record of hiring and promoting women.

March 17, 2015, Tuesday

In Rural India, Hoping for Jobs and Education in a Growing Economy

Even with a college degree, opportunities are still scarce.

March 16, 2015, Monday

Medicaid Expansion in Red States

Ideological gridlock is inflicting serious harm on state budgets, but the greatest losers are poor people who cannot afford health coverage.

March 16, 2015, Monday


Cuba: A New Start

On Dec. 18, the Obama administration announced that it would establish diplomatic ties with Cuba. Take a look back at the Editorial Board’s series calling for improved United States-Cuba relations.

The New York Times Calls for Marijuana Legalization

The federal government should follow the growing movement in the states and repeal the ban on marijuana for both medical and recreational use.

Can You Live on the Minimum Wage?

More than 4.8 million workers now earn the lowest legal pay. This calculator shows the hard choices that have to be made living on the smallest paychecks.

A Five-Decade Defense of Food Aid

Since the beginning of the modern food stamp program, The Times editorial board has frequently stood up for the nation’s food aid initiatives.

New York Times Endorsements Through the Ages

A collection of The Times’s endorsements for the presidency, from Abraham Lincoln in 1860 through the editorial board’s choice of Senator Barack Obama.

Talk to The Times: Editorial Page Editor Andrew Rosenthal

Andrew Rosenthal, the editorial page editor, answered readers' questions April 13-17, 2009.

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