Your gift matters

No matter how you give, or how much you give, your gift matters.No matter how you give, or how much you give, your gift matters. There are many different types of gifts you can make that will give opportunity to students at UNB. Click any of the links below for more details.

Regular donations - Gifts by cheque, cash, automatic withdrawal or credit card. Donate online or by the method of your choice.

Memorial Gifts - Give in memory, or establish a gift in memory of someone.

Estate Gifts - Establish a gift in your will or through other planned means such as life insurance or RRSPs.

Naming Opportunities - Make a gift in your name or in tribute to a loved one.

Shares and Other Investments - Make a gift of shares or other investments.

Matching Gifts - Make a matching gift with your employer.

Land - Make a gift of land.

Gifts in kind - Gifts of physical assets


How to make a gift

We are pleased to offer you a number of ways to make your gift: 

  • Give online. Note: you can specify how we should direct your gift in the online form - in memory of someone, directed to a specific scholarship or project etc., as well as other details that may be important to you.
  • Give by phone: 

Fredericton: (506) 453-5053
or 453-5120

Saint John: (506) 648-5989

Development and Donor Relations
University of New Brunswick
           P. O. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB P.O. Box 5050 Saint John, NB
           E3B 5A3 E2L 4L5

  • Give in person:

          Alumni Memorial Building, Lower Level, 13 Bailey Drive, UNB Fredericton    
or    G. Forbes Elliot Athletic Centre, Room 107A, 100 Tucker Park Rd., UNB Saint John

  • Give by pre-authorized payments:

           Mail this form to us with a cheque marked "void" or set it up online.

Please do not send cash in the mail.

Thank you for your donation.

Charitable Registration Numbers:

Canadian No. 10816 2025 RR0001          United States No. 23-710-3810

Important tax note: Please note that for UNB alumni living in the United States, the IRS recognizes your gift to our University as tax deductible.