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07 March 2008
New report indicates large GM potential for South Asia
Drought- and salt-tolerant rice may provide a added value of about three billion US dollars for India.

01 March 2008
Victorian moratorium on GM comes to an end
Two lines of genetically modified rapeseed have been approved by the government for cultivation.

27 February 2008
Chinese GMO expedited by high food prices
The Chinese government has been hesitant to approve genetically modified rice.

22 February 2008
GM bananas developed with enhanced nutrients
Scientists at the Queensland University of Technology (Australia) have applied for the limited release of genetically modified Cavendish bananas that possess more provitamin A, vitamin E and iron than conventional varieties.

21 February 2008
Approval of GMO crops: US and EU seek agreement
To resolve conflict caused by the ban on genetically modified crops in the European Union, diplomatic discussions have begun between the USA and the EU.

19 February 2008
Commission to approve five GMOs
The European Commission now is entitled to approve the import and processing of five genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

15 February 2008
German biotechnology law jumps last hurdle
Representing the German federal states (“Länder”), the "Bundesrat" has adopted a new set of rules for the voluntary labelling of "GMO free" animal products and for the cultivation of genetically modified maize.

15 February 2008
Portugal: Cultivation of GM maize extended
In 2007, 164 farms in Portugal grew genetically modified maize on a total area of 4,199 hectares. Upon examination, no neighbouring fields were found to contain a GMO content greater than 0.9 per cent.

15 February 2008
GM crops: cultivation areas increase to 114 million hectares
The cultivation of genetically modified crops worldwide has increased once more. Growing areas have expanded by 12 million hectares to a total of 114 million hectares. In the case of maize, a significant gain of 10 million hectares was noted.

15 February 2008
Brazil gives final permit for GMO maize varieties
13 February 2008
China must prove its rice to be GMO free
Beginning on April 15, all imports of Chinese rice products into the European Union must be accompanied by a certificate to prove they are free from the unauthorised GMO Bt 63. This decision by the European Commission has found the support of Member States in the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health in Brussels. However, the Committee failed to agree on the authorisation of two genetically modified plants for import and processing.

11 February 2008
France struggles with its attitude towards biotechnology
Following three days of intense debate, the French Sénat adopted a revised draft of a new biotechnology law on Friday guaranteeing farmers "the freedom to produce with or without genetically modified organisms". On the very same day, the Minister of Agriculture, Michel Barnier, officially notified the European Commission of France’s use of the safeguard clause and of national suspension of the cultivation of MON 810 maize.

05 February 2008
Bt cotton reaches two-thirds of current Indian output
According to statistics newly released by the Cotton Association of India, transgenic Bt cotton represents 66 per cent of Indian cotton grown in the current season.

01 February 2008
German Parliament amends biotechnology law
The German Parliament has adopted a new set of rules for the labelling of "GMO free" animal products and the cultivation of genetically modified maize.

23 January 2008
Poland may not ban genetically modified plants
Poland must allow the cultivation of genetically modified plants approved in the EU. The European Commission has rejected a draft law on genetically modified organisms (GMO) that would have restricted any plantings to designated zones and placed additional requirements on the use of GMO seeds.

22 January 2008
Germany:"Without gene technology" may be "with gene technology"
Animal-derived foodstuffs such as milk, eggs and meat commonly are produced using feed additives manufactured with the aid of gene technology. Nonetheless, such products in the future may be supplied with labels declaring them to be “without gene technology”.

14 January 2008
EU obtains further delay in WTO dispute
The European Union has gained additional time in its WTO trade dispute with Argentina, Canada and the United States on the authorisation of biotech products.

14 January 2008
Coalition reaches agreement on “without gene technology” label
The Grand Coalition of SPD and CDU in Germany has agreed on more precise regulations for labels declaring foodstuffs to be “without gene technology”.

13 January 2008
Maize MON 810: France triggers safeguard clause
France has triggered a safeguard clause provided in the EU law to extend its national ban of the genetically modified maize MON810.

02 January 2008
EU Ministers to decide on four more GMO approvals
The EU Council of Ministers is to decide on the authorisation of four more genetically modified plants comprised of three maize lines and one potato line. The European Commission submitted the necessary proposals to the Council shortly before the Christmas recess.

27 December 2007
The EU discontinues compulsory GMO controls for US rice imports
Rice imports from the USA no longer must be tested for GM impurities before being unloaded in European harbours. EU Member States have approved a proposal by the EU Commission, thereby lifting a ban implemented by decision in October 2006.

14 December 2007
BASF expects EU approval of Amflora within weeks
The chemical group BASF has expressed optimism that within a few weeks the European Commission may approve the genetically modified “Amflora” potato to be grown in Europe.

10 December 2007
Australia: The cultivation of GM rapeseed to begin in 2008
Approval for the planting of genetically modified rapeseed in Australia will take effect at the beginning of next year. The federal states of New South Wales and Victoria have revoked moratoria that had applied since 2004 to the cultivation of GM plants.

06 December 2007
German authority clears MON810
Genetically modified Bt maize MON810 may be sold again in Germany for commercial cultivation. The licensee Monsanto has received the all-clear from the competent authority, the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) on Thursday.

30 November 2007
Proof of Golden Rice efficiency
Critics disputed the potential of Golden Rice to fight the widespread vitamin A deficiency in developing countries, arguing that one would have to eat several kilograms of the genetically modified rice per day to achieve any positive effect. However, recent pre-studies now tell a different story.

29 November 2007
EFB urges Commissioner Dimas to follow scientific advice
The intent of Stavros Dimas, EU Commissioner for the Environment, to reject two Bt maize submissions has raised concerns by European scientists, institutes and the industry alike.

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The issue of contradictory results of biosafety studies
Opposition decreasing or acceptance increasing?
An overview of European consumer polls on attitudes to GMOs
German ban on MON810 maize: will the courts now decide?
China plans to invest in GM crops R&D and consumer education
"Find the wisdom to allow GM technology to flourish"
Results of the GMO Compass snapshot poll
Genetic engineering of cut flowers
Preliminary studies raise hopes: Golden Rice works well!
GMO labelling of foodstuffs produced from animals – the discussion continues
GM Crops in Australia – will the moratoria end?
International study: consumers would buy GM products
GM plants no problem for the honey industry
Are GMOs Fuelling the Brazilian Future?
Latest Eurobarometer: Yes to Biotech – No to GM Food
Barley, Beer and Biotechnology
Farm Fresh Pharmaceuticals
Study: GM Soy Dangerous for Newborns?
Safety evaluation: GM peas in Australia with unexpected side-effects
The western corn rootworm: A pest coming to a maize field near you
Plants for the Future

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