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IMDb > Lemon Breeland (Character)
Lemon Breeland
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Lemon Breeland (Character)
from "Hart of Dixie" (2011)

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Hart of Dixie: Season 4: Episode 10 -- As Zoe and Wade try to work out their issues, Zoe makes a life-changing decision and Wade does everything he can to make it happen before their baby is born.
Hart of Dixie: Season 4: Episode 9 -- AnnaBeth is visited in a dream by BlueBell’s founder, who prophesies five omens about the end of BlueBell.
Hart of Dixie: Season 4: Episode 4 -- When Lavon hears of Lemon’s financial woes, he organizes a BlueBell talent show, giving the townspeople, including Lemon, a chance to win some extra money.
Hart of Dixie: Season 3: Episode 1 -- In the season premiere, after a summer in New York, Zoe is ready to move permanently, but first she must return to BlueBell. Lemon has a plan to help out Wade in front of Zoe.

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Lemon Breeland is the daughter of doctor Brick Breeland in the bucolic town of Bluebell... See more »


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  1. "Hart of Dixie"
        - Bluebell (2015) TV episode, Played by Jaime King
        - End of Days (2015) TV episode, Played by Jaime King
        - 61 Candles (2015) TV episode, Played by Jaime King
        - The Butterstick Tab (2015) TV episode, Played by Jaime King
        - Alabama Boys (2015) TV episode, Played by Jaime King
          (71 more)

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From "Hart of Dixie: The Very Good Bagel (#4.3)" (2015)
Lemon Breeland: [to Dash] You're not a journalist, you blog about a town with roughly the population of Sesame Street. See more »

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