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Joined on Sep 6, 2012

bronxbombers4's recent activity

  • Boy that sounds awesome! I'm not sure I believe it, but it sounds awesome. More and more I think I am done with Canon despite their fantastic user interface and stunning lenses since even the D810 ...
  • Wow, it's way older than I expected (at least for those in this forum answering this poll). I wonder if a Canon or other brand poll might reveal a bit younger ages just due to the nature of when ...
  • Your monitor, being IPS in particular, doesn't come close to true pitch black, it's dark color, no light at all, is still only really a dark gray.
  • misolo - because what do you think the chances are that Canon goes to a new fab for the 5D4 and gives it more DR when they did not for the 5Ds? 0.0000000000000000000000001%??

  • ????

    First some do print, but the thing is displays have more DR than prints and they are coming out with HDR monitors soon which will have vastly more. 5k monitors are here and 8k ones are coming.

  • ????

    First some do print, but the thing is displays have more DR than prints and they are coming out with HDR monitors soon which will have vastly more. 5k monitors are here and 8k ones are...

  • That depends. They may have just locked it out. One of the Cxx cameras had dual pixel for like a year and nobody had a clue until they unlocked it with firmware.

  • sort of but not really in that doing it in camera means you don't need to waste a lot of storage space on the CF card and you don't need to waste a lot of storage space on your HD later on and it ...
  • Replied in Me Too
    Yup, I basically don't see them getting a sensor with better DR for a long, long time. The fanboys just cheer whatever arrives and mock anyway who hopes for more DR and I think that,plus their ...
  • Replied in not seeing
    unless the wood you are carving has legs and gets up and walks away in the meantime (i.e. multi-shot HDR is not possible some cases or less than optimum (it's also a lot less fun))
  • What they have lacked most of all is a high DR camera and still didn't deliver.
  • Not really. The D810 has the speed in crop for action and the DR and MP for landscapes in FF. All in one and it actually does the landscapes better overall (well it depends whether you value the DR...

  • "According to Canon Europe, much lower noise floor. Too soon to judge."

    If that is really so then why in the world are other Canon divisions saying it is the same DR as the 5D3 and why are they...

  • "The funny thing is that if Sony had been first to market with a 50 MP FF sensor, they would have been praised for their innovation. Even if they didn't offer any new sensor technology, but just...

  • Also, more, I think the beancounters just know that improving DR whether by going to a new fab, renting one, using sensors from others costs them anywhere from a ton to a tiny bit of extra money...

  • Unfortunately I don't think they have any photographers who control what happens over there and then they just target hyper specific little focus groups so we get incredibly insane misses like when...

  • So it was nearly impossible to take a sharp image with a 7D,70D,60D,7D2 then? They have the same sensor density, but not the ultra damped mirror.

  • @jnd - it hardly makes it useless and of course you can take millions of shots where it won't matter at all. But it's not hard to find scenarios where it would help. it would be nice to finally be...

  • I seriously doubt that.

    (Even if it were even partially true, so what? Since if this cam doesn't improve the sensor what makes you think the lower priced ones will?)

  • @nicolaiecostel - yes, also HDTV manufacturers plan to make virtually every display 4k within 2 years.

    Even if you don't:

    Plus, 4k scaled to 1080p gives a better 1080p than any 1080p camera...

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