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Anduin Wrynn

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AllianceAnduin Llane Wrynn
Image of Anduin Llane Wrynn

Crown Prince of Stormwind



Character class

Prince (Heir) of Stormwind, formerly King of Stormwind




Landen (great-great grandfather)
Adamant and Varia (great-grandparents)
Llane and Taria (grandparents)
Varian (father)
Tiffin (mother, deceased)
Ellerian noble family (maternal relatives)
Magni Bronzebeard ("uncle")
Jaina Proudmoore ("aunt")

"It's not too late to end this war." [1]

Crown Prince Anduin Llane Wrynn[2][3] is the heir to the throne of Stormwind. He is named after two venerated figures of Stormwind history: the legendary Anduin Lothar[4] and his grandfather King Llane. In contrast to his more abrasive and decisive father King Varian, Anduin is contemplative, curious, and diplomatic, as well as a follower of the Church of the Holy Light. Similar in ways to his surrogate aunt Jaina Proudmoore prior to Theramore's Fall, Anduin seeks a peaceful way to end the conflict between the Horde and Alliance. In his endeavours, he has made personal friends of several powerful figures outside the Alliance, including Baine Bloodhoof, the August Celestials and Wrathion.


The Boy King

Anduin in the Trading Card Game.

During the time of renewed tranquility after the Second War, King Varian Wrynn was wed to a young, beautiful woman named Tiffin Ellerian in a pre-arranged marriage and conceived a son, Anduin, named for Lothar. When Arthas visited Stormwind, he also met the recently born Anduin. Anduin gripped his finger.[5]

After the dust had settled from the Third War, Varian was asked to cooperate with Thrall. He hesitated but Anduin convinced him at least to go and hear the orc leader through Katrana's objections. He journeyed to Theramore to speak with Lady Jaina Proudmoore regarding Horde/Alliance relations. En route, he was abducted by the Defias who had been told of his diplomatic trip through a spy rumored to live within the Kingdom of Stormwind itself. Shortly after King Varian was kidnapped, Bolvar Fordragon was made Regent-Lord of Stormwind and vowed to find and rescue King Varian at any cost. Lady Prestor also became a royal advisor, and convinced Highlord Bolvar to have King Varian's 10-year-old son, Anduin Wrynn, crowned King of Stormwind, though the actual power remained in Fordragon's hands until either Varian was returned or Anduin reached the age of ascension.[6]

From the WoW manual

"King Anduin is as wise a ruler as any ten-year-old has a right to be. Recently his father, King Varian Wrynn, went missing under suspicious circumstances while en route to a diplomatic summit at Theramore Isle. At the behest of the royal councilor, Lady Prestor, young Anduin was given the crown so that order could be preserved within the kingdom of Stormwind. Though few citizens are aware that their true king has been missing for so long, Anduin does the best he can to allay their fears. It is widely held that the boy will grow to become a shrewd leader one day."[6]

Return of the Kings

Prince Anduin Wrynn

A massive ceremony was later held in Stormwind to welcome home their king. However, the Varian that returned was arrogant, frivolous, and markedly interested in Katrana Prestor. The people of Stormwind had only been informed that the Defias had ransomed the king, a ransom paid with a painful new tax. Upon his return, however, Varian seemed concerned only with spending more of his people's money, leaving affairs of state by the wayside. Anduin Wrynn was distressed by his father's change.

A few days later in Stormwind City, King Magni Bronzebeard was on a visit and was discussing war plans against the orcs and Dark Iron dwarves with King "Varian" and Bolvar Fordragon. However, Varian Wrynn was counseled by Lady Katrana Prestor to not send troops to help the dwarves fight against the dark irons. King Magni left disappointed in Varian's subservience to Lady Prestor's wishes and his dishonorable demeanor. While going to the Deeprun Tram, Magni was met by the young Prince Anduin Wrynn who told the dwarven king that he too suspected something was amiss about his "father".

Some time later, Anduin was practicing his archery with his "father" and asked Varian how he was kidnapped by the Defias. Anduin further questioned him how he later came into the hands of the naga for ransom, in reply to which his father told him that his past was a blank and he could not recall any events before his rescue. For Anduin's improvement in his archery, Varian granted him one reward. Anduin requested that the details of Varian's disappearance be further investigated.

Later Anduin, Varian, Bolvar, and Lady Prestor were riding horseback through the countryside outside Stormwind, with Anduin imploring his father to listen to Stormwind's problems. However, before Anduin could elaborate, his horse was purposely roused by an unknown assailant, causing Anduin to lose control and tumble over a ledge. Varian swiftly caught Anduin, but upon making physical contact, his mind was enveloped with a flashback of past events. Anduin, embracing his father, lost any doubts about him being an imposter. Varian started to tell Bolvar, Anduin, and Lady Prestor about his visions, until Lady Prestor touched him and remarked how astonished she was by his nobility. Bolvar surmised that Varian became befuddled when around her, losing his honor and respect for others. Bolvar became more anxious to discover the secrets of Varian's abduction and sudden return, knowing this would lead to trouble.

One day, a second Varian and his allies marched through the gates of Stormwind. Katrana Prestor hastily gathered soldiers only to have the first Varian tell her that she was disobeying the chain of command and was not in charge of Stormwind. Entering Stormwind Keep, the second Varian - known by the nickname Lo'Gosh - declared Katrana's masquerade was over and called her by her true name: Onyxia.

Corruption Ends

Anduin threatened by Onyxia.

As Onyxia revealed her dragon form and transformed multiple guards into dragonspawn, Lo'Gosh and his allies began battle in the great hall of Stormwind Keep. The arrival of Highlord Bolvar Fordragon along with Anduin greatly aided them in securing the keep but Reginald Windsor was killed moments later by Onyxia. Anduin, surprised by seeing two Varians, urged them to stop fighting each other and face the true threat, the brood mother Onyxia. The great dragon snatched Anduin and teleported them to her lair; daring Varian to follow suit. Regrouping with their friends, the two Varians were left to grieve the loss of their son. Lo'Gosh told their friends and allies that the final battle would end in Onyxia's Lair.

Though imprisoned by Onyxia in her lair, Anduin was able to cut through his rope restraints and evade Onyxia's dragonkin guards. Using his wits, he bunkered down in a small crevice where Onyxia's pursuing dragon whelps wouldn't be able to reach him. He was able to evade capture until Varian and his reinforcements arrived. Onyxia held Anduin hostage, threatening to kill him if Varian didn't surrender Stormwind over to her. Anduin urged his father not to give in to her threats and Lo'Gosh agreed to fight and die with Anduin if need be. Lo'Gosh threw a knife at the dragon's claw to loosen her hold over Anduin. Anduin fell from a great height but was caught and saved by Broll Bearmantle, who had assumed his raven form to catch Anduin mid air. With Anduin's safety secured, the Stormwind army continued the battle.

Leading an assault against Onyxia, both Varians engaged her in battle. Weapons and magic clashed with her numerous dragonkin, with both sides determined to win. Becoming desperate to end the fight, Onyxia began casting the spell she was going to use on Alcaz Island to kill Lo'Gosh, but Lo'Gosh's double responded by stepping in front of the blast, saying he should die because Lo'Gosh was the embodiment of the true Varian. Not willing to sacrifice his double, Lo'Gosh leapt alongside his other self hoping to save him. The magic spell became disrupted by having the two Varians in the spell, and after a moment of silence Varian emerged, his two halves fused back together. Onyxia tried desperately to incinerate him, but Varian swiftly reached Onyxia's head and impaled her. With Onyxia dead, Varian reunited with his son and friends, telling them that their long and noble deeds would be rewarded and that Stormwind had been reborn with a new hope for the future.

Theramore Peace Summit

While returning to Theramore, Varian was asked by Jaina Proudmoore to meet with the orc Warchief Thrall so that they may discuss plans to ease tensions between the Horde and Alliance. Varian however, was still wary of orcs for their role in Stormwind's destruction during the first war and didn't trust them to be true allies. Though he was content with just Stormwind and the Horde no longer being in a state of open war and reluctant to enforce such a peace, he was convinced by Anduin and Valeera to attend citing that a human-orc alliance may benefit Stormwind’s prosperity.

Scourge Invasion

WoW Icon 16x16.png This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft.

WoW-comic-logo-16x68.png This section concerns content exclusive to the World of Warcraft comics.

When the Scourge attacked Stormwind Varian and Bolvar went to defend the city. At first, Varian wanted to get Anduin to the safety, but moments later, a Scourge soldier almost attacked Varian from behind and Anduin threw a dagger into him saving Varian's life. Bolvar then commanded Anduin to get atop a city tower and shoot undeads with his bow. Stormwind won the battle and Varian pronounced that Alliance forces led by Bolvar will strike into Northrend. Anduin was saddened by Bolvar's leaving and by the upcoming war. Varian then calmed Anduin by telling him that after the death of Lich King, there will be a world of peace.

Wrath of the Lich King

WotLK This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.

During the Wrath of the Lich King Beta test, the only change to the Stormwind Throne Room was the addition of the throne itself. Anduin stood in front of it at his usual spot. Later Anduin got the title <Prince of Stormwind> and stood at the side of his father, who has returned from his long absence.

Weeks after the Lich King was killed, Anduin became the victim of the Emerald Nightmare, suffering his nightmares.[7]

The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft novels or short stories.

Varian and Anduin bond over a hunt.
Anduin witnesses King Magni's petrification.

For a long time Anduin has longed for peace. He longs for a reprieve from the countless deaths and casualties taken from war and natural disasters. Unfortunately, this sometimes puts him at odds with his father’s aggressive nature, which threatens to throw their kingdom into more conflict and war. Though Anduin is wary of Varian's violent outbursts, he understands that his father is a just man who wants to protect the Alliance's interests, and that he needs compassion for the burdens he has to undertake to make the decisions of a leader. Burdens he realizes that he too will inherit some day. He took Bolvar’s death very hard.

Although his archery and dagger throwing skills are superb, Anduin has no talent for martial training or handling heavy weapons, unlike his father. Despite this, Varian wants for him to become a warrior. Anduin follows a pacifist philosophy and is more compassionate and understanding; concerned more with the preservation of life. Though not considered weak by his father, he is considered soft. King Varian allows him to spend more time in Theramore under the guidance of Jaina Proudmoore while Varian tries to figure out how to deal with the aggressive outbursts evoked from his Lo'Gosh personality. Jaina gives Anduin a  [Hearthstone] she had already arranged to be created for him, which is set to her living room in Theramore and links it to him, so that he can easily teleport over for a visit anytime he likes.

He later spends time in Ironforge as a Stormwind diplomat. Though he believed that he was sent there to aid the dwarves in such troubling times, to his chagrin, he quickly figures out that Varian hopes training with the dwarves would toughen him up (much like Hjalmar Anvilmar's training had improved Varian's own martial skills). During his time in Ironforge, Anduin also discovered his true calling in life: to be a priest devoted to the tenets of the Holy Light. For those who know Anduin well, this discipline is a perfect fit for the prince, who has consistently proven himself to be compassionate and thoughtful. While there, Anduin also witnesses first hand the destruction of the Cataclysm as earthquakes wreaked havoc in Khaz Modan, leading to the death of one of his friends, Aerin. In order to stop the earthquakes, King Magni led a small procession down into a secret place in the city, Old Ironforge, where he used the Ulduar tablets and was cursed with petrification. Anduin was present to represent Stormwind, and among the gathering of dwarves and gnomes was the only human to be invited. It may even be possible that he was the first human to ever see Old Ironforge in all its glory. During the funeral of Magni, Anduin for the first time saw heroes like Tyrande Whisperwind, Malfurion Stormrage and Nobundo.

In the wake of King Magni’s petrification, Moira Thaurissan returned to Ironforge to claim the throne. Backed by the Dark Iron clan, Moira ruled Ironforge arrogantly and with an iron fist. She held all the people of Ironforge hostage, including Prince Anduin. Anduin escaped Ironforge with Jaina's hearthstone, just as Baine Bloodhoof also happened to be visiting her. At Theramore, he and Baine discussed their problems and their similar situations of being sons of leaders. Through their discussion, both discovered new insights on the difference between right and wrong and what it means to be a leader. Near the end of their discussions, Anduin gave Baine the great mace Fearbreaker. Anduin's reasons behind it were "it had chosen Baine, as it had chosen Anduin beforehand."

When Anduin heard Varian and eighteen SI:7 operatives were on a mission to liberate Ironforge and assassinate Moira Thaurissan, Anduin rushed back to Ironforge via Jaina's mage portal to convince Varian to spare Moira’s life. Just before Varian was about to execute Moira, Anduin intervened and urged him that it would be better to guide Moira to be a better leader rather than to just execute her. Despite Moira being a tyrant who held the city hostage, she was still the legitimate heir to the throne and killing her would only put the succession of Ironforge into question, thus leading to more chaos and conflict. Whereas if she lived, through her and her son, all dwarven clans could unite. Varian slowly agreed but was also conflicted as Moira had caused so much chaos and had already threatened the safety of his son. Varian agreed to spare Moira’s life but stipulated that if Moira was to be a leader and unite the dwarves, she would have to earn her crown by earning her people's respect. In order to take into account the opinions of all dwarves, Varian called for the formation of the Council of Three Hammers. Father and son hugged and reconciled while the populace of Ironforge applauded King Varian’s decision.[2]


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Anduin journeyed with his father to a summit of the Alliance delegates in Darnassus. Upon arriving in the middle of the banquet; his father started deprecating Genn Greymane and the rest of Gilneas for abandoning the Alliance in their hour of need during the Third War. During Varian's chiding, Malfurion noticed Velen's sudden interest in the young prince. When his father abruptly retired to his guest chambers, Anduin was inadvertently left behind and was found talking with Velen about the Light. Their discussion however was interrupted when the young prince's personal guards noticed he didn't retire with them and came to retrieve him. It was later that night, while the prophet was meditating in the Temple Gardens, that Anduin approached him again, wondering if they could resume their discussion.

After reflecting on his discussion with Velen, he was certain that the Light had a plan for him but knew that Varian's willful and overprotective nature was holding him back. It was after Anduin overheard the argument between Malfurion and Varian, that he made his decision and informed his father about his choice to leave, stating that he wanted to pursue whatever destiny the Light was drawing him to. When he felt that he couldn’t get his father to listen to him, Anduin started to leave. Varian, in a fit of anger and desperation, grabbed his son's arm, inadvertently hurting him in the process. Though he loves his father, this violent act has caused Anduin to be wary of him. Varian then suggested to Anduin that he should study with Archbishop Benedictus, in order to get his son to stay in Stormwind, but the young prince declined, stating that Benedictus was not right for what he needed to learn, and that he needed to go elsewhere, as previously informed by High Priest Rohan, and that elsewhere was with the prophet Velen.

After a final plea by King Varian, Anduin said his good-byes and headed towards the Temple Gardens to inform Velen of his decision. After making sure that the young prince was certain of his choice, Velen offered to take Anduin under his wing and noted that he has a great destiny ahead of him within the Light. After the battle for Ashenvale, Anduin sends a message to Varian to let him know that he will return to Stormwind City after his journey with Velen is completed.[8]

Prophet's Lesson

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When human refugees started to congregate outside the Exodar in the wake of the Cataclysm, Anduin was among them, offering his services and healing the sick. Despite his altruism, many of the refugees resented him for his special relationship with his mentor Velen. When Anduin questioned Velen about why he did not warn about the Cataclysm, Velen showed him a vision of a world destroyed by the Burning Legion, explaining that as terrible as Deathwing and the Cataclysm were, the war with the Burning Legion was a far greater struggle. That night, Anduin had a vision of the universe, utterly decimated by the Burning Legion. But then beings of Light appeared, rescuing him from the dark and saying, "Each life, a universe."

As the weeks passed, tension increased between the draenei and the human refugees, and Anduin rebuked Velen for focusing entirely on the Burning Legion while other, more immediate concerns pressed. When the refugees started a riot, leading to a fight with the draenei guards, Anduin rushed to Velen, begging him to stop the needless slaughter. Reminding the prophet of the words in his vision, that every life is a universe to protect, Velen at last realized that he had lost sight of the present world and its needs by being so focused on the future. Stopping the fight between the refugees and guards, Velen told Anduin that he would one day be a powerful priest and a wise king, and Anduin wished only that his father had heard those words.

Blood of Our Fathers

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Anduin and Varian in Stormwind Keep.

Anduin returned to Stormwind for Remembrance Day, only to find his father in the throne room shouting at a group of nobles. Disappointed that his father was still ruled by his temper, Anduin left the throne room. He was reunited with his father shortly thereafter by Archbishop Benedictus, who had arranged a meeting for them at Tiffin’s grave at Stormwind City Cemetery. Having been reminded of their love for Tiffin and of family, the bad blood between father and son soon faded away. Varian apologized to Anduin for being so blind in not recognizing the man Anduin has become, recognizing Anduin's strengths and giving him his mother's locket.

Their tender reunion was cut short by the arrival of a group of Twilight's Hammer assassins that had followed them to the cemetery, intent on killing both king and prince. The pair fought back, with Anduin using the Light to bolster and protect his father. However, the last of the assassins managed to summon a massive drakonid as he died, which eventually overcame Varian's defenses and nearly killed him. With his father dying, Anduin conjured a barrier to protect them and dispelled the drakonid's defensive magic, allowing Varian to use the last of his strength to slay the beast. As Varian lay dying, he told Anduin that he loved him, that he was proud of him, and not to mourn him as this had always been his fate. Though Marcus Jonathan and Jaina Proudmoore wanted to take Anduin to a more secure location, Anduin refused to leave his father. Praying to the Light, he infused his father’s body with an influx of divine energy and saved his life.

In his Remembrance Day speech that evening, Varian stated that though in the past they relied on strength and steel to forge their destiny, a time would come when leaders would need to be healers instead of warriors: those who mend instead of those who break. Anduin watched his father with pride and love as his words stirred the hearts of their people.[9]


Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

Anduin in Catacylsm

As soon as Alliance players reach level 84, a quest chain leading to the Twilight Highlands opens up, revolving around the Twilight's Hammer and the player's and Anduin's discovery of a traitor in the Stormwind Keep throne room.

He is directly involved in the following quests:

  1. A [84] My Son, the Prince
  2. Complete all of:
  3. Complete all of:
  4. A [84] Expert OpinionQuest Avail 16x16.png
  5. A [84] A Villain Unmasked

Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft novels or short stories.

While Anduin continued his studies about the Holy Light with the draenei, he remained in contact with his "aunt" Jaina through a magical mirror. He and Jaina engaged in brief small talk about his studies and when Jaina went to go meet with Thrall, the young prince told her to be careful and to give his best to Thrall.

When word reached to Anduin about the Attack on Theramore Isle, he quickly returned home knowing that if Jaina had survived, she would venture to Stormwind. To his utter joy, his "aunt" did survive but during the subsequent hug he gave to her, he noticed that Jaina was stiff in his embrace. After answering why he was in Stormwind, Anduin was silent while Jaina and his father talked about going to war. However, as Jaina, in her quest for vengeance, began to advocate the slaughtering of all the orcs, Anduin quickly yelled her name in a mixture of pain, shock, and horror. When Varian pointed out that the Alliance shouldn't rush into the war and Anduin mentioned how not everyone in the Horde would agree with Garrosh Hellscream's decision to use the mana bomb, Jaina, in turn, berated both father and son: calling Varian a coward and Anduin a gullible child, while apologizing for her role for encouraging his naivete in that regard. Jaina then called Varian and Anduin fools and turned her back on them when they cried out her name and stepped toward her imploringly. That night, both father and son had a long conversation about what exactly hatred could to do to a person. Anduin mentioned that while he knew why the Alliance had to fight the Horde, he made it clear that he did not want to be like Jaina; attacking with hatred in his heart.

Later on, as Anduin, Varian, and Broll Bearmantle observed the new ships being constructed for the Alliance war effort at Stormwind Harbor, the young prince questioned if the night elves would be able to fight their way out of the Horde's blockade. Broll assured him and Varian that the night elves were doing the best they can at the moment and that any lives sacrificed had to count; pointing out that the Alliance had a better chance of victory when they were focused together. After contemplating Broll's words and gazing at the harbor, Anduin couldn't help but wonder why the Horde attacked Theramore with the mana bomb. He furthermore mentioned that the Horde had no idea that the civilians were transported away from Theramore. Varian laid a comforting hand on his son's shoulder and told him that he wished he could tell him why people did horrible things. Upon Anduin's inquiry if Garrosh will win if the Alliance doesn't stoop to his level, both Broll and Varian declared that they would never allow that to happen as long they both live and breathe. When Anduin further asked if Jaina would ever get better, his father told him that he hoped so.

During an Alliance meeting, Anduin informed everyone that Jaina had been to Theramore when Gelbin Mekkatorque asked if anyone had gone there following the massacre. When Gelbin, while relieved at her survival, questioned why she was not present in their planning, Varian only replied that she was too impatient to work with them and is fighting the Horde using her own methods. Soon afterwards, Varian was able to convince those at the meeting to commit to his plan to attack Orgrimmar itself. Later, both his father and Anduin gave an inspirational speech to remind the Alliance exactly what they were fighting for: they will fight the Horde for justice, not genocide, and would never stoop to the monstrous tactics that the Horde has committed. They will embody the ideals of the Alliance and will gain victory on their terms. At the end of his own speech, Anduin called upon the Light to bless all those going off to war, including his father. With Stormwind's king on the battlefield, Anduin was left in charge of the kingdom and was noted to have two draenei vindicators as bodyguards.

Mists of Pandaria

MoP This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria.

Anduin in Pandaria

While on a diplomatic mission, Anduin's royal flagship, The Vanguard, was engaged by the Horde's southern fleet. During the naval battle, Admiral Taylor bade him to the ship's hold where he felt restless and was unable to help injured soldiers. The flagship ran aground into an uncharted landmass shrouded in dense mists. Given the code name "White Pawn" by the Alliance, he's shipwrecked in the Jade Forest and the Alliance characters are tasked to find and rescue him. With the hold filling with water, Anduin left the ship and ventured inland.

He is later rescued from hozen pursuers by Ren Whitepaw. The Alliance adventurer discovers his whereabouts through a vision instigated by a pandaren dream brew. After finding Anduin, helping him heal Ren's fever and learning more about the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, SI:7 agents arrive to return Anduin home. He refuses however, as he wants to find the Sacred Pools of the Vale and study their healing powers. He then uses his powers of the Light to mind control his way out of their custody.[10]

However, not long after this he is captured by the Horde vanguard[11] and brought to General Nazgrim at Grookin Hill, who identifies him.[12] Fortunately, he slips away from his captors during the battle at Serpent's Heart and caught a ride with a merchant's family as they fled west to Zhu's Watch in the Krasarang Wilds, where he met Mei Barrelbottom.

Mei tells him about the Crane Wind Order and on her advice he accompanied a courier to reach the Temple of the Red Crane and sought an audience with Chi-Ji. He studied with the disciples and under the tutelage of Chi-Ji and learned a great deal, but his time there became much shorter than he was expecting. When the Sha of Despair attacked the temple, Anduin escaped to the Crane Wing Refuge, where he accepts the help of adventurers of both the Alliance and the Horde in the defense of the temple from the Sha of Despair and its lesser minions.

Anduin is later present in the Temple of the White Tiger in Kun-Lai Summit, where he, the Alliance, and the Horde prove their worthiness to Xuen, the temple's August Celestial, in their quest to discover the Vale. Sunwalker Dezco, who is also present, is impressed with Anduin and sees why his High Chieftain regards him with such high esteem. They are in turn brought to the Gate of the August Celestials, where Xuen and his counterparts open the Gates to the Vale. After this, Anduin and the Alliance are the found in the Shrine of Seven Stars.

At the very conclusion of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms reputation questline, Mogu are attacking the Golden Lotus and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Anduin is found helping the defenders by using his powers of the Light to keep the mogu from entering Mogu'shan Palace.

He is directly involved in the following quests:

Jade Forest
  1. H [86] The Scouts Return
  2. H [86] Scouting Report: On the Right Track
  3. H [86] Scouting Report: Like Jinyu in a Barrel
  4. A [86] Finding Your CenterQuest Complete 16x16.png
  5. A [86] Sacred WatersQuest Avail 16x16.png
Krasarang Wilds
  1. N [87] The MurksweatsQuest Avail 16x16.pngQuest Complete 16x16.png
  2. N [87] Ahead on the WayQuest Complete 16x16.png & N [87] Striking the RainQuest Complete 16x16.png & N [87] Sha Can AweQuest Avail 16x16.pngQuest Complete 16x16.png
  3. N [87] In the House of the Red CraneQuest Avail 16x16.png
Kun-Lai Summit
  1. A [87] Temple of the White TigerQuest Complete 16x16.png
  2. A [87] A Celestial ExperienceQuest Avail 16x16.pngQuest Complete 16x16.png
  3. A [87] A Witness to HistoryQuest Avail 16x16.png
See also: Anduin Wrynn/White Pawn appearances


MoP This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria.

After Lion's Landing's construction, Anduin reunites with his father. Anduin tells Varian that the war will poison Pandaria but Varian assures Anduin that he is fighting the Horde not out of hatred, but for a love of what's right. Varian asks Anduin to trust him to do the right thing and to also lend him his support. Both Varian and Anduin resolve to work together to protect Pandaria. When news reached them that Tyrande Whisperwind and night elf rangers have been pursuing a Horde party holed up in the Temple of the Red Crane, Anduin advises Varian to not let the temple turn into a war zone as it is still recovering from a Sha infestation. Sensing that Garrosh was trying to lure the Alliance from the beach, Varian plans on defusing the situation with a handful of champions. Anduin trusts his father to handle the battle the right way and leaves the situation in his capable hands.

King Varian later sends Anduin and the Alliance player to negotiate with Jaina Proudmoore the withdrawal of blood elves from Dalaran as the Sunreavers claim fealty to the Horde and represent a major threat to the war effort. Jaina Proudmoore however, refused; citing a desire to maintain Dalaran's neutrality. Her reason being that despite her disdain for Garrosh, Dalaran could serve as a beacon of hope for peace. By showing the world that both Alliance and Horde can trust each other and work together in their city, the world would be able to believe that they could eventually be above the war.

Later on, Anduin summons the player to meet him in the Imperial Exchange. Once there, he explains that the Explorer's League brought back a sha sample from their expedition from Mogujia. He goes on to say that it escaped containment and that it has begun to infect some of their own men. Both the Alliance champion and Anduin work together to cleanse the Sha infestation. After completing the cleansing, Anduin and the champion arrive in time to see the Alliance's dignitaries and allies arrive. With everyone in attendance, they start the proceedings of their summit. Anduin reports to Varian that it was the Sha energy that was causing their troops to act so violently. Though Varian is confident that the Alliance could defeat any foe, Anduin advises Varian to not underestimate the Sha as it feeds on one's inner most weaknesses, twisting and manipulating their thoughts. Just then, an Echo of Hatred manifests and Jaina Proudmoore restrains it in an ice block. Many of the dignitaries are shocked or horrified by its dark power, while others see merit in the Sha and want to study or weaponize the Sha's energy. Varian asks for Anduin's opinion on the matter and he states that while it may be possible to harness the Sha's power as a weapon, they risk destroying their own people in the process, a price that he is not willing to pay. Varian concurs with his son's assessment and destroys the Sha, thereby forbidding its use.

Anduin then accompanied Sarannha Skyglaive into the Ruins of Korune where the Alliance found and teleported the Divine Bell to Darnassus. The Horde managed to steal the bell from the city, which was the reason for the Purging of Dalaran. After the purge, Anduin met with Varian and Jaina at Lion's Landing and witnessed Jaina pledge the Kirin Tor to the Alliance but also the ruined negotiations to get the Sin'dorei into the Alliance as a consequence of her actions.

After hearing about the Horde's acquisition of the Divine Bell, Anduin began searching for a means to counter its power. His research has led him to an item known as the Harmonic Mallet. The Harmonic Mallet was last seen in the hands of the Monkey King. The tomb of the Monkey King is located in Tomb of Conquerors, where he and his mogu adversary are frozen in jade. As legend has it, the Monkey King and a Mogu named the "The Jade Warlord" were in the middle of a duel until both of them somehow became petrified in jade. Anduin discovered an incantation to release him from the jade imprisonment but it would release the Jade Warlord as well. After the Alliance champion defeats the Jade Warlord, the Monkey King asks the champion to solve his three riddles in exchange for the whereabouts of the Harmonic Mallet: an instrument used by the Pandaren rebels in ancient times to counter the mogu's Divine Bell by turning its power into pure harmony. After solving his riddles, the Monkey King revealed that he had to to break the mallet and sent his minions to hide it's pieces in the far away corners of Pandaria in order to prevent it from falling into Mogu hands. Anduin and the Alliance player then go on a quest to reassemble the Harmonic Mallet.

When news reached the Alliance that Horde forces were amassing in huge numbers at Emperor's Reach, everyone expected Garrosh to use the Divine Bell. Knowing that time was of the essence, Anduin stole the Harmonic Mallet and went to stop Garrosh personally. The player witnesses Garrosh make a speech about the Horde's grand destiny, and how he will use the Divine Bell to erase weakness from his orcs and create a stronger Horde. Garrosh rings the Divine Bell and it turns his kor'kron into Sha. After they are dispatched by the player, Prince Anduin Wrynn intervenes and tries to deter Garrosh from using the Divine Bell. Anduin's pleas fell on deaf ears however, and Garrosh used the Divine Bell to sha infest his champion Ishi, who the player then has to fight. Though Garrosh encouraged his troops to master the Sha energy, in the end, none of his champions were able to do so. In the aftermath of the battle, Anduin used the Harmonic Mallet to turn the Divine Bell's chaos into pure harmony. This stuns Garrosh but Garrosh recovers and strikes at the bell and destroys it; causing the rubble to fall on Anduin and crushing his body.[13] Believing him dead, Garrosh lets the Alliance champion live to relay the fate of Anduin to King Varian; thereby illustrating the price for his continued defiance. The player discovers that Anduin still lives, albeit badly injured in Garrosh's unprovoked assault, and retrieves Anduin's broken body from the ruins.[14] Using a signal flare for immediate evacuation, they fly to Lion's Landing where Varian mourns and tends to his son, ordering for Velen to be sent to their location at once. Both Varian and Jaina Proudmoore are furious at this assault and swear to make Garrosh pay.[15] Despite Varian sending for Velen, Anduin ended up being healed by Pandaren Mistweavers.

He is directly involved in the following quests:

  1. A [90] The Kirin TorQuest Complete 16x16.png
  2. A [90] The Fate of DalaranQuest Avail 16x16.pngQuest Complete 16x16.png
  3. A [90] Anduin's PleaQuest Complete 16x16.png
  4. A [90] Heart Of The AllianceQuest Avail 16x16.png
  5. A [90] The Harmonic MalletQuest Complete 16x16.png
  6. A [90] The Monkey KingQuest Avail 16x16.png
  7. A [90] The Greatest PrankQuest Complete 16x16.png
  8. A [90] The Bell SpeaksQuest Complete 16x16.png
  9. A [90] Breath of Darkest ShadowQuest Avail 16x16.pngQuest Complete 16x16.png
  10. A [90] The SilenceQuest Avail 16x16.png

Rise of the Thunder King

MoP This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria.

Wrathion and Anduin chatting.

Anduin was healed by pandaren mistweavers but is still recovering from his injuries. Despite objections from his father, Anduin insists on wandering around talking to people. He is revealed to be in the Veiled Stair recovering from his wounds and escorted by Alliance guards and by Sunwalker Dezco. There he met Wrathion and has been playing a pandaren board game with him. As they play, he and Wrathion discuss Lei Shen, the Thunder King, and his leadership style; to which they disagree with each other if whether his tyrannical and brutal reign should be applauded or not. Anduin disapproves of Wrathion's hard cutthroat outlook and Wrathion likewise thinks Anduin too soft. Although suspicious of the black dragon and thinking that he shouldn't be trusted, Anduin is still intrigued by him. Later on, when Wrathion gives the player the Crown of Heaven, Anduin warns the player to think twice before putting it on. When the adventurer brings the  [Heart of the Thunder King], he felt a chill within him at the first sight of it. Then Wrathion takes it from the adventurer and Anduin expressed his revulsion as Wrathion without warning ate it and began to reveal memories in his head that Anduin didn't understand. After that, Anduin says aloud that he doesn't trust what Wrathion saw; Wrathion replies that "it is wise not to."

Timeless Isle

Anduin appears on the Timeless Isle, accompanied by two Royal Bodyguards, standing by a table with Kairoz, Lorewalker Cho and Wrathion. At the conclusion of B [90] Time Keeper Kairoz, Anduin notes that time is frozen on the isle, and asks what could have created such an effect, to which Kairoz replies that this is what he wants to find out.

Siege of Orgrimmar

Anduin along side with the rest of the Alliance forces, bore witness to a defeated Garrosh Hellscream. When Varian returns to his faction, Lady Jaina Proudmoore advised the High King to "dismantle the Horde". Varian commands his guards to march with him towards the Horde side and Anduin, confused of what he intended to do, questioned him of what he was doing. Varian responded to him, "What a king must do." He then witnessed his father negotiate a peace with the Horde.

I think my father did the right thing. If we tried to occupy Orgrimmar, the fighting would never stop. And what about the rest of the Horde? Would we resort to internment camps? We've been down that road before - it doesn't work!
We deposed of a warmonger and replaced him with a leader we can work with. It's our only chance for peace in the future.

War Crimes

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft novels or short stories.

Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.


Notable appearances
Location Level Health
Stormwind City 5 204
Jade Forest 5 204
Jade Forest 15 656
Krasarang Wilds 87 214,985
Kun-Lai Summit 90 393,941
Veiled Stair 90 12,160
Timeless Isle 90 12,160
Siege of Orgrimmar 90 1,969,705


Although only a teenager, Stormwind's prince, Anduin, has persevered through numerous trials and tribulations, such as being kidnapped by the scheming black dragon Onyxia. His greatest challenge, however, might lie in his relationship with Varian. Anduin is no stranger to his father's love and affection, but he is constantly wary of sudden outbursts from Varian's violent, gladiatorial side. Anduin has also struggled against his father's insistence that he become a warrior. Events just prior to the Cataclysm signaled a new chapter in Anduin's life. While undergoing martial training in the dwarven bastion of Ironforge, Anduin witnessed as Moira Thaurissan—the estranged daughter of the late King Magni Bronzebeard—held the city hostage with a contingent of Dark Iron dwarves. Despite being the legal heir to Ironforge, she drew the ire of Varian for her heavy-handed tactics. Before long, the king and a team of SI:7 agents infiltrated the city, intent on killing the brash dwarf heiress. Only through Anduin's wise and resolute intervention did Varian stay his hand and spare Moira's life, thus averting a political disaster that might have ignited a dwarven civil war.

During his time in Ironforge, Anduin also discovered his true calling in life: to be a priest devoted to the tenets of the Holy Light. For those who know Anduin well, this discipline is a perfect fit for the prince, who has consistently proven himself to be compassionate and thoughtful. No longer the child-prince of Stormwind from years past, Anduin is fast becoming his own man with the courage to speak up for what he believes in. He does not share Varian's outright hatred and mistrust of the Horde. On one occasion, he even imparted sage advice to the tauren chieftain Baine Bloodhoof after the death of his father, Cairne. Yet in Azeroth's current state of turmoil, it is unknown whether Anduin's destiny with the Light will proceed on its current course, or whether his path will take a different turn.[16]


Lore-wise, Anduin Wrynn was ten when the original World of Warcraft game was released. However, given the time change taken into account by the release of Wrath of the Lich King, he would be 12 years of age. [Anduin Wrynn's Gold Coin] fished from the Dalaran fountain has the flavor text "I wish I would grow up, it feels like I've been 10 for years."

Considering the fact that Arthas officially joined the Silver Hand when he was 19 - year 15. Arthas then claimed that Varian is a new father which indicates that Anduin was born around the year 15.[17] This confirms that Anduin was 10 around the time of World of Warcraft.

Stormrage, whose action takes place sometime after the fall of the Lich King, claims that he is not quite thirteen.

According to The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm and Wolfheart, which takes place before and after the Shattering, Anduin Wrynn is thirteen years old.[18][19]

Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, stated that he is fourteen. However, Ultimate Visual Guide claims that Cataclysm lasted for 2 years instead of 1 so Anduin is currently - around the time of Mists of Pandaria - 15 years old.

This is at odds with in-game data that states that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm takes place 6 years after World of Warcraft.[20][21] However, Ultimate Visual Guide ultimately confirms that the gap between World of Warcraft and Cataclysm was 3 years.


  • Greetings citizen.
  • Hi there. Have you heard any news of my father? (Removed in 3.0.2 with the return of his father.)
  • Enjoying your stay in Stormwind?

Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

  • Hello. Have you come to speak with my father?
Escorting the Prince
  • Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious.
  • I'm glad you're here.
  • Something strange is happening in Stormwind...
  • We'll get to the bottom of this.

Mists of Pandaria

MoP This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria.

Anduin has new voiced lines added in Mists of Pandaria.

In Pandaria
  • Have you ever seen such a place?
  • There's work to be done here.
  • There's more to this land than meets the eye.
  • We're far from home, friend.
  • Can you believe the majesty of this place?
At Grookin Hill
  • It's not too late to end this war.
  • I have always heard that the Horde was honorable.
  • We don't have to keep fighting. Don't you see?
  • You know who my father is, right?
  • I'm telling!
  • I will see you soon.
  • Stay safe.
  • Keep your guard up.
  • Be careful.

World of Warcraft: The Comic

  • "The druid was injured in my service and I will protect him with my life! To reach him, monsters, you'll have to go through me!"
  • "Meeting Thrall would be great, dad. From what I've heard... He's extraordinary. And isn't establishing peace something a king should do? If he can?"
  • "Why waste your warriors and resources in battle when a few words will bring you greater profit?" (Said to Garrosh Hellscream during the summit at Theramore)
  • "You're anxious to return to Stormwind? But there's so much to discuss here that may ensure our kingdom's future peace and prosperity."


  • Like his namesake, Anduin Lothar, Anduin's name is identical to that of the famous river Anduin in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth.
  • Prior to Cataclysm, Anduin was the only child in the game with voiced dialogue; and after the Cataclysm, he is the only teenager with a non-child model in the game.
  • In Anduin's quarters hangs only one picture: a portrait of Queen Tiffin holding Anduin when he was a baby.[22]
  • Anduin does not know of Bolvar's ultimate fate... and Varian hopes he never will.[23]
  • Anduin calls Jaina Proudmoore "Aunt Jaina", and freely accepts hugs from her.[2]
  • When Anduin stays in Ironforge, Magni Bronzebeard asks him to call him "uncle".[24]
  • It seems the friendship between Anduin and Baine has replaced Jaina and Thrall's friendship that helped keep peace between the two factions, now that Thrall is no longer the Warchief.
  • The statistics in Lands of Conflict for Anduin Wrynn actually refer to former king Varian Wrynn.
  • According to Genevieve, the Prince gets his hair cut at the Stormwind Barber Shop.
  • Based on his use of barriers, shields, and [Holy Fire], Anduin's priestly talents lean towards Discipline.
  • As of Mists of Pandaria, Anduin is only present in the Stormwind Keep while the player is doing the A [84] Hero's Call: Twilight Highlands! quest chain.
  • Anduin is voiced solely by Josh Keaton.


Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): New model and voice.
  • WotLK Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Now titled "Prince of Stormwind" instead of King, a line of dialogue removed.



External links

Preceded by:
Varian Wrynn
(as King)
Ruler of Stormwind
(as King under regency
of Bolvar Fordragon)
Succeeded by:
Varian Wrynn
(as King)