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An Italian/American State of Mind

How do we create an Italian/American State of Mind? This is one of the most important issues that impacts our community, deserving of greater attention.

We need to take our culture more seriously. We simply cannot continue to engage in a series of reminiscences that lead primarily to nostalgic recall. Instead, we need to revisit our past, reclaim its pros and cons, and reconcile it with our present.

Ultimately, all of this is dependent upon our recapturing our sense of amor proprio, combining it with our abilities — financial, performative, aesthetic, intellectual — in order to engender, document, maintain, and transmit our Italian/American culture; anything short of such activity is tantamount to failure.

Antony J. Tamburri




An Italian/American State of Mind

Anthony J. Tamburri

In launching i-Italy, we shall inevitably re-consider our own individual positions within the Italian/American community. Namely, what are the duties and/or responsibilities of...

Camille Paglia’s Androgyny Aesthetics - Why Italian Americans Love the Sopranos

Tom Verso

“Bourgeois English department feminist promoting cancellation of male concentration and projection cut no ice at the corner garage…on the streets…” - or with Soprano fans..

To Educate Italian American Children…or NOT??

Tom Verso

Italian Americans are generally not highly educated, and they are especially lacking in education about their history and culture. Can there be Culture without Education?

Don DeLillo ‘Comes Home’ “Game 6” and “Underworld”

Tom Verso

You can take the boy away from Little Italy. But, you can never take Little Italy away from the boy! And, the boy…is always in the man.

“Italian Signs, American Streets” as a study of I/A culture through literature (strengths and weaknesses)

Tom Verso

As the empiricist said to the metaphysician: “Should I believe you or my lying eyes.”

“Bitter Rice”, “The Earth Trembles” and “The Italian/American State of Mind”(culture)

Tom Verso

In film literature, the essence of the Southern Question is dramatically demonstrated by the juxtaposition of two late 1940’s Italian films “Bitter Rice” and “The Earth...

Captain Correlli’s Mandolin - The dialectical unity of the Italian man’s contradictory ‘state of mind’

Tom Verso

Hollywood, the ultimate purveyor of majority culture, recast the 1930’s macho gangsters into Frank Sinatra acting the Italian American Gunga Din, in “From Here to Eternity.”

“Off the Boat” - Then and Now

Tom Verso

Scholars have failed to differentiate two different Italian American “states of mind” and the cultural and sociological implications of that dichotomy.

"An Italian/American State of Mind" - A Comment

Tom Verso

Here at i-Italy, Anthony Tamburi has a fascinating article posted: "An Italian/American State of Mind." I hope many will read it. I am posting this comment with a mind towards...

"An Italian/American State of Mind" - A Rejoinder

Anthony J. Tamburri

Earlier today I posted a response to Tom Verso’s thoughts that he posted November 4 on H-Itam. I share them below, albeit slightly modified for our readers of i-Italy.

I/A "State of Mind" - An Enigma?

Tom Verso

To understand the "Italian American state of mind" necessitates a major social scientific study. It is still an enigma - ironically to Italian Americans themselves

Are "Italian Americans" a fairy-tale?

Emanuel Rota

Does a poor woman whose last name happens to be somehow Italian have something in common with Rudy Giuliani? Is it a blood thing? Why should they have the same "state of mind?"

Nature or Nurture?

Tom Verso

Does a poor Italian/American woman whose last name happens to be somehow Italian have more in common with Rudy Giuliani or with a poor African American share-cropper? I don't know...

The Role of the Community College

Paul Giaimo

Catholic schools used to be a place where the needs of the IA community could be provided for. Should the role of the community college be the same?

Our Horizon and Old Stereotypes

Richard Alba

Current discussions of the Italian-American educational record reflect outdated ideas about the limited educational and occupational horizons of Italian Americans.

Child Slavery in Sicily 1910

Tom Verso

“The cruelties to which the child slaves of Sicily have been subjected are as bad as anything reported of the cruelties of Negro slavery.” Booker Taliaferro Washington:...

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