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Jobs and Careers at CDC

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Featured Job

Emergency Management Specialist

This position is located in Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As an Emergency Management Specialist you will manage the collection of public health emergency management data and information from domestic and international sources; issue, maintain, track and inventory deployable assets to provide CDC staff supporting emergency response activities with needed equipment, field gear, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); deliver critical medical assets (e.g. pharmaceuticals, supplies and/or equipment) to the site of a national emergency; plan, develop, and implement strategic, operational, and tactical procedures, protocols, and templates to execute public health emergency management functions in an orderly manner. You will manage mission assignments and maintain close coordination with HHS, ESF-8, FEMA, other federal agencies, state, territorial and local emergency management officials to assure all requirements are met in public health emergency responses; identify, coordinate and prepare CDC staff for responder roles including staffing of Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and deployable teams during public health emergencies or exercises; coordinate various emergency response program activities with domestic and international agencies.

Deployment statement: Incumbent may be requested to deploy to West Africa, which will require securing a USG passport, passing medical clearances, and taking required health & safety trainings.

For more information, please click the link below.

HOW TO APPLY: Applications are NOT accepted via email. To be considered, apply before midnight EST on March 15, 2015 at:


Looking for a Career with Purpose?

CDC 24/7

CDC is the nation's health protection agency, working 24/7 to protect America from health and safety threats, both foreign and domestic. CDC increases the health security of our nation.

Ebola Response 2014

CDC 24/7

Federal Retirees Needed to Assist with the 2014 Ebola Response

As part of the 2014 Ebola response, CDC is looking for retired federal employees who are qualified and willing to assist with the emergency response to the Ebola epidemic.

For more information visit http://www.cdc.gov/employment/rehire.html

Videos: I am CDC

  • I am CDC: Linda Scheib I am CDC: Linda Scheib

    Watch the video >>>

  • I am CDC: Brianna Skinner I am CDC: Brianna Skinner

    Watch the video >>>

  • I am CDC: René Villarrea I am CDC: René Villarrea

    Watch the video >>>

  • I am CDC: Dan Rutz I am CDC: Dan Rutz

    Watch the video >>>

  • This is a series of videos designed to highlight the work of staff across CDC, informing potential job applicants of the scope of the agency's work, encompassing both administrative and scientific functions.

Contact Human Resources

    Human Resources Office
    4770 Buford Highway
    Mailstop K-15
    Atlanta, GA 30341

  • 770-488-1725

  • hrcs@cdc.gov

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