Greatest Moment Playing Diablo

  • Hello all!

    The past few days has been full of excitement. I purchased D3 on release and have played since then. In that time I got married and had a beautiful baby boy, so naturally my time was very limited. I still played casually, usually after a patch came out.

    With the release of patch 2.1.2, I've decided to look into a build for my barb and acquire the necessary gear. After several pieces, I was in desperate need of a furnace to reach higher grifts, and for months I needed that second Unity.

    My wife took a sudden interest in Diablo. She asked me all about it and I let her know the items I was looking for, and that the big one was furnace. She said: tonight you'll find it. Lo and behold, I found a furnace that night!!

    If that wasn't enough, I now needed a ramaladni's gift (we call it a ramalamadingdong). So yesterday, the third day since the furnace, I had been scouring the forums to understand the rarity. Some people get tons, and others not so much. I had been a 455 paragon with only ever seeing one (used awhile ago).

    SOOO my wife decides to watch me play for the first time. Our time was limited, so I knew I'd only have time for two t6 rift full clears. In the first rift, there was a rainbow goblin (that was the first rainbow gob I'd ever seen). Also, a malevolent tormentor. THEN a unity dropped from the rift boss.

    On the second rift, not much dropped. So my group and I did a full clear, and I was sitting in the rift when the rest of the members went to town. I was sitting there showing my wife everything I could, from paragon to gear to skills. Someone hit Orek, 30 seconds were counting down. I was idle but looking at my inventory when one annoying white monster was pestering me. With five seconds left of the rift, I killed the bastard and what drops, A MOTHER FREAKING RAMALAMADINGDONGDOODLYDEE.

    BTW it is labeled consumable on the ground. Sniped it with two seconds to spare, went to town on account of being kicked from the rift, opened stash saying "I can't believe this" and my wife was just sitting there wide eyed. I identified it, left mouse scrolled over, and walked away saying "I just quit." And when my wife recognized the ramaladni's gift she jumped up and down with pure joy. She is better than me at RNG.

    So after that she hopped on her level one crusader and got her to 15 finding two legendaries in the process. She's so hooked.
  • What an awesome story, TeacherMan. Grats on finding your Furnace and Ramaladni's Gift, and on introducing your wife to the game!

    It really warms my heart whenever I hear stories about couples who play the game together. I've heard it's a really fun bonding activity, and that it's a great feeling to have your S.O. alongside you as you explore Sanctuary, so props to you on that.