why seasons transmogs completing each other?

  • I never know that season 1 have special transmogs. I missed out season 1. It's weird that by participate in season 2 I will not be able to get season 1 transmogs any more. Do you think it's weird that we will get shoes + pants from season 2 without heads and shoulders EVER?
  • 02/04/2015 10:04 PMPosted by iTimeRunner
    Do you think it's weird that we will get shoes + pants from season 2 without heads and shoulders EVER?

    I'm happy to report that you'll have the opportunity to acquire the first two parts of this transmogrification set in a future Season, if you didn't do so during Season 1. I posted on this earlier, but essentially we'll be doing the same for other pieces of the set, which are currently scheduled for Season 2 and Season 3.