January 28th Hotfixes, Legacy Gear 0Dogs, T6 Rift Speed Clear, 2.1.2 Lightning DH

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January 28th Hotfixes

There were quite a few hotfixes deployed today. Check the list below!

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

The following hotfixes have been applied:

  • Resolved an issue where players would not be able to resurrect if they leveled while dead (1/28)
  • Resolved an issue where Seasonal Achievements were not being recorded on the leaderboards if the achievement was awarded while the player was out of game; if you encounter this issue, please enter a new seasonal game on the affected character to correct your Leaderboard standing (1/28)
  • Players who modify their gear or skills in another game will be unable to re-enter a Greater Rift until they revert their loadout to what it was when the Greater Rift began (1/28)

Legacy Gear 0Dogs

With some changes to the Marauder's set, a build capable of supplying Demon Hunters with health globes has become quite popular these past couple days: the Zero-Dogs build for Witch Doctors. There's only one problem, the build only works well with Legacy Gear like this Homunculus, Legendaries from previous versions that do not drop anymore.

There has been quite a few discssions about whether the developers will take action, including rumours of people being banned. But Tyvalir replied that nothing is planned for now. Keep an eye open on this - there's a chance the rune might be reworked to solve this issue.

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

So now the best way to do Grifts is for Demon Hunters to get as much hatred as possible and thats through the Reapers Wraps + Blood Vengeance combo with health globes. There are a few ways in the game to spawn health globes but one of the best if not the best way to do that is with legacy items for "Zero Dog" Witch Doctor items with the Zombie Dog - Final Gift rune and using Sacrifice.
While I realize the discussion in this thread has become more playful (and thus is relatively harmless), the title itself is misleading. At this time, we are not actioning (or planning to action) players who are using legacy items to support or run a zero dog build. 

For those experiencing connection issues, it’s possible that you were having a separate technical issue. If that’s the case, please be sure post over in our Technical Support or Mac Technical Support forums. You can also reach our support staff through the Customer Service portal: https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/ 

Gonna go ahead and lock this, folks. Thanks for your cooperation!

T6 Rift Speed Clear

Daniel Fodor has uploaded an impressive video showing footage of her Monk clearing a T6 Rift in 1 minute and 16 seconds! It shows just how efficient one can farm when they push their character (and theorycrafting) to the limit. Philosophios has also shown that DHs " target="_blank">can do it too. Pretty impressive character control and gameplay from both - check them out!

2.1.2 Lightning DH

Since we brought Demon Hunters up, wudijo has put together a build on our tool with a revised Lightning Meticulous Bolts build, which he dubbed Blue Tides. Both him and philosophios seem to consider it potentially one of the strongest 2.1.2 builds. Check out the written guide here, or the video down below by philosophios where he meticulously goes over the build. Get it? Meticulously? ... that was awful...


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