Latest hotfix: Grift gearswap fixed

  • There was no discussion about latest hot fixes so I just wanted to highlight that one.

    Doesn't affect me at all, but just wanted to highlight that. Some of you might be happy and some get angry. Well, that fix might be a bit late, because gearswapping isn't that popular anymore, maybe? If I'm right. 0dog is the new trend.

    And before people says to me that why I care, I have hardly played the game etc...please, check other regions.
  • 01/29/2015 02:43 AMPosted by Miranna
    There was no discussion about latest hot fixes so I just wanted to highlight that one.

    Thanks for the call-out. :) There were indeed some players who were manipulating game mechanics in order to swap gear during a Greater Rift. This was clearly against the intended design of Greater Rifts, and something we wanted to address—hence the hotfix.

    Just in case the current hotfix description isn’t clear, how it works is as follows: If you’re in game A doing a Greater Rift and you leave the game and go into game B and swap your gear, it will remove you from the Greater Rift in game A. When you return to game A, you will no longer be eligible to rejoin the Greater Rift until you re-equip your original gear and switch back to your original set of skills.
  • So, if they put their original gear on, can they reenter or no?

    Confirmed with both dev and QA: Players can reenter if their loadout is reverted. In this case, "loadout" refers to your gear and skills (we snapshot both).

    Good catch, and thanks! Updated previous post.