Low FPS with dual monitors

  • Bmf

    since the launch of patch 2.1.2 I notice a massive drop of fps when I'm watching something on my second monitor. Mainly while I'm playing, on the second monitor is twitch or youtube and fps suffers greatly, even if i open some random page that has some sort of flash or HTLM5 on it, the frame rate is terrible. The second I switch to my desktop or an empty tab on the browser, game runs smoothly. Anyone else have the same problem or it's just me?

    Game settings: win mode full scr 1200p 16:10 low shadows V Sync on/off- no difference

    PC specs: I5 - 2500k 8GB RAM GTX 670 game runs from SSD Win7 ulti
  • BMF,

    You might try disabling any hardware acceleration if it's enabled in your Flash player. That can cause issues like you're describing.

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