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General principals of making gold in game
  • opportunity cost - Figure out what your time is worth. Craft, farm, tp, or whatever at the highest yield (unless it isn't fun for you) - Stuff you found isn't “free” its worth market price. If you can sell the parts for more than the finished product you should, then buy the finished product.
  • keeping track of update notes for investments - Get in a market early and sell back to the people who come in later
  • use online resources for making your life easier - Check the links provided
  • how a global trading post is different from a server only trading post - More balanced trading post, easier to trust prices wont fluxuate tons. Less niche markets, takes more work to make gold just from the tp. Makes you play the game more and do the long term strategies for gold.
General principals of saving gold
  • use badges of honor, karma, gems, and skill points to buy stuff instead of gold - items for crafting, gear, weapons, even using the magic find to upgrade existing mats, epic weapons, gathering tools, salvage kits
  • getting mystic salvage kits to save gold and be more efficient at salvaging - one blue 252, green 700, yellow 1344 stack of salvage kits plus 3 mystic forge stones 10 for 450gems gets a stack of 250 mystic salvage kits. Total for 3 stacks 450gems 1g26s00c plus 6888 karma = 750 kits. That comes out to 16 copper each salvage. Normal blue kits are 12c green kits are 32c and yellow kits are 61c per salvage. 750 rare salvage kits will cost 4g60s80c and take up 30 bag/bank slots.
  • using the mystic forge instead of vendoring or salvaging - when you put in 4 same rarity items you get another item that is the same or better quality. You may not always be able to use it but you can then sell it. If you want to have a specific type of item (like greatsword) you have to but 4 of those same item types and rarity in. Most profitable when putting in lvl 74 or above rares because of the chance of an epic or legendary precursor.
  • buying bag slots or character slots with gems instead of 18 and 20 slot bags - Tristan's writeup on the website
  • buying from the TP overnight or on weekdays instead of weekends - use links like gw2spidy.com to see market trends
  • using karma to get trade mats instead of farming or paying gold on the TP - There are renown heart vendors that will sell cooking supplies, gear, gathering tools, even ore or wood for karma spaced all around the world. If you arent saving your karma use it like a second income instead of gold.
Crafting for profit or lack thereof
  • any profitable recipes? - Bloodsaw, and other recipes that are karma bought - Global economy makes it almost impossible to craft for profit right now
  • what type of things should you farm? armor/weapons, fine crafting materials, loot bags - high level and low level everything sells well now so farm there, middle levels are a bust.
  • resource gathering: ore, wood, food harvesting? What areas are better? - High and low areas again.
Playing the Trading Post
  • 5% listing fee and 10% sale fee - know it live it love it. Convert prices to copper then multiply by .85
  • how to buy or sell effectively - buy orders
  • should you undercut and by how much? - Undercut on single item sales like found gear, selling is first listed first sold, buying is last listed first sold.
  • vendor or trading post and how to determine which to sell on - give yourself at least a 20 or 25% leeway so you can relist it. Never sell for just above vendor price. Right click on item, then chose sell on tp, hover over item and it will tell you vendor price in the bottom corner. Eyeball the prices and decide.
  • buying mats and combining them to sell at a second level profit - logs to planks, mats to inscriptions, ore to ingot
Mystic forge and other gambles
  • How to determine if using the mystic forge is worth the gamble in the long run - It takes lots of experimentation, but If you have the gold to spend then you can get lucky. Like the lottery
  • what types of things can you make in the forge to earn gold - basic crafting mats, epic weapons, gear sets, food feasts
  • mystic salvage kits (especially when the mats are purchased with karma) - see above
  • salvaging, at what levels is it profitable or smarter to salvage vs sell items. also what kits should you use? - Low levels for copper and jute, high levels for gossamer, ecto, and orichalcum. Use crude on salvage items its the same chance at mats. Use mystic or master for yellows and any greens you want the sigil from. Only do level 74 or above rares for ectos.

We will most like do a part two of this to address things such as farming, the negatives of botting on the economy etc etc.

Links used in the podcast:

http://alttabme.com/...ey-part-1.1659/ Back to Top

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On this weeks Buildcast Gary, Ed, and Matt dissect Doctor Yiggles Necromancer build and play style.
Topics Include:
  • Rune Choice
  • Weapons
  • Amulet
  • Overall Stats
  • Traits
  • Curses
  • Skills
  • Playstyle

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  • 06:07 - Story Time: The Battle of Nageling
  • 12:18 - Feedback: What will it take to be the #1 Server in WvW?
  • 24:12 - News: New GW2 iPhone App, Stress Test Changes
  • 33:54 - Bridger Rant: Entitled to Stress
  • 35:47 - Mailbag: GW2 Tutorial, Solo Play, How to Construct a Build, and the Checklist Mentality

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  • Announcement! We're podcasting live every week now on Fridays at 9PM US Eastern (unless otherwise stated)
  • Dourin talks about how he's going to kick a sponge bob square pants cake's butt, Noob has been "playing" stalker and Rawson likes Mech Warrior Online. Guild wars 2 stuff starts after the normal 20 or so minutes.
  • This week in news, 3 stress tests in a row. If you couldn't make it don't worry, you didn't miss too much.
  • In our main-discussion segment, we sortof debate "What race would you recommend for someone to start with?"
  • We talk about the aesthetics, gameplay, area design and a little lore for each of them in depth but forget we're having a debate till like half way through. Mainly because we really like the first two brought up - find out which by listening!

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We wanted to talk about all the different Professions and focus less on balance and more on what each profession does, how it plays, and what type of gamer would be attracted to it, giving people a good idea of what to expect if they haven't put tons of hours in on the betas.

What Professions we covered this week:
  • Necrmancer - 00:01:53
  • Mesmer - 00:39:08
  • Warrior - 01:16:03
  • Questions from the live stream - 01:36:00
What Professions we are covering next week:
  • Thief
  • Ranger

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The StompCast crew are back again with another episode, this time featuring, you guessed it - Team Paradigm! Tune in as Cigs, Xeph, Phantaram, and I (Nord!) discuss BWE3, condition damage, Legacy of the Foefire, and more!

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  • 3:20 News (brief; stress test, early launch, servers)
  • 5:22 Elementalist
  • 20:30 Engineer
  • 33:56 Ranger
  • 45:40 Warrior (with Christian Bale)
  • 58:20 Outro
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  • In the first 30 mins, I kind of force Noob to reveal his newly discovered fetish and I think we talk about video games in there somewhere. Maybe.
  • For news, we discuss the new footage that you shouldn't watch and the stress test.
  • In our trail main-discussion segment (which could come back depending if you like it), we debate "What profession would you recommend for someone to play first?"
  • I won't tell you how it ends, so listen in to find out our top 4 and why.

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  • 3:55 - News: Launch Time, Difficulty Adjustment, Guild Emblem Creator, Stress Test
  • 16:00 - Mailbag: Swapping weapons in PvP, Tips for PvP, and role of Smaller Guilds in WvW
  • 44:35 - Roundtable: World vs. World Revisited

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Another stress test, of course more jumping puzzle discussion, we make up a new race (when I say we I mean Vayne), why can’t we find a profession and stick with it?  Questions with listeners!

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We wanted to talk about all the different Professions and focus less on balance and more on what each profession does, how it plays, and what type of gamer would be attracted to it, giving people a good idea of what to expect if they haven't put tons of hours in on the betas.

What Professions we covered this week:
  • Elementalist - 00:00:00
  • Engineer 00:34:00
  • Guardian - 00:55:00
What Professions we are covering next week:
  • Mesmer
  • Necromancer
  • Warrior

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  • 5:25 What do you look for when making a build
  • 7:13 Is condition damage overpowered?
  • 11:12 Favored profession for condition removal
  • 17:00 Downed state, wave spawning, and proposed tweaks
  • 23:45 Rallying from across the map
  • 29:20 Combo fields
  • 43:00 Viewer Q&A

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Stress, stress, stress.

That’s probably how you’re feeling as the countdown to the Guild Wars 2 headstart continues inexorably. It’s also apparent that ArenaNet needs to apply the pressure to the servers with the stress tests lately. One last week, another tomorrow, can we take any more of it?

Deep breaths.

Mike Zadorojny spoke to GameTrailers about the Fields of Ruin. This area is seeped in lore due to the history of the Ebonhawke through Guild Wars and GW2. We talk about just why this place is so important and what you can expect to bump into there in just a couple of weeks.

We’ve been waiting to see what the apps for Guild Wars 2 would look like and it appears we’ll be waiting quite a bit longer. ArenaNet stated that the app and web development team will be going into overdrive after launch.

Throw in a gentle sprinkling of your viewer questions and we have a lot to cover. Back to Top

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Sorry for being a day late with this! It's been pretty busy around here. Anyway, here's the latest in the podcast scene:

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  • Sylvari and asura - playable at last!
  • Cube surfing off Rata Sum.
  • Will the game be ready in a month?
  • Issues with dynamic events.
  • ArenaNet’s attention to detail.

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Guild War players wanting to reserve their character names need to act now, Hall of Monuments can still be fun, pick up Guild Wars for cheap, Vayne kills Travis in WvW Mystic Room, characters can now model, lazy crafters get their wish (Travis is one of them), Nick completed a jumping puzzle, jumping puzzles are not the only puzzle to complete, Baz talks some PvP, Hunger Guilds and some great questions from the community!

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http:/imgur.com/5ojPR.png); display: none; background-color:transparent; background-repeat:repeat; margin: 0px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px; padding: 4px; width:98%%">
  • 00:00 — Introduction
  • 02:50 — How did Super Squad form?
  • 04:47 — First Impressions in BWE1 and what attracts you to Guild Wars 2?
  • 08:20 — What can ArenaNet implement to ensure its position in the growing e-sports world?
  • 13:02 — The competitive community. What can YOU do to help?
  • 17:12 — Team composition & synergy, map strategy, individual character capability.
  • 19:48 — The downed state and its importance.
  • 26:17 — Character builds; runes, sigils, amulets, and jewels.
  • 29:48 — Condition removal importance.
  • 31:39 — Roundtable poll: Over-powered and under-powered professions?
  • 36:15 — Roundtable poll: Favorite sPvP map so far?
  • 39:39 — Roundtable poll: What one thing would you change in sPvP currently?
  • 44:02 — Final tips.
  • 48:10 — Outro; the community is key!
  • 49:54 — ?????

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After a few weeks of gathering questions and information from people in our guild as well as those on the alttabme.com forums who had played Guild Wars 2, we decided it was time to dive into the not so popular and turns out, not so easy to do topic of: "Why you won't like Guild Wars 2". We tried to approach this very objectively and give you points as to why we think you may not like it and why we think that is OK and may or may not make the game "better" or "worse". Enjoy!
  • Cash Shop
  • High Adjustment Curve
  • No Raids
  • No World PvP
  • No Faction Tension
  • No Gear Dependency
  • It isn't WoW
  • Too much Hype

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  • 2:45 - News: New Guild Database, New Guild Recruitment Tool (Playdate)
  • 8:28 - Roundtable: Making Money in Guild Wars 2

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Episode 3 is finally here! We’re back and in this episode we break down our beta weekend 3 experience and a whole lot more! Thanks for listening!

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  • The Olympics are on!? Rihanna is in Saints Row 3!? and other off topic stuff for about 20 mins (so back to the usual)
  • We do PvP impressions FIRST this week - crazy, huh?
  • Oh, and we like it
  • I talk about my keybindings vision-quest, then join Dourin in plugging products by a company we are in no way associated with. No, really.
  • The Sylvari are pretty cool guys - but not Asurable.
  • Asurable? Adorable + Asura. I hate myself and everything to do with this show (mostly ZoomyRamen though).
  • We end the show after chatting about the difficulty of bosses in GW2 - including my experiences with two of the new zone bosses.

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http:/imgur.com/5ojPR.png); display: none; background-color:transparent; background-repeat:repeat; margin: 0px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px; padding: 4px; width:98%%"> It looks like we’ll get a sweet slice of Tyria early.

ArenaNet announced that there will be another stress test for Guild Wars 2 on August 2 — I hope you didn’t miss it.

In other news, the fabulously named Mike Zadorojny has been answering questions about the content that so many are waiting to get their hands on with abandon in just a few weeks. Just what does he mean by “mini-dungeons?” It also seems that the much anticipated water-themed fourth sPvP map is not as definite as we may have thought. Are bets being hedged or is it off the table at launch?

We consider the likelihood as well as consider the perception of future content for the non-subscription MMO.

The inestimable Mike Schaffnit took the premise of “No Holy Trinity” and tested it out with a crew in Ascalon Catacombs. Could a DPS focused group pull off a dungeon and prove ArenaNet’s dynamic combat claims? We consider the run and what it means as GW2 looms ever nearer.

We received some truly awesome viewer questions this week, including one that blew GuildCast’s mind…

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Another week, another Buildcast the Guild Wars 2 PvP & Theory Crafting show. This week Gary, Ed, and Matt break down a hybrid ranger build and play-style for The Battle of Kylho.
  • Rune Choice
  • Traits
  • Weapon Choices & Play-style
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  • 03:25 - Feedback: Whistleblowing
  • 6:05 - News: The 48 Hour Marathon, Names Reserved for 24 hrs After Character Deletion
  • 10:30 - Beta Weekend #3
    • 10:30 - UI/Economy/Other: Vistas, Gem Store, Hunger Royale, Keg Brawl
    • 54:50 - World vs. World: WvW Pop Cap Issues, Sentries, Commander Book
    • 1:45:13 - PvE: Asura, Sylvari
    • 2:11:04 - Structured PvP: Legacy of the FoeFire

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Special guest Margaret “Maggie” Krohns of SOE, Alpha Collective and Boons & Conditions joins the show!  Final Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event 3, worlds get erased, Save money on sound tracks, ArenaNet actually likes their players, Nick and Travis clearly know nothing about PvP, Vayne doesn’t want to stab anyone oh and he is now a co-host, Guild Wars 2 economy will end up like America’s, define your own end game, weapons that shoot lava, fruit, unicorns or something…and more community involvement.

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We were all very much high off of the last beta weekend of Guild Wars 2 and all the new races including the Asura and Sylvari as well as the new content. So we decided to change our topics slightly and just have a wrap up of our beta weekend, what we did, and why we are even more excited for launch than before!
  • The First Guild Wars 2 Machinima
  • Guild Events: 50+ Charr Mesmers and a Diving Board.
  • sPvP
  • Asura and Sylvari
  • Release
  • Tired and need sleep
  • See ya all for release!

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In this episode our lovely co-hostess Luperza finally returns from her E3 adventures. Our guests include Alpha Collective’s Quark once again, and newcomer Tpyo. As the title suggests we cover the state of the game; focusing mostly on structured player vs player content. We go over ArenaNet developer posts, the latest sPVP map, profession balance, how I sound and look like I should be in an NES video game, and much more thanks to the chatroom’s unyielding questions! Back to Top

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  • 10:30 - Feedback: Role Playing
  • 11:40 - News: End Game / Legendary Weapons Video, Trivia Contest
  • 46:20 - Mailbag: Too many Legendaries, Whistle Blowing in MMOs

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  • We skip what we’ve been playing and launch right into last week’s Asura and Sylvari announcement, speculating as to whether they will wipe our existing characters.
  • A general consensus is reached: We want the splash screen back (and chroma-hashes).
  • Vistas seem cool.
  • Early game has seen some changes, and we examine whether that is a good thing or not.
  • Our main discussion kicks off – The End Game in Guild Wars 2 - with talk of how the game surprisingly does not end when you hit lvl 80.
  • I really want a legendary rifle.
  • 25 Dungeon Paths is smart marketing, but the 8 explorables still sound like hella fun.
  • Meet me in the hidden cave at the full moon’s zenith. I’ll be there waiting for recipes.
  • The structure of Orr (the final area) has been revealed and our reactions may surprise you.
  • We announce our live show coming this week – Join us on twitch.tv/Dourin on Friday, at 9pm US Eastern (assuming you’re not futzing around in the beta).
  • After the show we sit down and finally chat about what we’ve been playing along with some off-the-wall discussions about the gaming industry and its jargon.

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It’s so close you can touch it, smell it and generally dribble over it.
The Guild Wars 2 BWE3 hits this weekend, the final dash of content, the last appetizer before we get the full meal of launch — OK now I’m hungry.

ArenaNet released more details about what we can expect this weekend, so not only will Rata Sum and The Grove be inundated with wide eyed players, there are also other fresh reasons to go romping through Tyria. We take a look at where we all might be bumping into each other.

Who are the Skritt? Why are they holed up in the awesomely named Skrittsburgh? We talk lore and more about this ratty but interesting race.

How good was the live streamed TAD Q&A last week? Legendary is the word on most people’s lips. The weapon dubbed “The Terminator Hammer,” the night/day greatswords of epicdom and My Little Longbow were announced. Have ArenaNet struck the right chord or will legendaries be an epic headache?
Orr sounds like the jewel in Guild Wars 2‘s endgame.  We look at what it entails and why 80 might just be the level to be.

We answer your viewer questions of course, which uncover the uncomfortable truth that following Yeti hunters can be bad for your sanity.

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  • BWE3!
  • GW2 and E-Sports
  • Does a meta exist in Guild Wars 2 currently?
  • RNG in Guild Wars 2
  • http://www.teamparad...erss-Dismissal/
  • Tournament maps: Battle for Khylo Y/N?
  • Forest of Niflhel NPC discussion
  • Weapon / trait swapping mid-match. (Macros)
  • Focused class discussion: Thief
  • The downed state
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  • 05:30 - Feedback: Dungeons
  • 08:30 - News: The Golden Rules of Guild Wars 2, Outlaw Isle, Soundtrack, and Maps
  • 19:06 - Roundtable: Role Playing in Guild Wars 2

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  • We chat about what we've been playing to fill the time between now and release (including The Secret World and SWTOR)
  • Noob diverts us into to the Jon Peters Guild Wars 2 hub interview (so GW2 discussion starts at 17:10)
  • Mageknight seems surprisingly laid back about the whole Pet AI thing
  • We reveal how little we currently know about the Engineer (with promises to play one come BWE3)
  • The main topic of the week kicks off; "What is Arenanet going to do to make money off Guild Wars 2?" And we have a whole lot to say
  • We roll through our dark desires for in-game purchases
  • ZoomyRamen lays out what it's like to be British
  • The extra character and bank slots seem like the way to go from the current crop of gem store items
  • Noob comes up with a really cool idea for DLC plans if Anet does it
  • Dourin blows my mind with an interesting pricing structure idea
  • We round out with mixed reactions regarding what future expansions are likely to encompass.

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ArenaNet held back two of the five races in its upcoming epic MMORPG Guild Wars 2 for unannounced reasons, but luckily for fans of the Sylvari and Asura, these two races and starting areas can be tested in the next beta weekend event.

Our panel just like every other Guild Wars 2 fan cannot wait to get its hands on its favorite MMO, again. In fact, Elizabeth said that she wants to hold back, but knows in the end that she will give into the temptation of these two radically different races. Where does your heart lie? Are you going to try out these new exciting races, or do you think that you will be able to hold off until launch.

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Call your doctor, book the babysitter and stock up on snacks. The official launch date for Guild Wars 2 was announced!

When the initial jump up and down joy of the date subsided, there’s some rather tremendous stuff to see in that teaser trailer, what grabbed your attention?

With only one BWE to go, could we see the Asura and Sylvari? Could ArenaNet be crazy/gutsy enough to keep something back for launch, or would it just cause a massive headache? We discuss the possibilities.

Jon Peters and Eric Flannum have been dropping some up to date info in some recent interviews on a range of subjects. There’s a lot of insight into where the dev team is in regards to the move towards launch and some of the changes we are likely to see in the next beta weekend. We pick out the highlights.

Then it’s time to hang on to your hats, because some vitriol is going to fly!
We discuss guilds and just how well put together they are for Guild Wars 2. With such an otherwise polished game, do guilds stand out like a sore thumb or are they working as intended? Prepare for some highly animated — and heavily caffeinated — debate as at least one of our crew is distinctly displeased with certain aspects of the guild system.

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0:21 - Epic Intro
1:10 - Guild Mentions
3:30 - Beta Key Giveaway Teaser Info
5:35 - Release Plans Discussion
11:35- Main Topic - What to do at Release
12:00- Joining up with Friends
16:05- When it's just you
21:35- City Exploration
23:50- Join a Guild
25:20- Personnal Story
27:25- Personnal Stories with Friends
32:15- The Mists and PVP
36:00- Personnal Story Choices and Progression
37:10- Event Scaling
39:28- Dignity, Charm and Ferocity
46:50- Arena Net Blog Quote - Personnal Story
49:35- Preparing as a Guild for Release
50:50- Guild Influence
57:10- Multiple Guilds
59:23- Picking Your Discipline
1:03:27 - Make sure you have your Tools
1:07:31 - Dye your Armor
1:10:10 - Dye Collection
1:12:45 - Armor Collecting
1:14:43 - Benefits of Pre-Purchase
1:20:14 - Beta Key Giveaway Entry Info
1:21:55 - What to do for BWE 3
1:28:56 - Q and A
1:45:16 - Wrap up
1:47:30 - Outtakes Back to Top