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Index 166 reviews in total 

286 out of 350 people found the following review useful:

The Gods Heard Me!

Author: pianys from Sweden
4 March 2013

I've been looking forward to a viking film or TV series for many years, and when my wishes were finally granted, I was very worried that this production was going to be total crap. After viewing the first two episodes I do not worry about that anymore. Thank you, Odin:-)

As a person of some historical knowledge of the viking era, I can point out numerous flaws - but they don't ruin the story for me, so I will let them slip. Historical accounts about those days are, after all, not entirely reliable.

Happy to see Travis Fimmel in a role that totally suits him. A physical and intense character, with that spice of humor that is the viking trademark from the sagas. Gabriel Byrne plays a stern leader, that made me think of him in "Prince of Jutland", and Clive Standen seems like he's going to surprise us.

Been pondering the Game of Thrones comparison, since I love that show too, but in my opinion Vikings has its own thing going on. Way fewer lead characters to begin with, and also a more straight forward approach. Plenty of room for more series with this high class!

Can I wish for more than the planned nine episodes, PLEASE!!!

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219 out of 289 people found the following review useful:

Thanks, History Channel!

Author: Jonas Clementiné
5 March 2013

I've watched the two first episodes of the series and I can say that I'm POSITIVELY surprised.

I didn't know if this would be any good but I'm most certainly intrigued. It's well written, exciting and charming. The show is very enjoyable, especially if you're interested in Scandinavian/European history.

I love Norse Mythology and I am very happy that this show aired, I just hope it continues going in a good direction. :)

All in all I can't wait for the remaining episodes and if you're considering picking this show up I'd definitely recommend it.

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181 out of 221 people found the following review useful:

Finally a Viking series!

Author: bueandre from Norway
15 March 2013

I've been waiting for someone to make a good series about the vikings. I'm from Norway myself, and I'm naturally interested in our history. I've only seen two episodes so far, but I have to say - it really looks promising. The surroundings and nature in the two first episodes is exactly how it looks in "Vestlandet", the western parts of Norway. Stunnings fjords with waterfalls cascading down the sides. It really looks authentic.

The acting is mostly top notch, a few short scenes aren't that great but it's hardly mentionable. It seems like in the beginning, people are speaking an incomprehensible Norse/English mix, and then they continue speaking a modern English. It's pretty clever actually. Fun fact: When the Vikings invaded the British isles they could understand each other's languages.

The story itself is really exciting, and I just want to watch more.. I can hardly wait for the next episode to be released.

I don't know so much about the Ragnar Lodbrok character, but Rollo (Gangarolf) is a very famous character in the Norse sagas.

I highly recommend this show, and I really hope they continue making this for several seasons.

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155 out of 207 people found the following review useful:

Fantastic new show really shows Viking world

Author: mc2-1 from Bucharest, Romania
5 March 2013

I really enjoyed this first episode. Writing is strong. Acting is good and more importantly I am really fascinated by the characters. The most impressive thing however was the look of the show. Photography, art direction and just whole look is so lush and rich looks like a feature film. Cant wait for episode 2! Both Travis and Gabriel Byne both shine in their roles. I do hope a season 2 is in the works. I have read a lot about vikings and I can see the makes really went to great lengths to bring the true viking ways to the screen. Especially the religion and gods. I am a fan GOT and this show is great that it delves into the ancient world, but this show has a different flavor. More raw and intense, but still with a nice magical feel to it.

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116 out of 155 people found the following review useful:

Good show

Author: pkelly12002
10 March 2013

There are some Hollywood liberties taken during the show this is to be expected it is a show. If you made a show about everyday life during the vikings time most would be dull and not exciting it is not like they went to battle everyday. The show has a lot of historical basis with some liberties taken to liven the show up. It is well produced and has great cinematography . If , you are however looking for a straight fact based view on vikings go to the library and pull anthropology research journals out. For everyone else if you like battles with historical styles, understandings of how they navigated and views on the social structure of the vikings then you will get a understanding. You will also see how laws and ethics were for the vikings so yes there is some historical accuracy to the show . All in all if you want entertainment mixed with history it is a great show.

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105 out of 135 people found the following review useful:

Something a bit different and very enjoyable.

Author: pk1873 from United Kingdom
11 March 2013

There have been one or two negative reviews posted about this show and I have to say that after 2 episodes, I really like it... nit pickers may say that there are historical inaccuracies, but there are also many myths dispelled ... and with the appearance of Valkyrie on the battlefield at the very beginning of ep1 to take fallen warriors souls, unless you are deluded and believe in that being factual it was clear from the very outset that there was always going to be some dramatic license used. Others say the show is too Hollywood, this has to be the case to some extent but by no means is this another mass produced piece of garbage, unless you want the show cancelled after the pilot it must appeal to a mass American audience as entertainment it isn't a documentary. I personally feel that the show DOES have a European feel which is absent in many historical dramas, the locations are beautiful, the cast has been well selected and act their parts fantastically well. The good guys are instantly likable where as the bad guys you just can't wait to see them get whats coming to them, that is always a good sign as far as I am concerned as i want to see what happens to them and am looking forward to the next episode. So don't be put off by the pedantic armchair historians out there give vikings a chance.. it is what it is.

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114 out of 155 people found the following review useful:

A Medieval "Godfather"

Author: loufalce from United States
17 March 2013

Maybe it isn't real 100 percent history. Some liberties were taken, but for the most part is seems to ring true.At times it almost seems like a contemporary crime drama, but the facts are there-the raids on British monastaries that did occur in the late 8th century, a fairly realistic depiction on what Norse life was probably like at this timeline, the spectacular countryside with its majestic forests and rivers, and the depictions of the Vikings themselves. Savage, eager to loot and plunder, but nevertheless bound by a sort of code of honor. Their acts are savage and the chieftan seems more like a medieval Godfather who uses his power for his own personal gain and who is not above killing somebody on the spot if he is displeased with his actions. The storyline is fairly literate and not the usual mindless adventure that too many of these movies present to us, and the characters are convincingly drawn and likely motivated. The music is good and the full size replicas of the ships are very accurate. Even the deliberate pace works to its advantage, we are never rushed and the story develops as it moves along. It is never dull and there is plenty of interest to engage the viewer. However, if you are put off by graphic violence , don't watch it. Those times were fairly brutal. Fine entertainment . Enjoy it.

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110 out of 153 people found the following review useful:

Great entertainment

Author: Robin Clarke from United Kingdom
6 March 2013

As usual on IMDb fictional dramas set in a particular period in history attract the bores that insist on bleating 'its not historically accurate'. Well just ignore them as this is a fantastic and exciting look at the relatively unexplored Viking world. In the same vein as other fictional historical dramas such as Spartacus or Rome the plot centres around a single character and their family. We then take a brief look into their world and are shown how dangerous a place the world was at this time. The show has a quality feel to it not like some of the more poorly made historical drama around today (sorry but Camelot was just awful!). The sets are impressive and believable and the direction and framing of each scene is obviously set by a skilled hand. The characters are all interesting and likable and the acting is top notch. The only negative I could draw on was that there could have been a bit more action in the first episode but what action there was was very well done. My advice to you, just watch and enjoy it for what it is and don't be out off by the history buffs. If we insisted on only ever watching historical drama that was 100% accurate I'm pretty sure we would be watching none at all. Great show, a solid nine out of ten.

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81 out of 116 people found the following review useful:

Delighted and eager to see how the show matures

Author: C. Walker from United States
6 March 2013

I am delighted to see all the reviewers energetically debating the merits of "The Vikings" first episode----it demonstrates that they acknowledge the historical value of the period the show is portraying. Yes, there were historical inaccuracies in the plot. This will enlighten the scriptwriters to the fact that viewers ARE paying attention! That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode---all that lush eye candy for a novice historical student of the Viking culture! This episode has chosen to jump in at some point in time, and chose the year of 793----without all the back story of a long and comparatively stable history of trade with the "southern lands". The Scandinavian countries were undefined and fluid at that time, and were generally lumped into the "heathen" northmen.

In order to impress the pope and to be acknowledged as the holy Roman Emperor of Europe, around the year 772 Charlemagne took a great interest in converting the heathens to Christianity. In his campaign to forcibly convert the northmen, he first baptized, then brutally murdered the recalcitrant civilian pagans----many, many thousands at a time. The northmen who managed to escape to their more northern cousins told of the brutality (and extraordinarily rich) Christians. The attack on Lindesfarne was undoubtedly vicious, but did not occur without previous provocation.

We all watch the show for different reasons, but if the producers can keep a reasonable level of historical accuracy, and weave in the interest and action needed to balance the whole show out----I can see a long run for "The Vikings". I am watching.

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58 out of 95 people found the following review useful:

Looks like a good voyage for History Channel's VIKINGS

Author: savannahkhan from United States
6 March 2013

The Viking era is an exciting one. I'm glad to see this series because too often of late, we are getting our history from film, not books, so perhaps a new generation can come to know this culture. We are getting a glimpse of a very unique, if savage way of life that helped shape Europe.

The series itself has a wealth of legend to draw from and fill several seasons. The series opens in 793 AD, however, Ragnar's fate is beyond that. Like Spartacus, he is a legendary figure and the writers of this series have a lot to play with in what was Europe's Dark Ages.

So far so good for this series. The first episode, Rites of Passage, is a good introduction. I am hoping that since it is the work of the History Channel that we will get some authenticity in this series and not just entertainment. Like I said, so far, so good.

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