Monday, January 5, 2015

Raila family awaits post-mortem examination on Fidel's body

The body of Fidel Odinga is removed from his house to be transported to the Lee Funeral Home. A post-mortem examination to determine the cause of his death was scheduled for Monday morning. PHOTO | BILLY MUTAI | NATION MEDIA GROUP 

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The post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death of Cord leader Raila Odinga’s eldest child, Fidel, is scheduled for Monday morning.

Siaya Senator James Orengo told the Nation that the post-mortem examination will be conducted at the Lee Funeral Home, where Fidel’s body is lying.

“Yes, the post-mortem will be done today (Monday), ten or eleven this morning,” Mr Orengo said.

Fidel, 41, was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning by his wife, Lwam Getachew Bekele.

Fidel arrived home early Sunday morning after enjoying a night out with friends.

He had arrived at his residence at Bel Air Country Homes in upmarket Karen at around 2.30am and spent the night in a visitor’s bedroom, apparently in order not to disturb his wife and young child who were sleeping in the main bedroom.

Mr Odinga and his wife, Ida, were the first people to arrive at Fidel’s residence at around 6am on Sunday after being called by Ms Bekele.

Mr Odinga is said to have called a doctor, who confirmed that Fidel was dead.

CID Director Ndegwa Muhoro was among the first government officials to arrive at Fidel’s home, together with forensic detectives.

The government's chief pathologist, Dr Johansen Oduor, was also present as was a family pathologist who could not be immediately identified.

They all spent hours examining the scene where the young Odinga died.

It was not until 6.15pm that the body was taken to the Lee Funeral Home.

Kilimani Police Station CID boss Peter Mungai said three people had recorded statements about Fidel’s movements. 

He said several people, including Fidel’s friends, would be interrogated to establish exactly what happened.
