Wednesday, January 7, 2015

World leaders, media term Paris shooting as "barbaric"

Top (from left) French cartoonists Jean Cabut, aka Cabu, cartoonist Tignous and (bottom from left) French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo's publisher, known only as Charb, and cartoonist Charlie Hebdo Georges who were among 12 people killed in an attack on their Paris offices on January 7, 2015. World leaders and media condemned the attack, calling it "barbaric" and "despicable". AFP PHOTO 

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World leaders and media rights groups condemned the "barbaric" shooting at a Paris weekly Wednesday which left 12 dead, dubbing it an act of terror and an attack on free speech.

Some of the best-known cartoonists in France were among the 12 killed when gunmen stormed the office of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, a judicial source said.

Editor-in-chief Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb, and the cartoonists known as Cabu, Tignous and Wolinski were killed in the attack on the paper, which gained notoriety for repeatedly publishing caricatures of the prophet Mohammed.

France's EU allies lined up to offer their support after gunmen armed with Kalashnikov automatic rifles and a rocket-launcher opened fire at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, in what President Francois Hollande said was a "terrorist attack".

The White House condemned the attack in "the strongest possible terms", while a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said: "Moscow resolutely condemns terrorism in all its forms."

Turkish Culture and Tourism minister Omer Celik said it would only serve to deepen religious tensions in Europe.

"I reject any equation of Islam and this cowardly attack. One cannot defend Islam with such a massacre," he said.

"This attack aims to reinforce the negative perception of foreigners and Muslims in a climate in Europe of growing Islamophobia and racism."

The Committee to Protect Journalists said it was a "brazen assault on free expression in the heart of Europe", while Reporters Without Borders called it a "black day".


British Prime Minister David Cameron condemned the shooting as "sickening" and "barbaric", while German Chancellor Angela Merkel called it "despicable".

"This country stands united with the French people in our opposition to all forms of terrorism and we stand squarely for free speech and democracy," Cameron said.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the United States stood ready to help French authorities investigate the assault.

"Everybody here at the White House are with the families of those who were killed or injured in this attack," he said.

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi expressed his "horror and dismay", while saying that "violence will always lose out against freedom".

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said he was "profoundly shocked by the brutal and inhuman attack", which was "an act of barbarism".

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg used similar language, describing it as a "barbaric act and an outrageous attack on press freedom".

"We stand in full solidarity with our ally France," he said.

"All NATO allies stand together in the fight against terrorism. Terrorism in all its forms and manifestations can never be tolerated or justified," he said.


Police said witnesses heard the attackers shout "we have avenged the prophet" and "Allahu akbar" ("God is greatest").

Charlie Hebdo has angered Muslims in the past for publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

The prime minister of Denmark, where the publication of a dozen cartoons of Islam's founding prophet in 2005 also triggered violent protests, said she stood with France.

"Completely defenceless and innocent people became the victims of what appears to be an attack on free speech," Helle Thorning-Schmidt said.

"The French society, like ours, is open, democratic and based on a free and critical press. Those are values that are deeply rooted in all of us, and which we shall protect.

"It is also those very values that make France a strong society that can withstand an attack like this."
