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Lists related to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

a list of 971 titles by Dimitar Kovachev created 10 Mar 2012
a list of 582 titles by watson1505 created 18 Jul 2011
i update this list once or twice a week so go to sort by latest to see whats new
a list of 10,000 titles by ForPeopleNotSheeple created 2 months ago
All Wide Distribution (500 U.S. screens or more) and TV Movies.
Test your knowledge... Play the Special Game for this List.

Check out these lists also...
--200 Top Rated Mini-Series,
--Top 250 TV Series, HBO, Showtime...,
--All Worth Seeing, 1300 Films,
--Amazon Prime Instant Video, 2000 Titles,
--800 Netflix Titles (Watch Instantly) Online,
--1900 Titles, Top TV Series, 1970-2013,
--150 Super Hero Titles,
--650 Best Films, w/Few Ratings,
--Genre: Adventure, 1250 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Animation, 500 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Biography, 800 Titles, 1960-2013,
--Genre: Crime, 1600 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Documentary, 1500 Titles,
--Genre: Drama, 4700 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Fantasy, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: History, 500 Films, 1960-2013,
--Genre: Mystery, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Sport, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Thriller, 2600 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: War, 1000 Films, 1950-2013,
--All Lists: ForPeopleNotSheeple

Question:“What is the point of large lists?” Lists like this have a "Refine list" feature (located in the right hand side of the page), which is a powerful filtering tool. With this tool one can exclude all of the films that one has already "rated"(seen), or that are in the >>>>> "watchlist", or exclude films that have been rated below lets say 6/10 stars, etc. With this list you get the ability to filter the list any way you like... to drill down on the exact content that you are looking for. All filters can be used at the same time, in any combination.
a list of 39 titles by blazing_749 created 2 weeks ago
For those of you who are too stupid to read (hence would be too stupid to read this and poses important life questions such as why the hell am i bothering to write this if you are too stupid to read) this is not a best movies list, or a favourite movies list, merely a list of movies I do not see how anyone could dislike.

If you do not enjoy the following movies it is most likely that you are dead inside.

a list of 1,269 titles by Buttongoo created 6 months ago
This is NOT a list stating the order of greatest films.
This list is NOT based upon my personal opinions, it is a list that is accumulated from all films that have appeared on IMDb's Top 250, the order of the list is based upon the most recent highest rank of films. This is why The Dark Knight takes first place, as it is the most recent film to take place at #1. Films for example, Inception was ranked #3 and therefore is placed above The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (the previous placeholder for #3). High rated films that have never appeared on IMDb's Top 250 follow those that did in order of their rank.

Before commenting please note once again this is not based on my personal opinions, but the world's average opinions.
a list of 1,017 titles by VINAY REDDY BANDA created 8 months ago
a list of 103 titles by GirishWinchester created 26 Oct 2011
a list of 70 titles by nataliasanchestete created 4 months ago
a list of 2,656 titles by Paul Welch created 04 Jun 2012
This is my personal movie list. Feel free to browse. Comments have been turned off due to people using them to attack me personally about my list and others that left good remarks. So a few bad eggs made me get rid of that feature. Thanks
a list of 93 titles by tarlpatton17-305-552553 created 18 May 2012
a list of 413 titles by Vinayaka Bhat created 10 months ago
(Well now it's a list of 400) This list mostly includes the movies after 80's...
I've been watching movies seriously,just for an year now.. :)
so i'm open to suggestions and criticism .. :)
a list of 50 titles by gabe-zia created 6 months ago
in no particular order.
a list of 199 titles by barry1954 created 20 Nov 2011
All the movies I own
a list of 684 titles by created 31 Jan 2012
a list of 500 titles by BringMeMoreData created 6 months ago
According to average rating on RottenTomatoes.com, these are the 500 best feature films (meaning no documentaries) since 2000*

*Films that received less than $1.5mil domestic box office are only included at my discretion.
a list of 382 titles by GirishWinchester created 15 Mar 2012
A personal best choice of movies from this century in chronological order, which include animated movies as well. These are the movies which I think are worth watching.

Page1 (2000-2004)
Page2 (2004-2007)
Page3 (2007-2009)
Page4 (2009-2013)

Click here for my favourite movies of the 20th century 1900-1999
a list of 924 titles by aarondf2003 created 27 Feb 2012
This list is an ongoing work-in-progress. There are some stinkers in here, but they have their place - whether it's for nostalgic value or their contribution to a specific genre.

I believe films can be appreciated for their components as often as for the whole. Socially referential, emotionally relevant, politically poignant, individually ambiguous and culturally evocative... films express our identity, our values, our dreams and our doubts. Their cumulative art form succeeds in conveying what we find difficult to express.

Each entry is a film I've recommended to someone for one reason or another. Often, a single film for different reasons to different people. They're entered in no particular order, so sort alphabetically or chronologically for an easier time.
a list of 91 titles by abhinav7331 created 3 months ago
Great Fantasy Movies Worth Watching.
a list of 148 titles by kossarka-topka created 1 week ago
a list of 42 titles by johneidy_marin created 11 months ago
a list of 516 titles by Elin Haraldsson created 10 months ago
Just in the order of remembering. No TV-series.
And I'm from Sweden.
a list of 160 titles by andrirush92 created 08 Apr 2011
there are a lot o movie i've watch.. but this is my list about all the "memorable movie"
a list of 100 titles by hollowcommander created 4 months ago
Films about Epics, Myths, Legends, historical figures and the like.
a list of 800 titles by King-Lestat created 21 Mar 2011
a list of 407 titles by nazlihunca created 06 Jun 2011
The movie archive which is made for the people whose inner child still exist. These movies are not children movies. These address the inner child of adults
a list of 100 titles by rahulworld2020 created 9 months ago
included all genres adventure, mystery, comedy, animation, horror, action, romance, drama...........
a list of 2,081 titles by augman74 created 29 Nov 2011
Every film I've ever seen.
I'm 15 years old now.
#get at me
best believe it
a list of 71 titles by petit_heart09 created 6 months ago
These are my favorite movies which I can watch over and over!...I just love this movies!
a list of 129 titles by Evil Unicorns created 4 months ago
These are some of the most beautiful, amazing and thought provoking movies I've ever seen !!!

2-25 ........ 11/10 Just LOVE Them !!!
26-35 ........ Asian Movies
36-43 ........ Harry Potter :D
44-51 ........ Thought Provoking Movies
52-53 ........ Surrealistic Movies
54-56 ........ Pixar and Live Action Short Movies
57-77 ........ Action Movies 10/10
78-92 ........ Animated Movies
93-112 ........ Most Innovative Movies
113-122 ........ Movies with Perfect Endings
123-124 ........ Action Movies 9/10
125-127 ........ Comedy
128-129 ........ Movies need to watch !!!
a list of 537 titles by frostihe created 4 months ago
I'm going to try to add as many movies I remember seeing in my life! I am 15 and I have aLOT left to see!
a list of 3,595 titles by kissingbudha created 1 month ago
The list was created based on IMDb ratings of 7 and over. I wanted to get an idea of what viewers thought were some of the best flicks out there.

Some I expected, for others I was surprised that they were rated so high, but I also found many gems I had not heard of before. And equally surprising were those flicks that didn't make the cut... but that's another story for another time.

Will definitely be re-watching many of the films that did show up on this list.

Movies are initially ordered randomly, but of course you can rearrange its viewing to your liking by date, alphabetically, genre...

Will be updating as info becomes available. Enjoy.

A kissingbudha original list.
a list of 1,285 titles by abcj-2 created 12 Nov 2011
This list includes novels but also non-fiction, short stories, magazines stories or articles, poems, and comic books. All have to be published works and not screenwriter story credit. If a play is also based on a book, then those few exceptions are on both this list and my list of "movies based on plays." I do double check sources when there is any doubt to try to be as accurate as possible. Regardless of whether it is a favorite or not, if I have seen the film, then it goes on the list:)

Enjoy, AB:)
a list of 603 titles by petit_heart09 created 6 months ago
a list of 1,402 titles by thedreamer913 created 11 months ago
22 years of movie watching.
a list of 127 titles by www-rajatkumar007 created 16 May 2012
a list of 160 titles by elena-g_1998 created 17 May 2012
the movies or series i've seen come into this list!
a list of 568 titles by stratodark created 10 months ago
Movies that I've watched
a list of 2,289 titles by andythompson1999 created 12 Jan 2012
All of the movies I can remember watching to date.

The films that I would recommend you should try and see can be found on the following list, /list/q-fcAGkSjKA/
a list of 182 titles by mwcoolu created 25 Jul 2011
This is just in random order:))) Most are not "teen" movies exactly, but I just put a bunch of movies that I liked:) Hope you guys like it!
a list of 35 titles by zoesand created 1 month ago
a list of 57 titles by dumbraveanu_tobias created 3 days ago
a list of 413 titles by mhar_ced created 09 Jan 2012
a list of 1,238 titles by Cl-martinet created 3 months ago
a list of 133 titles by Johnlindsey289 created 8 months ago
a list of 482 titles by russ_wilcox created 23 Feb 2012
a list of 282 titles by stockingeralwin created 5 months ago
a list of 784 titles by Jessica-graham11 created 27 Mar 2012
a list of 863 titles by nin-nin created 14 Jun 2011
All I've seen in the short fourteen years of my life for now. I'm starting to watch more and more good movies, but I still have watched and will watch a lot of bad ones.

There is no order.

2012 / 2013
a list of 75 titles by Shan Malik created 5 days ago
Actually its a list of all the movies I've seen! nothing much of importance! :p
P.s. its nothing about ranking *beep* :@
a list of 1,732 titles by missystamper created 2 weeks ago
a list of 1,375 titles by dev_leo created 30 Dec 2011
a list of 29 titles by amandaintanv created 1 week ago
Although it has different genres, these movies will be my favorite movies ever and I feel lucky to watch these before I die ^^
a list of 4,252 titles by raisleygordon created 21 May 2012
Major films shown in at least 600 theaters in the U.S.
Movies are listed by year, and alphabetically.

a list of 26 titles by FlameAxelVIII created 4 months ago
a list of 66 titles by poeschl-k created 4 days ago
a list of 79 titles by arohiagarwal created 1 week ago
a list of 42 titles by TarMinyatur created 6 days ago
Just a small collection describing my DVD collection. Probably not particularly interesting to anybody but me... :)
a list of 143 titles by Four_White_Horses created 09 May 2012
A list containing films i consider to be great adventure, be they swashbucklers, epics, fantasy, science fiction, adventure-drama, otherworlds, romance, war, westerns or more.

This list is limited to films i have seen (and remembered), and is, and will continue to be a work in progress.

Sequels from longer series will be kept at the back of the list.
a list of 2,260 titles by palamp created 11 months ago
                                        This is everything i have seen

   •   Movies   •   Cinema   •   TV-Series   •   Anime   •   Shortclips   •   Documentaries   •

... just everything ... there will be a lot of b/w movies added in the future, but i have to find very much time for that, it will become one of my mainacts to search through my memorys. Additionally coming is a top250 and ordered best 100 inside here. Predominantly, this listing is mostly complete and continously ongoing for sure!
a list of 84 titles by MovieReviewManiac created 21 Apr 2012
I love movies and these deserve a spot on my list!
a list of 623 titles by lukejordan02 created 01 Jan 2012
a list of 722 titles by BADA BING created 16 Mar 2012
a list of 20 titles by LeoDeNiro1312 created 15 May 2012
A list of all the best saga in the order of how good the films our.
a list of 38 titles by Craig Llewellin created 1 month ago
All Movies in this list I have rated 7 or more.
a list of 35 titles by dowdya-422-880350 created 10 months ago
My favorite movies thus far....list is in progress
a list of 257 titles by DrBex created 1 week ago
DVDs in my collection.
a list of 1,082 titles by paulzag created 10 months ago
Movies I've seen
a list of 68 titles by Taher Mukadam created 1 month ago
it contains the movies that i have already saw & loved it
a list of 50 titles by JediMasterPauL created 16 Mar 2011
a list of 25 titles by veikkohoffman created 3 days ago
A great decade for movies...
a list of 109 titles by sanahpaul6 created 2 months ago
All the movies I have seen already.
a list of 701 titles by lindsayphoto created 1 week ago
a list of 8 titles by ddailey-1 created 06 Mar 2011
Good Movies For Just A Relaxing Evening and for Harry Potter fans to have all the movies in one spot to see what year they were made & years between movies & other HP trivia.....Notice Emma Watson is not in top 4 billing in first movie...then moves to 3rd then up one in the third movie to 2nd (She deserves it) .....enjoy
a list of 1,473 titles by James Maric created 22 Oct 2011
My Current DVD Collection - ALWAYS UPDATING
a list of 238 titles by TheEighthLoser created 1 month ago
A list of my favourite movies and tv shows (in no particular order)
a list of 26 titles by mr-gh96 created 1 week ago
some cool movies
a list of 100 titles by awe_sum_321 created 21 Jun 2011
a list of 110 titles by nosybummer created 01 Apr 2011
teenage rocks!!!!!!!!!

includes romantic comedies /horror/ adventure/drama and other genres

some of them are R rated
a list of 703 images by shopgirl1293 created 7 months ago
This is just a list of movies that I've seen in the past 23-25 years. That I can remember. Also I don't like every movie that is listed, there are some that I really don't like and find boring.
a list of 186 titles by dvlspice created 11 Jun 2011
This list includes everything from killer animals, aliens, demons, zombies, werewolves, vamps & unknown creatures. No ghosts on this list. These are basically tangible creatures. And I may be missing a lot (quite possibly).
a list of 53 titles by liisabet-valdoja created 5 days ago
Movies I've ever watched (that I remember) - updating in progress
a list of 2,926 titles by meretane created 11 months ago
All Genera: From silents to 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'.
a list of 199 titles by dvlspice created 11 Jun 2011
a list of 1,262 titles by corion855 created 4 months ago
every movie-series i have watched in the 20 years of my life!
a list of 56 titles by Yoyo created 24 May 2011
- I have rated over 600 films but imo these deserved a 9 or 10 (/10).
- Only the films rated 10/10 are in order.
- A film will get a 10 if it dramatically affects my mood, through extreme laughter, tears or pure amazement by its awesomeness!
- My rule is to only ever have 10 films rated 10/10 at any one time, so these ratings may change the more I watch.
a list of 200 titles by embla_rosa created 1 month ago
Trying to list all of the movies I've evvvver seen omg.
a list of 306 titles by ifascia created 4 months ago
That I remember........
a list of 742 titles by Jumping_Elephant created 23 May 2012
A complete list of every movie Ebert gave a perfect four-star rating, from his book of the same name.
a list of 37 titles by amy-tainsh created 1 week ago
a list of 912 titles by dogpoint created 07 Feb 2012
All the movies I have watched.
a list of 443 titles by riannaross-96-311356 created 5 days ago
A list of all the movies I have seen. Hopefully I can get them all!
a list of 1,100 titles by filmcriticla created 30 May 2012
A list of good movies, great movies,
(and even a splash of some bad movies with great moments or elements. ie ... horrible script but great special effects or poor film making but great laughs)

(VERY Partial List - In no particular order)

Please excuse duplicates - It is a work in progress
a list of 825 titles by malon242 created 10 months ago
Movies I remember watching.
a list of 2,000 titles by wi-poolplayer created 5 months ago
Movies Denny has seen over the last 50 some years.
a list of 317 titles by gah_marins created 11 May 2012
a list of 8 titles by blaizinhawks created 12 Apr 2011
All of them are good, but which one ranks the best among the one's released?
a list of 813 titles by natearchibald created 03 Aug 2011
A list with all the movies I have ever seen... sorted by year and ranked from favorite to least liked from the respective year.
a list of 1,727 titles by bells695 created 12 Oct 2011
DVD Personal List
a list of 621 titles by maxxmuthu created 11 Mar 2012
This is My Favourite Movies of All-Time (1920-2013) .

Maybe i missed some Good movies probably I haven't seen it yet.

Some ppl may feel this list is big but its not , considering how many movies i watched this is not such a big list .

Check --> Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7

Please feel free to comment and suggest some good movies.

This list is arranged in order and it will update regularly.

Recently added :

* Jacob's Ladder (1990) -#396
* Wanee & Junah (2001) - #597
* [Ba:Bo] Miracle of Giving Fool (2008) - #402
* Fast & Furious 6 (2013) - #317
* The Cameraman (1928) - #380
* Our Hospitality (1923) - #273
* Warm Bodies (2013) - #575
* Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) - #324
* Seven Chances (1925) - #260
* Over the Rainbow (2002) - #382
* Marathon (2005) - #339
* Going by the Book (2007) - #378
* Iron Man 3 (2013) - #407
* The Night Before - #389
* Safety Last! (1923) - #300
* Secret Reunion (2010) - #517
* Adventures in Babysitting (1987) - #384
* 71: Into the Fire (2010) - #489
* A Millionaire's First Love (2006) - #544
* Confessions (2010) - #376
* Ghost House (2004) - #529
* The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) - #321
* 200 Pounds Beauty (2006) - #419
* Django Unchained (2012) - #499
* My Dear Desperado (2010) - #580
* All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) - #177
* Life of Pi (2012) - #197
* Le Corbeau: The Raven (1943) - 477
* Dead Silence (2007) - #516
* Once In A Summer (2006) - #493

a list of 204 titles by casper_urfriendliestghos created 03 Dec 2011
This is a list of movies I have seen over the years and really enjoyed. In no particular order.
a list of 26 titles by newright24 created 1 week ago
Shows/Movies I have Watched
a list of 100 titles by rlouw04 created 2 weeks ago
a list of 30 titles by regi72 created 1 week ago
a list of 46 titles by cmk17 created 1 week ago
This is a list of movies I've seen with a brief review.
a list of 34 titles by bethan-gurl created 6 days ago
a list of 1,078 titles by noinch04 created 30 Mar 2012
a list of 68 titles by malcolm-haslam created 7 months ago
a list of 391 titles by sadra_168 created 9 months ago
a list of 33 titles by bylnoa16-310-671273 created 12 Apr 2012
No Order
Good Movies to Watch that are PG Rated and are safe to watch with your kids.
a list of 42 titles by veikkohoffman created 4 days ago
a list of 332 titles by m_roberts_07 created 4 months ago
From old school comedy movies up to recent ones.
a list of 1,252 titles by JLucasRJ created 12 Aug 2011
All the movies I've ever seen. I think.
After movie 28, it's completely out of order.
a list of 396 titles by dannabitton created 11 months ago
a list of 924 titles by jskankin created 9 months ago
a list of 220 titles by raviti created 1 week ago
a list of 218 titles by anna_b1013 created 01 Jan 2012
Here's a list of all the movies I've seen. ( bad, good or epic, it's all here. :) )
a list of 25 titles by bobpercival created 19 Oct 2011
a list of 277 titles by mfilmslove created 11 months ago
The best mystery films.
a list of 54 titles by sergi_sabate_ruano created 12 Jun 2011
a list of 591 titles by bacardi_limon created 13 Aug 2011
here are some blockbusters, box office hits, as well as low-budget films, some are really boring, some are not - it's all I remember watching..
a list of 417 titles by leahbobby created 11 months ago
a list of 20 titles by vishalvijayexclusivelyfo created 1 week ago
Here is more. I am not listing this as the 'top 20' or so. These are some flicks that will keep you entertained in one way or other. And there will be more lists coming!!!! PS: These movies are not ranked.
a list of 8 titles by er-mohanitl created 15 Nov 2011
The Harry Potter film series is an Anglo-American film series based on the Harry Potter novels by the British author J. K. Rowling. Distributed by Warner Bros., the series consists of eight fantasy films[1] beginning with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) and culminating with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 (2011). The film franchise is produced by David Heyman and stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as the three leading characters, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Four directors have worked on the series: Chris Columbus, Alfonso Cuarón, Mike Newell and David Yates.[3] When not adjusted for inflation, the series is the highest grossing film series of all time, with $7.7 billion in worldwide receipts. The series consists of eight motion pictures all of which (unadjusted for inflation) are in the top 40 highest-grossing films of all time. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final novel in the series, is split into two feature-length parts. Part 1 was released in November 2010 and Part 2 was released on 15 July 2011. All detailed source from wikipedia.
a list of 8 titles by ddailey-1 created 09 Jul 2011
Good Movies For Just A Relaxing Evening and for Harry Potter fans to have all the movies in one spot to see what year they were made & years between movies & other HP trivia.....Notice Emma Watson is not in top 4 billing in first movie...then moves to 3rd then up one in the third movie to 2nd (She deserves it) .....enjoy
a list of 100 titles by the_real_pin_ball_wizard created 01 Feb 2011
An honest list of my 100 favourite films, in order. There are so many great films that just don't quite make the list, but I wanted there to be a sense of exclusiveness to the list.

I stress the word 'Favourite'. This list is compiled based on how much I personally enjoy the films, it is not a 'Greatest/Best films of all time' list, though some of them I would consider to be worthy contenders for such a list.

Because so many films that I love don't quite make the cut here's the films closest to making it: Pan's Labyrinth, Downfall, Leon, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Empire Strikes Back, The Blues Brothers, Coming to America, Gladiator, Dog Day Afternoon, The Last Samurai, Edward Scissorhands, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Pianist, Anchorman, The Last Temptation of Christ, Goodfellas, Trading Places, Mr. Nobody, and King Kong (2005).
a list of 56 titles by DarkComY created 1 week ago
These are the movies i watched during my lifetime.
a list of 66 titles by vishnukelothmax created 11 months ago
The name says it all...
a list of 1,220 titles by taslin2112 created 04 Oct 2011
These are all of what I've collected over the years (and still have). Not all are great, some are pretty cheesy. A few that I got were ones I remembered as a kid and they stuck with me, regardless of how good or bad! I'm not afraid of trying out new and unheard of stories (to me at least) so once in a while I naturally hit a stinker, but then again there are jewels to be found also. Of course newer movies are added occasionally so the newer ones will of course be at the end. I'm focusing more on Indie films lately and 80's flicks.
And if ya feel you have to leave a nasty comment like a few others have done, please feel free to not. Thanks.
a list of 36 titles by carlosouta created 9 months ago
In my opinion, in this list are the films that might be considered among the best fantasy films made ​​until today. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
a list of 35 titles by matija-matijakren-kren created 3 days ago
The best movies from my opinion :)
a list of 736 titles by jjmendoza-27 created 23 Jun 2011
a list of 1,020 titles by ForPeopleNotSheeple created 1 month ago
Test your knowledge... Play the Special Game for this List.

Check out these lists also...
--200 Top Rated Mini-Series,
--Top 250 TV Series, HBO, Showtime...,
--All Worth Seeing, 1300 Films,
--Amazon Prime Instant Video, 2000 Titles,
--800 Netflix Titles (Watch Instantly) Online,
--Every U.S. Released Movie, 1970 to 2013,
--1900 Titles, Top TV Series, 1970-2013,
--150 Super Hero Titles,
--650 Best Films, w/Few Ratings,
--Genre: Adventure, 1250 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Animation, 500 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Crime, 1600 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Documentary, 1500 Titles,
--Genre: Drama, 4700 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Mystery, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Sport, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Thriller, 2600 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: War, 1000 Films, 1950-2013,
--All Lists: ForPeopleNotSheeple

Question:“What is the point of large lists?” Lists like this have a "Refine list" feature (located in the right hand side of the page), which is a powerful filtering tool. With this tool one can exclude all of the films that one has already "rated"(seen), or that are in the >>>>> "watchlist", or exclude films that have been rated below lets say 6/10 stars, etc. With this list you get the ability to filter the list any way you like... to drill down on the exact content that you are looking for. All filters can be used at the same time, in any combination.
a list of 1,165 titles by acey88 created 01 Sep 2011
As complete as memory allows.
a list of 9 titles by zitechme created 1 day ago
a list of 17 titles by s-pattz created 6 days ago
Movies worth seeing!!!
a list of 50 titles by hwdancingqueen created 24 Apr 2011
Random Order:)))
a list of 8 titles by minh2200 created 2 days ago
a list of 90 titles by kislaycs2010 created 04 Jun 2011
a list of 4,712 titles by Girgisbond created 2 months ago
All the movie I own....
a list of 154 titles by HGfilm created 5 months ago
a list of 12 titles by sdrpullen created 4 weeks ago
Fantasy movies I own
a list of 691 titles by aimar-laasi created 10 months ago
a list of 280 titles by mr_lebanon2008-400-352732 created 10 months ago
This is the best movies and t.v series that I've seen lately. You really don't want to miss any of these movies ! Please in case of any advice please leave a comment i'm all ears.

P.S: the list is not In order!

a list of 21 titles by hello_there_jolly_old_chaps created 05 Nov 2011
just an index for me
a list of 24 titles by mikehsarmiento created 8 months ago
Películas basadas en mundos y personajes mágicos o fantásticos.
a list of 8 titles by yaningj created 8 months ago
a list of 8 titles by jump_carter created 04 Dec 2011
a list of 8 titles by tim-mason0710 created 30 Jul 2011
a list of 25 titles by chavez_624 created 01 Feb 2012
a list of 44 images by Paok-Kilkis created 5 months ago
a list of 85 titles by halibelt created 7 months ago
a list of 1,099 titles by ayhaga created 4 months ago
chronological order from earliest year of the newest decade and so on ending it with arabic movies according to first actor/actress which comes to my mind.worst movie I ever seen is at 11. I only counted feature length movies viewed from begining to end or atleast a big portion of it until the ending.
a list of 191 titles by joe_538 created 1 month ago
Sword and Sorcery, fairy tales, and ancient mythology.
From The Thief of Bagdad to The Hobbit and beyond.

Please tell me if I missed anything.
a list of 32 titles by SajoOo created 08 Nov 2011
Movies that I watch over and over and never get bored of.
a list of 34 titles by chad-timblin created 5 months ago
Ordered chronologically by theatrical release date.
a list of 50 titles by xingyang created 03 Feb 2011
The Worldwide box-office of the 50 highest grossing films of all time.
a list of 300 titles by tobyrclark created 2 months ago
My Top 300 feature films - at present, all are rated 8.7/10 (rounded up to 9) or higher.
a list of 34 titles by pcherian-370-260141 created 18 May 2012
a list of 35 titles by ibra_1997 created 10 months ago
My all time Favourite movies! The numbers doesn't count.
a list of 12 titles by ognjenajankovic created 1 week ago
a list of 1,797 titles by adam_sandler_rox22 created 07 Feb 2012
The list of every movie that my mom and I currently own, and hopefully, I'll be able to watch all of mine this year.
a list of 37 titles by JokersGirlLucyAndBatgirl created 14 Aug 2011
These films are in no order xD
a list of 63 titles by asad_3212009 created 2 days ago
a list of 110 titles by newnightmarefan created 08 Mar 2011
a list of 851 titles by MirelaVargas created 1 month ago
a list of 1,688 titles by Yerfdog68 created 12 May 2012
a list of 1,650 titles by melanie-decroix created 10 months ago
In no specific order. *still working on it*
a list of 10 titles by NCF created 6 months ago
a list of 30 titles by kbd710 created 4 days ago
a list of 22 titles by nisanurdinler created 3 days ago
a list of 80 titles by rose-taylor created 17 Dec 2010
Some are for younger, some for older children up to 13.
I added all the movies I loved as a child, plus some newer ones I think, children will like.
Please note that I added only movies certified for 0, 6 or 12 year olds in Germany! A lot of movies are certiefied 6 in Germany and 13 in the US ...
a list of 191 titles by loserfilmnerd created 3 months ago
I'm a big fan of special effects in movies, and this is just a list of movies with special effects I felt were cool. Keep in mind I'm no expert about special effects, but I still think they're cool. These include puppetry, CGI, stop motion, make-up, and whatever else there is. This only includes titles I've seen, so if there's a glaring omission in this, chances are I haven't seen it yet. Animated movies won't be included since they're all pretty much 100% special effects.
a list of 71 titles by Addicted-to-Films created 01 Jul 2011
Hi there this is my third list, feel free to comment...its always good to get some.

Now this list is one of the Book-to-film adaptations I've watched. For some, I've also read the books.

Its also an ever growing list as I try to recall those movies that I've watched.
a list of 50 titles by themadsen created 1 week ago
This is a list of my 50 favourite sequels(and prequels).

I've excluded reboots and series without continuity like the James Bond-series.
a list of 1,008 titles by PedroDoud created 20 Aug 2011
I'm 18 years old, brazillian, and I love cinema.... The list has no order

Tenho 18 anos, brasileiro, adoro cinema... Esta lista não tem uma ordem específica
a list of 35 titles by leonarda-novoselic-552-629232 created 4 months ago
Check out more great lists here http://www.imdb.com/user/ur38447606/lists
a list of 98 titles by litakinochan created 5 days ago
a list of 51 titles by Vancity89 created 26 Apr 2012
a list of 2,653 titles by tank86-128-947671 created 18 Dec 2011
a list of 333 titles by peyman-sharifnia created 4 months ago
a list of 25 titles by julesv17 created 1 week ago
a list of 1,001 titles by MortalKombatFan1 created 1 week ago
The best films made from 2000-2009, plus some more esoteric choices. No animation, direct to video features, or tv movies.
a list of 9 titles by Pollard_640 created 2 days ago
a list of 111 titles by nary2004 created 9 months ago
This list is my watched family movies since i was a kid, the list is composed by kid-friendly and family-friendly movies, that all-ages will enjoy. It includes some Disney films and Christmas films. Enjoy :)
a list of 27 titles by elisava-grace created 2 days ago
a list of 25 titles by alpinewolfman created 21 Jun 2011
a list of 66 titles by nogink created 04 Apr 2011
Mostly feel-good movies... (no specific order)
Oookkayy... so when I started this list I didn't calculate the fact, that there are so many good movies coming out every year... sorry I couldn't hold the 55 limit... damn you good movies... ^^
a list of 33 titles by jelmy-jelt created 15 May 2012
Well obviously the title says it all, but because it's recommended to add a description then FINE. So, most of these awesome movies are the ones I have seen. OTL

And also, this has no particular order because all the movies included here are as equal (Except for The Hunger Games, Harry Potter Series and Dark Shadows.)
a list of 230 titles by rajat_bhateja007 created 16 Feb 2012
i will keep updating it regularly
a list of 271 titles by reka_meg created 01 Aug 2011
This is a list over all the movies I own. I'm not really shure all of them are mine because I have some of my parents' movies as well.
a list of 58 titles by Winter Storm created 19 Dec 2010
Movies I really loved.
a list of 32 titles by ussoxmis created 5 days ago
a list of 15 titles by cmcarriger created 3 days ago
a list of 1,067 titles by anssi-vaakanainen created 10 months ago
a list of 84 titles by bozsobernadett7 created 6 days ago
a list of 160 titles by reedawa created 1 week ago
This is just a list of films I have seen. Some have reviews.
a list of 34 titles by quinlan_dana created 2 days ago
I read more than anything else, so these are all of the books I have read that have been turned into movies that I can truly enjoy! There are also some listed that I am looking forward to :)
a list of 37 titles by isourabh-wadhwa created 02 Jun 2012
a list of 25 titles by filmfan97 created 20 Dec 2010
a list of 267 titles by dan-bartley created 27 Mar 2012
a list of 1,351 titles by ForPeopleNotSheeple created 3 months ago
This list contains Features, Series, and Documentaries that I've seen and rated at 6-stars or above. These are all films that are above average, and are worth seeing. I left out the ones that made me wish I could have a "time refund".

Test Your Knowledge... Play the Special Game for this List.

Check out these lists also...
--200 Top Rated Mini-Series,
--Top 250 TV Series, HBO, Showtime...,
--Amazon Prime Instant Video, 2000 Titles,
--800 Netflix Titles (Watch Instantly) Online,
--Every U.S. Released Movie, 1970 to 2013,
--1900 Titles, Top TV Series, 1970-2013,
--150 Super Hero Titles,
--650 Best Films, w/Few Ratings,
--Genre: Adventure, 1250 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Animation, 500 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Crime, 1600 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Documentary, 1500 Titles,
--Genre: Drama, 4700 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Fantasy, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Mystery, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Sport, 1000 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: Thriller, 2600 Films, 1970-2013,
--Genre: War, 1000 Films, 1950-2013,
--All Lists: ForPeopleNotSheeple

Question:“What is the point of large lists?” Lists like this have a "Refine list" feature (located in the right hand side of the page), which is a powerful filtering tool. With this tool one can exclude all of the films that one has already "rated"(seen), or that are in the >>>>> "watchlist", or exclude films that have been rated below lets say 6/10 stars, etc. With this list you get the ability to filter the list any way you like... to drill down on the exact content that you are looking for. All filters can be used at the same time, in any combination.
a list of 630 titles by eleni_vl_dreams created 4 weeks ago
a list of 76 titles by mahmoudmoner91 created 08 Mar 2012
I have watched a lot of movies and here's my best movies , You have to watch them .
<div style="text-align: center">Filmography links and data courtesy of <a href="http://www.imdb.com/">The Internet Movie Database</a>.</div>
a list of 64 titles by Ashley Willis created 17 Apr 2011
Witches, Wizards, Warlocks, Sorcerers, or other magic users
a list of 8 titles by Kane20 created 1 week ago
a list of 19 titles by yamane_da created 2 days ago
a list of 37 titles by delfinnegro86 created 4 days ago
a list of 635 titles by b_wilkin created 17 Jul 2011
a list of 8 titles by stevenlitsas created 4 days ago
a list of 1,068 titles by Sadsombrero created 4 weeks ago
a list of 151 titles by reedbeads created 07 May 2012
a list of 25 titles by the_bloody_vampire created 4 days ago
a list of 31 titles by michel_schumacher created 12 May 2011
a list of 430 titles by xnewia created 7 months ago
That I have seen ;D
a list of 35 titles by rmbutts-332-466112 created 4 months ago
a list of 18 titles by robinsin-jaron created 2 weeks ago
a list of 1,000 titles by prhigg2 created 11 months ago
1. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/
2. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/?start=101&view;=detail&sort;=title:asc
3. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/?start=201&view;=detail&sort;=title:asc
4. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/?start=301&view;=detail&sort;=title:asc
5. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/?start=401&view;=detail&sort;=title:asc
6. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/?start=501&view;=detail&sort;=title:asc
7. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/?start=601&view;=detail&sort;=title:asc
8. http://www.imdb.com/list/ZONm08or4PI/?start=701&view;=detail&sort;=title:asc
a list of 1,110 titles by ykocyildir created 9 months ago
a list of 99 titles by MadasaHatterGirl91 created 4 days ago
Movies I own on DVD
a list of 86 titles by lexibug52196 created 10 months ago
a list of 55 titles by rickysway-854-510782 created 4 days ago
a list of 191 titles by benita92 created 5 months ago
a list of 290 titles by keychaindragon created 2 days ago
a list of 25 titles by MissMaryMagdalene created 10 months ago
a list of 28 titles by JackRabbitRutherford created 11 Nov 2010
a list of 33 titles by nicholas_jarome created 16 Mar 2011
This is a list of sequels that were superior to their original movies. Note: This is a matter of opinoin. Don't go crazy if you have a disagree with me. 2nd Note: I consider The Good, the Bad and the Ugly a prequel to the A Fistful of Dollars; I don't consider The Silence of the Lambs a sequel to Manhunter. I will admit that it may have been considered a sequel at first, but that changed when Red Dragon was made.
a list of 214 titles by spkrpk2 created 11 Feb 2011
in English
a list of 11 titles by Philippalbarber created 1 month ago
a list of 33 titles by andrea_chang2008 created 1 month ago
a list of 30 titles by midnitemoon62 created 11 months ago
a list of 26 titles by ThroBak created 8 months ago
Some of the ratings for movies on IMDB r complete bullshit and they deserve the rating i give them
a list of 28 titles by omelette007 created 01 Apr 2012
Still need to see: The Pianist, 25th Hour, Russian Ark, Chicago
a list of 29 titles by carlosunda created 6 days ago
a list of 8 titles by Tarnim80 created 13 Nov 2011
Average rating 6,33
a list of 11 titles by ellie-steffens created 10 months ago
a list of 12 titles by trevorgbsn created 8 months ago
a list of 487 titles by losing_gripxavril created 5 days ago
All the movies I've ever seen (that I know of).
a list of 8 titles by newnightmarefan created 11 Mar 2011
Average Rating: 9.1/10
a list of 9 titles by andok101 created 24 Nov 2011
Blu Ray movies that i own
a list of 8 titles by jonas-silgalis created 13 Dec 2011
a list of 18 titles by csydgzmn created 2 months ago
a list of 28 titles by g_aniee created 15 Apr 2011
a list of 16 titles by maryam-mahmoud98 created 8 months ago
a list of 18 titles by moviemaniac411 created 11 months ago
a list of 21 titles by hhobana created 24 Feb 2012
a list of 23 titles by rainielestrella created 23 Aug 2011
a list of 29 titles by roscfb created 08 Sep 2011
Showing lists 1 to 250.
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