Richard Bergeron to join Montreal's executive committee

Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre, right, pats Richard Bergeron on the back during a news conference at City Hall in Montreal, Tuesday, November 18, 2014, where it was announced that Bergeron would be joining the Executive Committee.

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Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre announced Tuesday former Projet Montréal leader Richard Bergeron will join the executive committee, and sit as an independent member.

“He’s a great urbanist. He can bring some depth to our debates, and he has the ability to be part of the solution,” Coderre said of Bergeron.

Bergeron will oversee major projects affecting the city’s downtown core, most notably a light-rail transit system over the Champlain Bridge, and the covering of the Ville-Marie Expressway downtown.

Bergeron said the mayor’s position on building a light-rail system on the bridge is what wooed him to the executive committee. He said he has been working for this to become a reality for several decades, and the city would lose an opportunity if a new transit system isn’t ready at the same time as the new Champlain Bridge, slated for 2018. Estimates for an LRT are that it will only be ready by 2021.

“If it’s not done at the same time (as the bridge), I feel it will never happen,” Bergeron said. “I went to see the mayor of Montreal on Oct. 4 to see if he can work to (accelerate the timetable of the LRT). He agreed, and that was the turning point.”

This is familiar territory for Bergeron. He served as member of the executive committee under the administration of Gérald Tremblay from 2009 until 2010. He was asked to resign, because he couldn’t support the committee’s vision for the Turcot Interchange.

Bergeron isn’t an official member of the executive committee yet. He’ll have observer status for the next few weeks until the Quebec government passes a law to allow Coderre to appoint as many members to the executive committee as he wants.

Bergeron officially resigned as head of Projet Montréal last month. The party he founded is now being led by Plateau-Mont-Royal borough mayor Luc Ferrandez.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Ferrandez said he wasn’t surprised at the action, even though some members of his party were.

Ferrandez said Bergeron has been trying to get a light-rail system on the Champlain Bridge his entire professional life, first when he was working at the Agence métropolitaine de transport, then as an urban planner with the city, and finally as a politician. But now Bergeron will have to compromise several of his long-standing political principles to see his pet project come to fruition, Ferrandez said.

“Richard Bergeron will have a challenge, because there are many issues where he doesn’t agree with Mr. Coderre, such as the Cavendish project, the extension of Highway 19, and I think they will also have a disagreement over the future of Ste-Catherine St.,” Ferrandez said.

He said if Bergeron votes in favour of a city budget that includes Coderre’s controversial borough financing reform, he’ll face sharp criticism from his former party.

For his part, Bergeron said he has no problem playing as a member of a team, rather than its leader.

“When I left the executive committee in 2010, it was because the mayor no longer supported my vision for Turcot,” Bergeron said. “The big difference with Denis Coderre is that when he says something, he can make it happen, and if he needs a change to be made by the government of Quebec, he can get it. I believe in Denis Coderre’s ability to gain something for Montreal.”


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