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English Language Resources

We frequently create unique English language resources from our dictionary content. These resources are designed to help make the information on macmillandictionary.com more accessible to English language learners. Using all of our expertise in the area of language learning, we create educational material that is both unique and entertaining.

Keep your eyes on this page. New resources will be added regularly!

NEW this month: Real Grammar

Everyone has an opinion about grammar. Some people get upset about what they regard as bad grammar, and believe we must all 'follow the rules'. But where do these rules come from? And are they all valid? Visit our 'real grammar' page for the latest English grammar resources including a quiz and a series of videos.

NEW for 2014: Pragmatics

This year we are providing a series of resources – lesson plans, blog posts – around the topic of pragmatics and how to express yourself appropriately in certain contexts. Check out this page for the latest news on these resources.

Stories behind Words collection

In our popular 'Stories behind Words' series, over on Macmillan Dictionary Blog, regular and new contributors shared their stories throughout last year about words and phrases which had an impact on their lives. We've made a collection of these in this online flipbook. You can download the pdf version of it here.

Macmillan Dictionary Online – the smart choice

Macmillan Dictionary Online is the smart choice for teachers and students, and makes learning, using and understanding English a lot easier! Browse through this guide to find out more:

Videos and worksheets

Baba Brinkman and Professor Elemental represent their English in a rap battle between Canadian and British English. Make the most of the video by pausing and analysing! You can find the video, script and great worksheets here.

Poet and rapper Dizraeli kicked off our 'Global English' campaign in 2010 with a fantastic video about the English language in the 21st century. English language teacher, teacher trainer and blogger Jamie Keddie wrote useful worksheets for you to use in the classroom with Dizraeli's video. You can view the video and download the lyrics and worksheets on this page.


Would you like to learn more about the way the dictionary works? Or improve your dictionary skills? Or just learn more English? These e-lessons will help you do just that!

BuzzWord worksheets

We don't have to introduce to you the weekly BuzzWord – it's one of the most popular features of macmillandictionary.com. Onestopenglish and Macmillan Dictionary have teamed up to bring you great resources to help you build your vocabulary. You'll find a series of BuzzWord worksheets on this page.

Language games

Would you like to test your knowledge of irregular verb forms? This is the game for you: Irregular Verb Wheel Game!

If you'd like to test your awareness of word frequency, then play our Red Words Game!

To work on your phrasal verbs, play these games: phrasal verbs – synonyms & antonyms and phrasal verbs – particles!

Language puzzles

Our downloadable language puzzles are fun brain teasers that help you practice and discover (new) English words. Each puzzle is based on a theme so it's easy to find one that you like or one that suits your class.
