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World Free Trade Zones





Afghanistan Greece Oman
Albania Guatemala


Algeria Guinea Pakistan


Angola Haiti Papua New Guinea
Antigua and Barbuda Honduras Paraguay
Argentina Hong Kong Peru
Armenia Hungary Philippines




India Portugal
Austria Indonesia


Azerbaijan Iran Qatar




Bahamas Italy Romania


Bangladesh Jamaica  
Barbados Japan


Belarus Jordan Saudi Arabia


Belize Kazakhstan Singapore
Benin Kenya Slovakia
Bolivia Korea, South Slovenia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kuwait Spain


Sri Lanka
Brazil Laos Suriname
Bulgaria Latvia Sweden
Burkina Faso Lebanon Switzerland


Liberia Syria
Cambodia Lithuania


Cameroon Luxembourg Taiwan


China Madagascar Thailand
Colombia Malawi Togo
Congo Malaysia Trinidad and Tobago
Costa Rica Mali Tunisia
Cote d'Ivoire Malta Turkmenistan
Cyprus Mauritania Turkey
Croatia Mauritius


Canada Moldova Uganda
Czech Republic Mongolia Ukraine
Chad Mexico United Arab Emirates



United Kingdom
Denmark Namibia Uruguay
Djibouti Nepal Uzbekistan
Dominican Republic New Zealand



Nicaragua Venezuela
Ecuador Niger Vietnam
Egypt Nigeria


El Salvador Norway Yemen
Eritrea Netherlands  



Ethiopia Gabon Zambia


Finland Germany Cape Verde
France Ghana Congo-Dem Rep



Iran's Special Economic & Free Trade Zones




    The Islamic Republic of Iran began to implement the first five year economic plan aimed at the reconstruction and economic recovery in 1989, after the end of the eight year Iraqi imposed war.  The main objective of this plan was to transform the managed economy of the war to an open economy based on market forces and establish and maintain relations with the world economy.

     Due to the existing limitation for the application of the market economy, concern for the side effects of such a sharp transformation on the social wellbeing of the society it was decided to assign some locations and establish free or special economic zones in order to completely apply the principle of a free market economy.  This way, enough attraction incentives could be introduced for absorbing foreign investment. 

    According to the legally accepted definition, the free trade zones and special economic zones are those parts of the Iranian territory that are managed according to the special laws and bylaws and are excluded from the laws of the governing motherland.  These zones are excluded from the domain of the custom authorities and enjoy the full freedom for the in and out flow of goods and commodities.  Unique geographical locations, sufficiently developed infrastructure and the foreign investment incentives have provided ample opportunity for internal as well as foreign investment in the zones.

    The Iranian Parliament approved the Free Zones Act in September of 1993.  According to this act, Kish Island, Qeshm Island and the Port of Chabahar were declared as the Free Zones of Iran.   The council of ministers later adapted the bylaws of the free zones.  These bylaws have defined and set out all regulations pertaining to  import, export, investment, insurance, banking, labor  and employment of these zones.


       Free Trade-Industrial Zones                                                                    

        Special Economic Zones




      Kish Free Trade Zone                                                               

  • Kish Island Measuring about 90 Kilometers in area , is situated 18 kilometerss south ofIran's southern coast and about 300 kilometers away from the Port City of Bandar Abbas . kish is almost elliptical with an east-west length of 13 kilometers , and a 7 kilometers width running north-south . The  Island's highest point is its eastern part which rises about 45 meters above the sea level . And , its relative height is 32 meters which means only 13 meters difference from its highest point....more



      Qeshm Free Trade Zone                                                         

  • Qeshm Island is one of the largest islands of the Straight of Hormoz, in the Persian Gulf, with a unique geological and natural Status. With an area of 1445 KM2, circumference of approximately 362 km, and a length of 122, Qeshm island is located along Iranian main land. From geobotanical point of view it is based along the stripe of northern hemisphere tropical plantation. This strip in Iran begins from Hormozgan to Sea of Oman and from Ghasre-Shirin to Qatar harbor...more



       C habahar Free Trade-Industrial Zone                                    

  • The beautiful province of Chabahar, originally called "Char-bahar", meaning four springs, is part of the Sistan & Balouchestan province in the south east of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by the azure waters of the Oman sea. Chabahar stretches from the north to the Nikshahr province, from the west to Kerman and Hormozgan, from the south to the Sea of Oman, and from the east to Pakistan.  The port of  Chabahar is the largest oceanic port of Iran which leads out to the Persian Gulf...more



      Shiraz Special Economic Electronic Zone (SEEZ)        

  • Shiraz Special Economic Electronic Zone (SEEZ) was established in early      2000 at a time when the need for providing the country with much-needed material goods particularly in the areas of electronics and communications was sought. Establishing a firm foundation for the initial take-off towards the above-mentioned goal, SEEZ came into existence in Shiraz, a city strategically located in southern part of Iran, in an area about 2500 acres. Shiraz enjoys an exceptional location, and is destined to play a decisive role not only in the region but also in Iran overwhelming and promising economical future...more


          Mines & Metals Special Zone(MMSEZ)                               

  • The MMSEZ is situated on the northern side of the Straits of Hormoz, at the entrance to the Persian Gulf. An area of 1,200 Hectares of suitable land defines this customs-protected zone designated for industrial activity. Having a 1,200 MW power plant connected to the National Power Grid and a major refinery as next door neighbors, as well as proximity to abundant oil, gas, and ore reserves are the major strategic features of MMSEZ.
    Exclusive seaport and direct rail and road links are the other significant features that define the MMSEZ. The zone is only 20 Km away from the province capital, Bandar Abbas, where a major airport serves the needs of the community and industry...more


          Sirjan Special Economic Zone                                            

  • Sirjan Special Economic Zone is owned and governed by Kerman Development Organization. The zone is planned to become a " City of the Future" with ultra- modern facilities, fully automated freight handling services, and a management sensitive to the needs of the investors. The city itself will offer a completely cosmopolitan atmosphere with the most modern accommodations and amenities for the visiting businessmen or for family living. The residents will enjoy all the facilities only the big metropolitan cities can afford, including modern hospital, schools, cultural events, vast parks and green areas, man-made lake and even a mini Disneyland, etc...more


             Shahid rajaee Special Economic Zone                               

  • Development of world population, world trade structure, future development, and increasing demand for transportation, in Persian Gulf countries and domestic requirement caused an ever increasing growth of shiprepair, shipbuilding and offshore industries resulting to build a modern shipyard complex in Bandar Abbas region..more


            Jolfa Special Economic Zone                                                

  •  Land preparation and ceding (sale, rent for long period) parcels of land for   industrial, trade and warehouse purposes according to the investors' requirements and orders.
    Providing infrastructures for the investors based on the officials tariffs of the related organizations.
    Issuance of official certificates and offering all administrative services as requested by investors.
    Domestic transport and warehouse services offered to the investors including keeping cargoes on trust basis.
    Cooperation in preparing investment plans, selecting foreign partner and financial supports out of banking system (according to Note 3)...more


           Petrochemical Special Economic Zone                

  • The petrochemical Special Economic Zone (Petzone)is located on the south-western of Iran at Persian Gulf shore, within the boundaries of Mahshahr, a district of Bandar Imam Khomeini (BIK). It covers an area of 2000 hectares (4940 acres).The Zone was established in this region because of the many natural and geographical advantages. The aim was to make use of these advantages, with the incentives and opportunities created by Special Economic Zones regulations in order to develop industries and trades both at the regional and national levels,specially the petrochemical and its downstream industries, absorb modern technology, creat jobs and boost employment.     The Organization of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone is responsible for the management and materialization of the objectives of economic development activities, specially the petrochemical development projects of National Petrochemical Company (NPC)....more





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