Tim Drake (The Third Robin) – Character Bio

Tim Drake, the Third Robin

Tim Drake, the Third Robin


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So as of lately I guess it’s kind of obvious that I have been busy as I haven’t posted last Monday nor this past Saturday.  However, I did get the Tim Drake Character Bio finished and ready for ya’ll to enjoy.  So first we did the first Robin: Dick Grayson, then the second Robin: Jason Todd, now it’s time for the third Robin to get some love.

Also, I’ll try to get Damian Wayne’s bio done soon (the fourth male Robin).  Since I have already promised a reader that I’ll get an Ant-man bio up (he or she probably requested it for the upcoming Ant-man movie), I’ll probably get to Stephanie Brown later on and maybe Carrie Kelley (she was a Robin in the non-cannon graphic novel Dark Knight Returns)  if you guys want (comment below).  But the biggest post this month is going to be a Halloween themed post: The Top 10 Most Disturbing Marvel and DC Characters.  I already came up with a few, but I want you guys to either comment below or on my Facebook fan-page on some characters that you find disturbing.  The rules are basically as long as the character belongs to DC or Marvel, it qualifies (which mean it can be a superhero or villain, although I’ll bet most, if not all, of them will be villains). (more…)

My Top 10 Favorite Batman Villains


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So I sense Gotham has just aired its second episode last week, I figured I should talk about my personal favorite Batman villains.  Now sense I know Batman a lot better than I know Spider-man, this will make things easier.  When I did my Spider-man villains list, I barley could make 10.  But let’s get to the list!

To see my other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)

TV Show Review – Gotham “Pilot”

From left to right: Oswald Cobblepot (Penguin)

From left to right: Oswald Cobblepot (Penguin), James Gordan, Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Harvey Bullock, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Fish Mooney, Ivy Pepper (Poison Ivy), and Edward Nygma (Riddler)


Hello interweb, Nate here.  Sorry for not posting on Saturday, but as many of you know the TV show Gotham debuted last week and  decided to review the first five episodes just like how I’m reviewing the first 5 issues of the current Teen Titans comics.  Now this will be a spoiler review but that’s why I’m doing the episode that aired last week as that gives you guys a week before hearing my thoughts giving you plenty of time to watch the series.  The shows on Fox (for me it’s channel 12) and is every Monday night at 8.  So with that said, let’s review this thing. (more…)

Upsate #3 – Slight Changes to This Blog


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So I’m not sure if any of you guys have noticed or not but ever sense school has started, my schedule has been a little weird.  I’ve been posting every Saturday, like I said I would, but I have been making posts randomly on other days as well and I have made several new segments to this blog such as the SuperheroSins and Superhero Rants.  So I decided that I have too many segments on here than I can keep up with and I need to find some schedule for this blog.  So I decided to give a few segments the axe and decided on a schedule to work on. (more…)

Top 5 Favorite Superhero Movies


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So this post was actually more of a suggestion by a friend then a request but I didn’t have anything specific planned today so I though, why not?  So this blog is no stranger to the cinematic universes of DC and Marvel as well as cartoons and comics (this blog isn’t even really strictly about DC and Marvel to begin with and just superheroes as a whole, including anywhere from Ben 10 and Danny Phantom to Ninja Turtles, but I just stick with Marvel and DC because their heroes or more well known).  But which superhero movies are my personal favorite?  Well let’s take a look.

See my other Top 10s (or 5s) here. (more…)

Everything Wrong with: X-Men Evolution “The X-Impulse”


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So sense Sunday’s post went well, I decided to post episode 2 today since this is a new series I’m doing.  I’m debating on whether to do the whole series of X-Men: Evolution or just do the first season then move on, but leave a comment below on your suggestions.  Some other future posts that’s coming up is a post I’m going to do talking about the prices of comic books.  Outright Geekery talked about his pinions on the matter and I re-blogged his post on the matter (which you can read here) but there was a few things I think I can add to the argument.  Another post that might come later rather than sooner is a viewer requested Ant-Man Character Bio along with a Wasp Character Bio.  I promised that I’ll get to them after I’m done with the Robins (Tim Drake should be done by the 27th) so you can be expecting those. (more…)

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Rant: Comic Book Prices and Publisher Tactics


This post is from Outright Geekery and I agree with him totally. What do I agree with him about? Well, you’ll just have to read this awesome post he ha made on his blog and why don’t you check out some other posts he’s done, I read almost all of them and their really awesome. If you like my blog, you’ll love his, Peace XD

Originally posted on Outright Geekery:

Too Damn HighI’ve written about the tactics used by comic book publishers to get more and more of their readers’ comic spending dollars, so much so that you’d think I wouldn’t have anything new to write about on the subject, but leave it to the Big 2 to outdo themselves yet again when it comes to pilfering our hard-earned money through the tried and true event comics, weekly releases, and the new tactic I like to call “release date manipulation”. Now, I know history always repeats itself, and we’ve seen this all before in the past, but all together is enough to bust a bank and sets one hell of a precedent.

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Everything Wrong With: X-Men Evolution “Strategy X”


Hell0 interweb, Nate here.  So one of the major cartoons that got me into X-Men and comics as a whole was X-Men: Evolution.  There is a YouTube channel I am subscribed to called CinemaSins who basically shows a movie (not the whole movie, obviously, just the important clips) and finds all the tiny nitpicks you can find.  It’s really funny and he’s done movies of all kinds including, you guessed it, superhero movies.  He’s don the Dark Knight Trilogy, Green Lantern, The Spider-man trilogy, and even DareDevil.  His full superhero movie playlist can be viewed here but other channels has also tried this out and so I thought I’d give mine a shot.  So sense I don’t have any video editing software, I’m just going to say when what happened (you’ll see what I mean) and you can choose to either watch the whole thing or skip around. (more…)

10 Sad truths About Superheroes


Hello interweb, Nate here.  So there are a lot of things comics are asking us to believe in order to enjoy them.  Like how a simple genetic accident can allow someone to shoot lasers out of their heads, or that the a person running at hyper sonic speed won’t snap a guys neck if they grabbed him at that speed.  So for those of you thinking on becoming a masked, superpowered vigilantes, you might want to read this list.

To see other Top 10s (or 5s) click here. (more…)