Category Archives: Video Games

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced - Featured

Video Games You Should Have Played By Now: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Hello, and welcome to our latest edition of Video Games You Should Have Played By Now. Today’s installment is a very special one for me, because we’ll be covering a game that is precious to me, a personal favorite from my childhood that comes from that place where nostalgia meets genuine quality. That’s because we’re looking at Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA.

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Geek YEN! Link on Loftwing Statue - Featured

Geek YEN! – ‘Link on Loftwing’ Statue

Yen: verb 1. feel a longing or yearning. That’s exactly how we feel about the stuff we love, but, more importantly, it’s really how we feel about the stuff they make out of the stuff we love. Toys, statues, posters, pogs; we love it all, and we WANT it all. It’s Geek Yen! Continue reading

Geek YEN! Scorpion 1-3 Figure - Featured

Geek YEN! – Mortal Kombat Scorpion 1:3 Scale Statue

Yen: verb 1. feel a longing or yearning. That’s exactly how we feel about the stuff we love, but, more importantly, it’s really how we feel about the stuff they make out of the stuff we love. Toys, statues, posters, pogs; we love it all, and we WANT it all. It’s Geek Yen! Continue reading

Top o' the Lot Featured

Top o’ the Lot: Top 5 3D Zelda Dungeons

Hello, and welcome to another installment of Top o’ the Lot! This is Taylor filling in this week to shift the focus to video games, and what better way to do that than to shine the spotlight on a series near and dear to my heart, the Legend of Zelda. More specifically, we’ll be taking a closer look at one of the central features of any Zelda game, the dungeons. Continue reading

Geekly Debate Logo - Featured

Geekly Debate: Best RPG Video Game Franchise

Geekly Debate LogoThe latest installment of our weekly debate podcast, Geekly Debate. This week we discuss our thoughts on the Best RPG Video Game Franchise of all time!

Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, comment, and share.

Let us know what you think about the show, and send in your ideas for what we should debate next.

Geekly Debate Logo - Featured

Geekly Debate: Better Franchise: Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda?

Geekly Debate LogoThe latest installment of our weekly debate podcast, Geekly Debate. This week we discuss our thoughts on the Better Video Game Franchise: Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda!

Please subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, comment, and share.

Let us know what you think about the show, and send in your ideas for what we should debate next.

Geekly Debate Logo - Featured

Geekly Debate: Best Video Game Villain

Geekly Debate LogoThe latest installment of our weekly debate podcast, Geekly Debate. This week we discuss our thoughts on the Best Video Game Villain ever!

Let us know what you think about the show, and send in your ideas for what we should debate next.

Google - Featured

Google, The European Commission, and the Sickening State of Free to Play

As you may or may not have heard by now, Google, at the behest of the European Commission, is no longer labeling games as free on its Google Play store in Europe if that game has in-app purchases. Google is also going to implement stricter authorization protocols on the in-app purchases to make sure children do not make purchases on accident. Oh my, someone is finally regulating this thing. Someone has finally started to pop the bubble of one of the most despicable cash grabs that I have ever seen from the gaming studios. Finally, a government is listening to its people and is trying to protect them from the incredibly shady business tactics of these game developers. The only problem is that this will never happen here in US. That is sad. Continue reading