Tag Archives: The Legend of Zelda

Top o' the Lot Featured

Top o’ the Lot: Top 5 3D Zelda Dungeons

Hello, and welcome to another installment of Top o’ the Lot! This is Taylor filling in this week to shift the focus to video games, and what better way to do that than to shine the spotlight on a series near and dear to my heart, the Legend of Zelda. More specifically, we’ll be taking a closer look at one of the central features of any Zelda game, the dungeons. Continue reading

Geekly Debate Logo - Featured

Geekly Debate: Better Franchise: Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda?

Geekly Debate LogoThe latest installment of our weekly debate podcast, Geekly Debate. This week we discuss our thoughts on the Better Video Game Franchise: Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda!

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Let us know what you think about the show, and send in your ideas for what we should debate next.

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E3 2014: Nintendo

Nintendo LogoThe annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, better known as E3, is well underway out in sunny southern California, and everyone is bringing their best. We gave the goods on Microsoft’s and Sony’s lineups for the coming gaming year, but Nintendo took a approach to their press conference, which is appropriate for a video game company that refuses to adapt to the status quo. And that’s just fine, because The Big N’s E3 showing is anything but routine. Here’s the rundown.

The Delivery

While Nintendo elected for a video segment that used Robot Chicken style animation segments and prerecorded interview segments, the departure worked quite well considering the same boring press conference tactics used by other console companies and developers came off just as bland as they usually do. The move really put the focus on the games, helped avoid the always clunky live English translations for the interviews, added a unique way for Nintendo to better control their overall message, and helped showcase Nintendo as a company full of gamers, who just want to have fun making and playing great games. And, man, those games look great.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Super Smash Bros Wii UNintendo’s showcase video began with more news from the game that is going to make Nintendo’s year, and make the Wii U a must-have console: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. New character announcements abounded, with Lady Palutena of Kid Icarus fame, the legendary video game icon Pac-Man, and – wait for it! – YOU! It was announced that SSB for Wii U will incorporate a radical new take on the entire idea of the Nintendo Mii (the digital avatars that act as a players persona), making these Miis playable characters for SSB. Players will be able to choose from three character types for their Mii Fighter – Mii Brawler, Mii Sword fighter, and Mii Gunner – and while these are pretty self-explanatPac-Manory, players will also be able to choose from tons of available moves for their characters, taking the combo-building to new heights, and making online play something truly spectacular as players see firsthand just how much these new combos can lead to ultimate beat downs. Compatibility with Nintendo’s new Skylanders and Disney Infinity-esque toys-to-games product – dubbed Amiibo – was also showcased, but I doubt any Super Smash player cares that much about it, and the creative nature of Nintendo’s games didn’t end with Smash. Super Smash Bros. Wii U is due out by year’s end.

Mario Maker

Mario Maker Mario Maker is a game that plays exactly like its name suggests: You build a level of Super Mario Bros., and then you play it. While the idea of being able to create, test, play, and challenge my family to levels of Mario that I made is so full of possibilities that my brain reels, players will also be able to upload and download levels created by other players! There is simply no end to the hours of creativity and gameplay that Nintendo has, not really built themselves, but only tilled a field for players to sow and reap whatever the hell they want. It’s a singular Nintendo take to games like Minecraft and Little Big Planet that have found success in letting players build, play, and do things their own way. Look for Mario Maker in 2015.

Yoshi’s Wooly World

By far the most beautifully different game of the entire show, Yoshi’s Wooly World takes Mario’s dinosaur mount, puts the undeniably cute character into his first starring role, and makes for a beautiful looking platformer a la Kirby’s Epic Yarn. The game looks to be using similar gameplay tactics to the Kirby game, with a lot of influence Yoshi Yarnadded for the tongue-lashing, air-walking dino, but the amazing approach developer Good-Feel Company is taking with the yarn-centric graphics looks outstanding. Everything is made of yarn. The hero is made of yarn, the baddies are made of yarn, the entire world is made of yarn! Just look at those graphic. Yarn also plays really big in the overall gameplay, and as fun as this game is going to play, and as awesome as it’s going to look, the best part may end up being all the cool Etsy.com creations that end up for sale. Yoshi deserves some love, and he’s finally getting it, but he’s not the only B-List Nintendo character getting his own game. Yoshi’s Wooly World is due out early in 2015.

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker

Captain Toad Treasure TrackerA company announcing a third platform game may lead to grumbling from some gamers,but not when that company is Nintendo, and not when those platformers are so different from each other. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker take Mario’s less acrobatic buddy and throws him headfirst into a slower, more deliberate, but amazingly fun looking platform game. Nintendo’s theme for this E3 has definitely been different, and it continues with this new game starring a fan-favorite original character. The Super Mario 3-D World’s Toad levels are pretty much just being translated to its own game, but there ain’t nothing wrong with that! But this isn’t the only new property Nintendo showed gamers this week. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker will be out before the end of the year.


Nintendo continued their different take on games with the first party-shooter game ever, Splatoon. You and a team of friends tries to take possession of a majority of the play-area by painting more of the world with your team’s corresponding color. The twist? You can also change into a squid to add a different level to the gameplay, like moving through a painted area as a much faster speed. But, look out, because moving through your opponents’ color hinders your movement. It all sounds kind of complicated but the gameplay video speaks for itself.

I see some online multiplayer mayhem, last second victories, and demands for rematches in my future, but the true King of Nintendo’s E3 announcement was from Hyrule. Splatoon will be out in 2015.

The Legend of Zelda

Nintendo showed off their latest installment in The Legend of Zelda series, and it looks simply amazing. The demo was short, but it really showed off the size and scope of the new look to the venerable series, and the Wii U graphics never looked better. This game is due out sometime in 2015, but it’s not the only Zelda love we got from Nintendo.

Hyrule Warriors

By far my favorite announcement from Nintendo at this year’s conference, Hyrule Warriors takes two great things – like peanut butter and chocolate – and turns it into something so unique and fun that only a company like Nintendo would produce a game like this. Hyrule Warriors take The Legend of Zelda with all of its amazing characters, and combines it with the outlandish and over-the-top brutalization of badguys that is Dynasty Warriors, and what comes out the other end is players driving characters like Link, Zelda, and Impa through armies of badguys. Dynasty Warriors is one of those games you play after a bad day at work. Killing hundreds of death-deserving members of an evil army’s horde was so relaxing, and doing is with Link and the gang is going to be so much fun. Look for this one to hit on September 26th.

The Verdict

While other game develops continue to give gamers what gamers think they want, Nintendo continues to be the Tony Stark of the gaming universe by giving gamers what they want before those gamers even know they want it. Sure the usual suspects of Nintendo characters are all there, but the creative gameplay, innovative use of unique peripherals, and huge middle finger to the status quo that Nintendo showcased at E3 is beyond spectacular. Super Smash Bros. is still THE reason to buy a Wii U this year and remains the game to buy from the publisher before 2015, but The Big N isn’t resting on its laurels with it’s blockbuster fighter. Nintendo’s lineup shows a lot of imagination and creativity on all sorts of levels. Nintendo’s latest console may have been deemed “the second console” early on in its release, and their “hardcore” and 3rd part lineup may still be lacking, but Nintendo has won the argument about the Wii U being a must have console.

Levels! Episode 1: First Levels and Fanfares

Levels! Image

Outright Geekery proudly present Levels!, a new video series covering everything video games from Atari to Zelda. In this premiere episode we run down the best opening stages.

Geekly Debate: The Legend of Zelda Series

Geekly Debate LogoThe latest installment of our weekly debate podcast, Geekly Debate. This week we delve into The Legend of Zelda video game series, and argue about which one is the best.

Let us know what you think about the show, and send in your ideas for what we should debate next.

The Best and Worst in 2013: Video Games

The year 2013 was a great year when it comes to the video game industry and not so great when it comes to certain releases and events. Here we will list the most notable, best and worst the world of interactive entertainment offered us this year.

–The Best–

 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Two Worlds: More than 20 years ago the only Zelda game to hit the Super Nintendo was released and was very well received. To this day it is still said to be the best Zelda game by many. In late 2013, it received a proper sequel. Nostalgia is a factor for picking this; nonetheless it’s a great Zelda game with iconic music and gameplay.

 New Consoles: This entire year was exciting from a news standpoint. Waiting for the new console reveals, the potshots between Sony and Microsoft and finally having the PS4 and Xbox One in our living rooms was worth the long, long anticipation.

 Gone Home: Over the past year or so, artistic games have been popping up everywhere. In that mix are indie games with stories to tell. The best representing this category is Gone Home. The story itself is a patient and enthralling journey through an empty house in which the story is told to you via your own investigation. No spoilers here, Gone Home is one experience you need to take yourself.

 Japanese RPGs return: The past couple of years have been cluttered with Western style RPGs and finally in 2013, the JRPG returned triumphantly. There are a slew of great titles from Fire Emblem Awakening, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Tales of Xilia and Final Fantasy, gamers nearly drowned in the flood of JRPG heaven.

Trevor: You can talk all day long about how awesome Grand Theft Auto V is, but the best thing out of that entire game is a character. Sure you have an engrossing story, sandbox gameplay at its finest and an entire online mode worthy of being a game released by itself  … But, I found myself enjoying the character Trevor more than anything else. It is psychotically fun to watch the antics on screen performed by Trevor and almost scary what an entertaining factor he is alone.

 Oculus Rift: No longer will you have to visit the amusement park to experience a virtual reality. Soon enough this attraction will be mounted to your face and you’ll be directly in the experience while comfortably seated in your computer chair. There are already some games taking advantage of this technology and many more companies said to be developing their own VR headsets. This is one trend I can’t wait to go full retail.

 The Last of Us: This is one of my favorite games of 2013 and without a doubt it will top many lists for game of the year. Visceral gameplay, well-developed characters, detailed graphics and arguably the best story ever told in a video game from this past generation all packed into one tense journey through zombie-ridden America. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t sink your teeth into this one.

–The Worst–

 Online gaming and broken releases: How many big games have been released this year and how many of them have had their hiccups? A pretty big handful: from Grand Theft Auto Online having a rough start to the SimCity disaster (no pun intended), this year was full of disappointments when it comes to game launches, especially on the online front. Thankfully, most of the games that had a troubling start are being patched or have already been fixed. Sadly, you can’t come back from a straight up cancellation.

 Call of Duty and Battlefield 4: Two very different games, two very different issues. Battlefield 4 has probably had one of the worst launches this year for nearly every platform it was released on. It’s been shrouded in controversy for well over a month since its release and still many players cannot have a solid gaming experience online and sometimes offline. Call of Duty: Ghosts however really hit rock bottom this time. It is clearly evident that something needs to change with this franchise. Call of Duty is tired and recycled at this point, with Titanfall just around the corner; there is a lot to fear.

 Nintendo still hasn’t gotten their act together: What can I say? I love Nintendo but the past few years I’ve just been face palming with every other piece of news I hear regarding the big N. The Wii U is entering Saturn territory, their online structure is light years behind its competitors and most of all, they aren’t milking key franchises like Metroid, Star Fox and F-Zero, all of which are begging for HD or portable iterations.

 Discs and no progression towards a fully digital future: Sadly, this next generation of consoles won’t be benefiting from a near complete digital future. Microsoft had it right initially, but backed down because of the massive outcry from the console gaming audience. If you own a PC, then you’re in the right place. New games are pretty much available day one on the console storefronts, but many would still prefer the game disc to sit in their consoles.