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Written by Gustav Mensching
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Written by Gustav Mensching
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Written by Gustav Mensching
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Saints as prophets and reformers

Many prophets and prophetic reformers form a second group of saints. One prophet in early Christianity was Paul, who is honoured as a saint by Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants. He was a most powerful spiritual personality, decisively and significantly involved in the development of Christianity from a Jewish sect to a world religion.

The Tibetan reformer Tsong-kha-pa belonged to a completely different world from that of Paul. Originally, he did not want to be an innovator but only a renewer of old religious patterns. He was mainly concerned with the restoration of the discipline and the development of the Lamaistic cult. His fame grew, and, owing to his activity, many monasteries were founded. The Dge-lugs-pa, or Yellow Hat sect, was established by him. According to legend, Tsong-kha-pa was taken up to heaven before the eyes of the people. This accounts for the veneration he received, and still receives, by the Tibetan people.

Theological teachers as saints

Often numbered among the saints are certain religious personalities whose significance lies in their work as illuminating interpreters of religious tradition or as proponents of a new view of the divine or the eternal. An example from Indian religions is the great teacher (acharya) Shankara, the representative of Advaita (the teaching of the nonduality of divine reality). When he died at age 32, a short and outwardly uneventful life lay behind him. Yet even today the personality and work of Shankara continue to determine the intellectual and religious life of India.

Equally significant in the Christian West, and specifically in the Roman Catholic Church, is Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican scholar. Although first disputed, his work finally received general recognition, and he became recognized as the doctor communis (“general teacher”) of the Roman Catholic Church. His significance lies in his encompassing and methodically clear theological and philosophical system, in which he reconciled the views of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato with those of his student Aristotle, antiquity with Christianity, knowledge with faith, and nature with grace. He was proclaimed a saint in 1323.

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