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Francis II

King of France
Francis IIking of France

January 19, 1544

Fontainebleau, France


December 5, 1560

Orleans, France

Francis II,  (born Jan. 19, 1544Fontainebleau, Fr.—died Dec. 5, 1560, Orléans), king of France from 1559, who was dominated throughout his reign by the powerful Guise family.

The eldest son of Henry II and Catherine de Médicis, Francis was married in April 1558 to Mary Stuart, queen of Scots and niece of François, duc de Guise, and of Charles, cardinal of Lorraine. A sickly and weak-willed young man, Francis became a tool of the Guises, who saw an opportunity for power and a chance to break the Huguenot strength within the kingdom. To defeat the Guises, Louis de Bourbon, prince de Condé and Huguenot leader, planned the conspiracy of Amboise (March 1560), an abortive coup d’etat in which some Huguenots surrounded the Château of Amboise and tried to seize the King. The conspiracy was savagely put down, and its failure strengthened the power of the Guises. This in turn frightened Francis’ mother, Catherine, who then tried to balance the situation by securing the appointment of the moderate Michel de L’Hospital as chancellor.

In the hopes of gaining peace and rehabilitating court finances, the States General was summoned, but Francis died soon after the session began at Orléans. His death temporarily ended the Guises’ dominion and saved Condé, who had been sentenced to death for high treason. Francis was succeeded by his brother, Charles IX.

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