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Servicio profesional en derechos humanos

Servicio profesional en derechos humanos

¿Qué es el Servicio Profesional en Derechos Humanos (SPDH)?

Guias de estudio

The Professional Service in Human Rights (SPDH) the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City came in 2005 con la finalidad de garantizar la profesionalización del personal de la institución que realiza las labores de defensa, study and promotion of human rights, to ensure comprehensive care to citizens.

One of its key objectives is to develop a strategy of high human rights training, with clear and transparent rules that allow its members to improve their organizational performance in accordance with the provisions of the highest international standards in this area.

Training Programme on Human Rights is the instrument that determines the design of the curriculum map and the content that should be addressed in the context of education and training sessions each year are given to public servants and Commission as part of the Professional Service. This program is based on the following principles:

a) Vincular los procesos de enseñanza con el trabajo diario de las personas que laboran en las áreas sustantivas de la institución;
b) Transformar la metodología de enseñanza del sistema tradicional de cátedra hacia un sistema de enseñanza de casos y/o problemas;
c) Iniciar el tránsito hacia una modalidad semi-presencial de enseñanza que incorpore herramientas tecnológicas en los procesos del Servicio;
d) Modify the evaluation system to articulate the knowledge to everyday practice.

General processes of Professional Service in Human Rights

El artículo 18 the Statute of Professional Service in Human Rights and Administrative Staff CDHDF, concerns that the Service is a system that allows the development and training of professional personnel using a set of standards and procedures designed to regulate their entry, ascent and permanence, a través de los procesos generales de:

I. INGRESO Y ASCENSO: Integrado por las normas y los procedimientos para reclutar, seleccionar y designar al Personal Profesional, así como los medios para su ascenso;

II. TRAINING AND CONTINUING UPDATE: Composed of the rules and procedures for the ongoing training of professional personnel in the specialized knowledge needed to perform their functions;

III. GESTIÓN DEL DESEMPEÑO: Integrado por las normas y los procedimientos para la planeación, monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Professional Staff, and

IV. CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Composed of the rules and procedures to encourage, promote, recognize, estimular y premiar la formación y el desempeño individual del Personal Profesional.

Legal framework governing the Professional Service

By Agreement 6/2014 the Council of the Human Rights Commission of the Federal District to the Status of Human Rights in Professional Service was repealed and a new statute of Professional Service in Human Rights and Administrative Staff CDHDF approved, which entered into force in March 2014.

This new statute is the culmination of a series of actions that have as their purpose the consolidation of a Professional Service with efficient processes, transparentes, imparciales, that provides its members a real tool support for optimal performance, and a guarantee of adequate and specialized service for people who come to the Commission.

The Statute of Professional Service for Human Rights and Administrative Staff CDHDF organization establishes guidelines, características particulares, operación, desarrollo y evaluación, así como los derechos, obligations and penalties of each and every public official that is part of the Professional Service.

To whom it is directed the Professional Service?

The positions determines the General Catalogue of Positions and Jobs CDHDF as part of the Professional Service, are related to the object of the institution in accordance with the following areas of specialty:

Defensa de los derechos humanos: Se integra por los cargos y puestos que realicen funciones cuyo objeto esencial sea la protección y defensa de los derechos humanos, en los términos establecidos por la Ley y el Reglamento de la CDHDF.

  1. Promoción de los derechos humanos: Se integra por los cargos y puestos que realizan funciones cuyo objeto esencial sea la educación, la promoción y capacitación en derechos humanos, en los términos establecidos por la Ley y el Reglamento de la CDHDF.
  2. Estudio de los derechos humanos: Se integra por los cargos y puestos que realizan funciones cuyo objetivo esencial sea la investigación y el estudio de los derechos humanos, en los términos establecidos por la Ley y el Reglamento de la CDHDF.

Formation of Professional Service

Formation of Professional Service

Professional Service currently consists of 117 public servants and 87 civil servants of the Commission who totaling 204 members, which, 79% users are visiting and program human rights; 17% program focuses on the promotion of human rights while 4% plays roles in the study area of ​​human rights.

Area of ​​Expertise Men Women Total
Defense 68 93 161
Promotion 15 20 35
Study 4 4 8
Total 87 117 204



Professional Service Coordination in Human Rights is composed as follows:

  • Coordination

Monica Martinez de la Peña

  • Secretariat

Dulce María Gómez Vieyra

  • Subdirección de Formación Profesional

Rossana Ramírez Dagio

  • Subdirección de Formación y Evaluación del Servicio Profesional

Raúl Einar Urbano Zetina

  • Head of Department for Training Files

Héctor Rosales Zarco

  • Head of Department for Registration and Control

Ana Laura Rodríguez Colunga

  • Especialista en procesos del Servicio Profesional

Javier Perea Torres

  • Especialista en Logística para los procesos del Servicio Profesional

Claudia Norma Herrera Aguilar
Administrative Assistant
Juan Luis López Torres
Providers and suppliers of Professional Services
Dunia Ivette Ramirez Córdoba
Daniel Morales Cruz Gang
Marlon Leobardo Urban Manrique