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Jacques MaritainFrench philosopher

November 18, 1882

Paris, France


April 28, 1973

Toulouse, France

Jacques Maritain,  (born Nov. 18, 1882Paris—died April 28, 1973Toulouse, Fr.), Roman Catholic philosopher, respected both for his interpretation of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and for his own Thomist philosophy.

Reared a Protestant, Maritain attended the Sorbonne in Paris, where he was attracted by teachers who claimed that the natural sciences alone could resolve human questions about life and death. There, however, he also met Raissa Oumansoff, a Russian-Jewish student, who began to share his quest for truth. Both became disillusioned with the Sorbonne’s scientism and began to attend lectures by the intuitionist philosopher Henri Bergson. From him, they came to realize their need for “the Absolute,” and in 1906, two years after their marriage, they converted to Catholicism.

After studying biology at Heidelberg (1906–08) Maritain studied Thomism at Paris and in 1913 began teaching at the Institut Catholique, serving as professor of modern philosophy (1914–39). From 1932 he also taught annually at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto and was a visiting professor at Princeton (1941–42) and Columbia (1941–44). He returned as professor of philosophy at Princeton (1948–60) after serving as French ambassador to the Vatican (1945–48). In 1958, at the University of Notre Dame, Ind., the Jacques Maritain Center was established to further studies along the lines of his philosophy.

Maritain’s thought, which is based on Aristotelianism and Thomism, incorporates features from other classical and modern philosophers and draws upon anthropology, sociology, and psychology. The dominant themes in his more than 50 books include the contentions that (1) science, philosophy, poetry, and mysticism are among many legitimate ways of knowing reality; (2) the individual person transcends the political community; (3) natural law expresses not only what is natural in the world but also what is known naturally by human beings; (4) moral philosophy must take into account other branches of human knowledge; and (5) people holding different beliefs must cooperate in the formation and maintenance of salutary political institutions.

Referring to Thomism as Existentialist Intellectualism, Maritain believed that to exist is to act. His philosophy contained elements of humanism; he emphasized the importance of the individual as well as the Christian community.

Some critics have regarded Maritain as the most important modern interpreter of St. Thomas. A man of acute sensibility and known as a friend of numerous painters, poets, and other artists, Maritain devoted much attention to developing a philosophy of the arts. Among his major works are Art et scolastique (1920; 4th ed., 1965; Art and Scholasticism, 1930); Distinguer pour unir, ou les degrés du savoir (1932; The Degrees of Knowledge, 1937); Frontières de la poésie et autres essais (1935; Art and Poetry, 1943); Man and the State (1951); and La Philosophie morale . . . (1960; Moral Philosophy, 1964).

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