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AetiusSyrian bishop

c.301 - c.400

Aëtius,  (flourished 4th century), Syrian bishop and heretic who, during the theological controversies over the Christian Trinity, founded the extreme Arian sect of the Anomoeans. His name became a byword for radical heresy.

Originating probably near Antioch, Aëtius studied there under Arian masters while supporting himself as a goldsmith and a physician, rendering gratuitous service to the poor. As a student he wandered from one Syrian school to another and cultivated an acute facility in Aristotelian dialectical argument. Identifying theology with formal logic, Aëtius methodically provoked his disputants and then reduced them to silence with extremely stringent and subtle arguments. A contemporary Syrian theologian, Epiphanius, records that Aëtius expounded his doctrine in 300 close-knit syllogisms, 47 of which still exist.

Ordained a deacon at Antioch to teach Christian doctrine, Aëtius is said to have scandalized the faithful with his contention that from the aspect of divinity the Son was a totally different substance from the Father and was created from nothing. For this offense he was excommunicated. He then sought refuge with fellow Arians in Alexandria, Egypt, where he trained a disciple, Eunomius, also a bishop. Recalled to Antioch by the sympathetic Arian bishop Eudoxius, Aëtius nevertheless alienated the general membership of Arians by his extreme views and was condemned by some of his own heterodox colleagues at the church Council of Seleucia, near Antioch, in 359. The Arianizing Roman emperor Constantius II (337–361) thereupon exiled him to the wilderness of northeast Asia Minor. In 361 Aëtius was made a bishop by the emperor Julian the Apostate but never exercised territorial jurisdiction; he died in Constantinople c. 366.

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