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Elgin, royal burgh (town) and city, in Moray council area and historic county, northeastern Scotland, situated on the River Lossie in the fertile plain of Moray, of which it is the market town.

On a hill to the west stood the 12th-century castle that in 1291 marked the northern limit of the English occupation of Scotland. The castle was destroyed after the Battle of Bannockburn (1314), which restored Scottish independence. The once-splendid cathedral of Moray, now a ruin, was founded in 1224, and Elgin gained royal burgh status in 1234. Twice destroyed by fire during the Middle Ages, the cathedral was rebuilt in the form of a Jerusalem cross on a scale that made it one of the finest churches in Scotland. The 18th century, when the cathedral finally fell into ruin, was the great period of Scottish town architecture, and much of the High Street was lined with fine stone houses.

Elgin now serves as an educational and market centre for a wide area. Its industries include whisky distilling and wool milling. The internationally famous Gordonstoun School, an independent boarding school founded in 1934 by the German educator Kurt Hahn, lies 6 miles (10 km) to the north. Elgin is the historic county town (seat) and administrative centre of Moray. Pop. (2004 est.) 20,580.

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