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Written by John M. Cunningham
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Written by John M. Cunningham
Last Updated

Templeton Prize

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Alternate titles: Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion; Templeton Prize for Progress Toward Research or Discoveries About Spiritual Realities
Written by John M. Cunningham
Last Updated

Templeton Prize, formerly Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion and Templeton Prize for Progress Toward Research or Discoveries About Spiritual Realities,  award presented annually to a living person who has “made an exceptional contribution to affirming life’s spiritual dimension, whether through insight, discovery, or practical works.” Though the prize is considered by some to be the equivalent of a Nobel Prize for religion, recipients may be of any profession, and emphasis is often placed on work that explores the intersections between spirituality and science.

The Templeton Prize was established in 1972 by John Marks Templeton, an American-born financial entrepreneur who sought to advance human knowledge of the universe through a broad set of intellectual approaches and an ecumenical perspective on spiritual progress. Believing the spiritual domain to be no less significant than other areas of scholarly endeavour, Templeton stipulated that the prize’s purse always exceed that of the Nobel Prize. Indeed, for many years the Templeton Prize was thought to be the world’s largest annual award given to an individual, and by 2009 the amount of its monetary gift had reached £1 million ($1.5 million). Sponsorship is provided by the John Templeton Foundation (founded 1987).

Recipients of the Templeton Prize are chosen by a nine-member panel of judges, whose ranks have included a diverse range of political leaders, religious figures, and scholars. The prize’s inaugural honoree, in 1973, was the Roman Catholic nun and charity worker Mother Teresa, and many other early laureates, such as Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, were recognized for work done on behalf of peace or social justice. Beginning in the 1990s, the prize was increasingly awarded to scientists—especially physicists, such as Freeman Dyson and Charles H. Townes—though some members of the scientific community criticized the prize for collapsing the distinction between religious and scientific inquiry.

Templeton Prize winners are provided in the table.

Templeton Prize winners
year name country*
1973 Mother Teresa India
1974 Brother Roger Switzerland
1975 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan India
1976 Léon Joseph Cardinal Suenens Belgium
1977 Chiara Lubich Italy
1978 Thomas Torrance United Kingdom
1979 Niwano Nikkyō Japan
1980 Ralph Wendell Burhoe United States
1981 Dame Cicely Saunders United Kingdom
1982 Billy Graham United States
1983 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Soviet Union
1984 Michael Bourdeaux United Kingdom
1985 Sir Alister Hardy United Kingdom
1986 James McCord United States
1987 Stanley L. Jaki United States
1988 Inamullah Khan Pakistan
1989** George MacLeod United Kingdom
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker West Germany
1990** Baba Amte India
L. Charles Birch Australia
1991 Immanuel Jakobovits United Kingdom
1992 Han Kyung-Chik South Korea
1993 Charles W. Colson United States
1994 Michael Novak United States
1995 Paul Davies United Kingdom
1996 William R. ("Bill") Bright United States
1997 Pandurang Shastri Athavale India
1998 Sir Sigmund Sternberg United Kingdom
1999 Ian Barbour United States
2000 Freeman J. Dyson United States
2001 Arthur Peacocke United Kingdom
2002 John C. Polkinghorne United Kingdom
2003 Holmes Rolston III United States
2004 George F.R. Ellis South Africa
2005 Charles H. Townes United States
2006 John D. Barrow United Kingdom
2007 Charles Taylor Canada
2008 Michał Heller Poland
2009 Bernard d’Espagnat France
2010 Francisco J. Ayala United States
2011 Martin Rees United Kingdom
2012 Dalai Lama XIV Tibet (China)
2013 Desmond Tutu South Africa
2014 Tomáš Halík Czech Republic
*Nationality given is the citizenship of the recipient at the time the award was made.
**Awarded jointly.

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