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Penda,  (died Nov. 15, 655), Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia from about 632 until 655, who made Mercia one of the most powerful kingdoms in England and temporarily delayed the rise of Northumbria.

In 628 Penda defeated a West Saxon people known as the Hwicce at the Battle of Cirencester (in present-day Gloucestershire) and annexed their territory. He and King Cadwallon of Gwynedd (in northern Wales) invaded Northumbria in 632 and defeated and killed the Northumbrian king Edwin. That victory carried Penda into the Mercian kingship, but in 633 he was forced to recognize Northumbrian overlordship. Penda did not recover his independence until 641, when his army killed King Oswald of Northumbria. He then proceeded to extend his power over an area corresponding to modern Cheshire, Shropshire, and Hereford and Worcester. His son Peada had been made subking of Middle Anglia by 653. East Anglia was subjugated, and King Cenwalh was driven from Wessex for three years (645–648). In 655 Penda invaded Northumbria with forces drawn from many kingdoms, but he was slain by the Northumbrian king Oswin at the Battle of the Winwaed near Leeds (in present-day Yorkshire). Although Penda was a pagan, he allowed Peada to introduce Christianity into Middle Anglia.

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