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Written by Andre Munro
Last Updated
Written by Andre Munro
Last Updated

Head of state

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Alternate title: chief of state
Written by Andre Munro
Last Updated

head of state, the highest representative of a sovereign state, who may or may not also be its head of government. The role of the head of state is primarily representative, serving to symbolize the unity and integrity of the state at home and abroad.

The specific title of the head of state depends on the state’s political system. The head of state in a monarchy, for instance, is usually a king or queen, while in a republic this role is typically filled by the president. The mode of selection of the head of state also varies between political systems, including direct election by the people, indirect election by a legislative body or electoral college, and hereditary succession. In dictatorships the position is often simply seized by force.

The head of state may hold significant constitutional power or exert only the ceremonial authority associated with his or her title. For example, Queen Elizabeth II, a modern constitutional monarch, performs an important but mainly symbolic function in the British political system. She opens each new session of Parliament, dissolves it before a general election, and represents the country abroad. The president of France, in contrast, possesses significant powers, such as making treaties with foreign governments and directing the armed forces. In both cases, the head of state (monarch or president) is distinct from the head of government, who is the prime minister. In other countries, such as the United States and the Philippines, the person who is the head of state is also the head of government and thus retains the duties and prerogatives associated with both titles.

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