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Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley

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Alternate title: Garnet Joseph Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley of Wolseley, Baron Wolseley of Cairo and of Wolseley

Garnet Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley, in full Garnet Joseph Wolseley, 1st Viscount Wolseley of Wolseley, Baron Wolseley of Cairo and of Wolseley   (born June 4, 1833, Golden Bridge, County Dublin, Ire.—died March 26, 1913, Mentone, France), British field marshal who saw service in battles throughout the world and was instrumental in modernizing the British army.

The son of an army major, Wolseley entered the army as second lieutenant in 1852 and fought with distinction in the Second Anglo-Burmese War, the Crimean War, and the Indian Mutiny. Surviving many wounds, which cost him the sight of one eye, Wolseley became at 25 the youngest lieutenant colonel in the British army. As a staff officer under Sir James Hope Grant, he sailed to China in 1860. His planning and deeds are described in his Narrative of the War with China in 1860 (1862).

Late in 1861 the U.S. seizure of two Confederate agents on the British ship Trent created a temporary crisis. Wolseley was then sent to Canada to improve that colony’s defenses in case of war with the United States. In 1870 he led the Red River expedition through 600 miles (950 km) of wilderness to suppress the rebel Louis Riel, who had proclaimed a republic in Manitoba. Success in the field and dedication to improvement of the service, as revealed in his Soldier’s Pocket-book for Field Service (1869), led to his appointment (May 1871) as assistant adjutant general at the War Office.

A highly efficient commander with an admiring public, Wolseley was employed by successive governments as chief troubleshooter of the British Empire. In 1873 he was sent to West Africa to lead a punitive expedition against the Asante (Ashanti) empire, resulting in the destruction of its capital at Kumasi. Two years later he was sent to Natal in southern Africa to induce the colonists to surrender some of their political rights to promote federation in South Africa. When calamity struck the British forces battling the Zulus in 1879, Wolseley was given command in South Africa. After restoring order in Zululand, he moved on to the Transvaal, where he discouraged rebellion among the Boers.

Returning to the War Office, first as quartermaster general (1880) and then as adjutant general (1882), he devoted himself to reform until interrupted by a nationalist uprising in Egypt under ʿUrabī Pasha. In his most brilliant campaign, Wolseley swiftly seized the Suez Canal and, after a night march, surprised and defeated ʿUrabī at Tall al-Kabīr (Sept. 13, 1882). Prime Minister William Gladstone rewarded him with a barony. Back in Egypt in 1884, Wolseley organized and headed an expedition to the Nile to rescue his friend General Charles (“Chinese”) Gordon, besieged at Khartoum in the Sudan. An advance party arrived on Jan. 28, 1885, two days after the city had fallen and Gordon had been killed. For his efforts, Wolseley was elevated to viscount. (The title devolved on his only daughter upon his death.)

After serving as commander of the troops in Ireland (1890–94), he became a field marshal and commander in chief of all Britain’s forces (1895–1901). In that office his greatest contribution was in mobilizing the army with characteristic thoroughness for the South African War (1899–1902).

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