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Filippo Tommaso MarinettiItalian-French author
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Also known as
  • Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti

December 22, 1876

Alexandria, Egypt


December 2, 1944

Bellagio, Italy

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, in full Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti   (born Dec. 22, 1876Alexandria—died Dec. 2, 1944, Bellagio, Italy), Italian-French prose writer, novelist, poet, and dramatist, the ideological founder of Futurism, an early 20th-century literary, artistic, and political movement.

Marinetti was educated in Egypt, France, Italy, and Switzerland and began his literary career working for an Italian–French magazine in Milan. During most of his life his base was in France, though he made frequent trips to Italy and wrote in the languages of both countries. Such early poetry as the French Destruction (1904) showed the vigour and anarchic experimentation with form characteristic of his later work.

Futurism had its official beginning with the publication of Marinetti’s “Manifeste de Futurisme” in the Paris newspaper Le Figaro (Feb. 20, 1909). His ideas were quickly adopted in Italy, where the writers Aldo Palazzeschi, Corrado Govoni, and Ardengo Soffici were among his most important disciples.

Marinetti’s manifesto was also endorsed by Futurist painters, who published a manifesto of their own in 1910. Such painters and sculptors as Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, and Gino Severini carried out Marinetti’s ideas.

Marinetti’s later works reiterated the themes introduced in his 1909 manifesto. In 1910 he published a chaotic novel (entitled Mafarka le Futuriste in France and Mafarka il futurista in Italy), which illustrated and elaborated on his theory. He also applied Futurism to drama in such plays as the French Le Roi bombance (performed 1909; “The Feasting King”) and the Italian Anti-neutralità (1912; “Anti-Neutrality”) and summed up his dramatic theory in a prose work, Teatro sintetico futurista (1916; “Synthetic Futurist Theatre”).

In a volume of poems, Guerra sola igiene del mundo (1915; “War the Only Hygiene of the World”), Marinetti exulted over the outbreak of World War I and urged that Italy be involved. He became an active Fascist, an enthusiastic backer of Mussolini, and argued in Futurismo e Fascismo (1924), that Fascism was the natural extension of Futurism. Although his views helped temporarily to ignite Italian patriotism, Marinetti lost most of his following by the second decade of the 20th century.

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