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Peter Bartholomew

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Peter Bartholomew,  (died April 14, 1099), medieval French pilgrim who claimed to discover the Holy Lance, the purported remnant of the weapon that pierced the side of Jesus Christ during his Crucifixion, and who galvanized soldiers during the First Crusade before ultimately being discredited.

Peter, who was probably a peasant, traveled to the Holy Land from Provence, claiming that St. Andrew had appeared to him in a series of visions and had revealed to him the location of the lance. He informed the leaders of the First Crusade of his visions. Bishop Adhémar of Le Puy, a papal legate and the spiritual leader of the Crusade, was skeptical of the authenticity of the visions. Count Raymond of Toulouse—also the marquis of Provence and the leader of one of the largest regiments of Crusaders—was impressed, however, and commanded that a solemn search be conducted for the lance. In June 1098 Peter led them to the Cathedral of St. Peter in Antioch and indicated where the lance would be located. After a day of fruitless digging, he leaped into the hole and produced a piece of iron that he proclaimed to be the lance. Most of the Crusaders accepted it as an authentic relic and carried it with them into battle against the Muslims.

When Adhémar died two months after the recovery of the lance, Peter became the de facto spiritual leader of the Crusaders. He claimed further visions from St. Andrew, including instructions for the prosecution of the Crusade, and visions from the late Adhémar. The proliferation of his visions caused some people to doubt not only Peter but the lance’s authenticity as well, resulting in dissension and discord among the Crusaders. The greatest challenge to Peter’s credibility came when he claimed that God had commissioned him to weed out the “sinful” from the ranks of the Crusaders and execute them. In April 1099, on Good Friday, Peter submitted himself to an ordeal by fire to test the validity of his claims and was fatally burned (though one witness declared that Peter emerged unscathed but was immediately mobbed and fatally injured by zealous Crusaders). After his death the Holy Lance was discredited and Raymond’s prestige suffered.

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