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angel and demon

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In the religions of the East

Guanyin and attendant bodhisattvas, detail of a painted mural, early 8th century, Tang dynasty, …
[Credits : Chen Zhi’an/ChinaStock Photo Library]As noted earlier, the function of angels in Eastern religions was carried by avatāras, bodhisattvas, and other such spiritual beings who were extensions of God or the sacred. Belief in demons was and is very widespread, influencing various rituals and practices to counteract the forces that are hostile to man and nature. In Hinduism, the asuras (the Zoroastrian ahuras) are the demons who oppose the devas (the gods). Both vied for the homa, or the amṛta (the sacred drink that gives power), but the god Viṣṇu (the preserver), incarnated as a beautiful woman (Mohinī), aided the gods so that they alone would drink the amṛta, thus giving them power over the demons. Among the various classes of Hindu asuras (demons) are nāgas (serpent demons); Ahi (the demon of drought); and Kaṃsa (an archdemon). Demons that afflict men include the rākṣasas, grotesque and hideous beings of various shapes who haunt cemeteries, impel men to perform foolish acts, and attack sadhus (saintly men), and piśacas, beings who haunt places where violent deaths have occurred. Buddhists often view their demons as forces that inhibit man from achieving Nirvāṇa (bliss or the extinction of desire). Included among such ... (200 of 6559 words) Learn more about "angel and demon"

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The Western religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have all accepted the belief that there is, between God and mankind, a class of intermediary beings called angels. The word angel comes from the Greek word angelos, meaning "messenger." Angels are considered to be bodiless minds or spirits who perform various services for God or for people on God’s behalf.

External Web Sites
The topic angel and demon is discussed at the following external Web sites.
The Catholic Encyclopedia - Angels
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MLA Style:

"angel and demon." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 25 Dec. 2009 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/24463/angel>.

APA Style:

angel and demon. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved December 25, 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/24463/angel

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