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Urbanism as a way of life

Modern urban life in South America.
[Credit: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.]Industrialism does not simply increase numbers; it distributes them in particular ways, concentrating mass populations in cities. Modern life is unquestionably urban life.

It may be argued that it was in the cities of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome that a distinctively urban existence was first brought to that pitch of refinement that signifies an advanced civilization. Certainly for those fortunates who were free citizens the Athens of Pericles provided an agreeable existence. The Italian cities of the Renaissance, too, provided a distinctly urban culture.

Industrial urbanism differs from preindustrial urbanism in two ways. The first is in its quantitative reach and intensity; the second is in the new qualitative relationship it sets up between the city and society.

For all the culture and sophistication of the preindustrial city, it remained a minority experience. Full participation in urban life was available to no more than the 3 or 4 percent of the population who were city dwellers in 3rd-millennium-bc Egypt and Mesopotamia and to the 10 to 15 percent of Romans who lived in cities at the zenith of imperial Rome (but who were heavily dependent on food supplies from North Africa). These latter represent a high point of preindustrial urbanism.

Industrialization brings a growth in trade and manufactures. To serve these activities it requires centralized sites of production, distribution, exchange, and credit. It demands a regular system of communications and transport. It multiplies the demand that political authorities establish a dependable coinage, a standard system of weights and measures, a reasonable degree of protection and safety on the roads, and regular enforcement of the laws. All these developments conduce to a vast increase in urbanization. Whereas in typical agrarian societies 90 percent or more of the population are rural, in industrial societies it is not uncommon for 90 percent or more to be urban.

The growth of cities with industrialization can be illustrated by the example of the United Kingdom. In 1801 about a fifth of its population lived in towns and cities of 10,000 or more inhabitants. By 1851 two fifths were so urbanized; and if smaller towns of 5,000 or more are included, as they were in the census of that year, more than half the population could be counted as urbanized. The world’s first industrial society had become its first truly urban society as well. By 1901, the year of Queen Victoria’s death, the census recorded three-quarters of the population as urban (two-thirds in cities of 10,000 or more and half in cities of 20,000 or more). In the span of a century a largely rural society had become a largely urban one.

The pattern was repeated on a European and then a world scale as industrialization proceeded. At the beginning of the 19th century, continental Europe (excluding Russia) was less than 10 percent urbanized, with respect to cities of 10,000 or more; by the end of the century it was about 30 percent urbanized (10 percent in cities with 100,000 or more), and by 1998 the urban population was roughly 78 percent. In the United States in 1800, only 6 percent of the population lived in towns of 2,500 or more; in 1920 the census reported that for the first time more than half of the American people lived in cities. By 1998 this had risen to 77 percent—about the same as Japan’s urban population—and just under two-fifths of the population lived in metropolitan areas of one million or more. Taking the world as a whole, in 1800 no more than 2.5 percent of the population lived in cities of 20,000 or more; by 1965 this had increased to 25 percent, and by 1980 it had reached 40 percent. By this measure, slightly less than half of the world’s population could be classified as urban in 2000. This trend has been accompanied by a great growth of very large cities, of a type virtually unknown in the preindustrial world. In 1800 the world’s largest city, Beijing, had 1.1 million inhabitants. One hundred years later the world’s largest city was London, with 6.5 million people. Cities of more than 1 million inhabitants numbered 16 in 1900, 67 in 1950, and 250 in 1985. In 2000, 16 cities had populations exceeding 6 million.

As with population growth, it was in the underdeveloped nations that the fastest rates of urban growth were to be found. The rapidly expanding population of a countryside unable to support it sought the city for both escape and opportunity, though in many cases it was a perilous choice. Between 1900 and 1950, while the world’s population as a whole grew by 50 percent, the urban population grew by 254 percent; in Asia urban growth was 444 percent and in Africa 629 percent. In the early 21st century, Africa and Asia were nearly 40 percent urbanized. Cities such as São Paulo and Mexico City (both with populations of roughly 18 million), Mumbai (16 million), and Shanghai (approximately 13 million) had mushroomed to rival and even exceed the size of large cities in the developed West.

But while urbanization in the underdeveloped nations repeats some of the more distressing features of its Western counterpart—overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, and unemployment—the compensation and eventual remedy of economic growth has been largely lacking. With some partial exceptions, such as Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan, southern coastal China, and Singapore, the underdeveloped world has known urbanization without industrialization. The result has been the rapid growth of shantytowns on the edges of the big cities. It has been estimated that about four or five million families in Latin America live in shantytowns.

Urbanism cannot be understood simply by statistics of urban growth. It is a matter, too, of a distinctive culture and consciousness. Urbanism is a way of life, as classically analyzed by the German sociologist Georg Simmel and the American sociologist Louis Wirth. City life, with its tendency to nervous overstimulation, may lead to a bored and blasé attitude to life. It may encourage frivolous and fleeting cults and fashions. It can detach people from their traditional communal moorings, leaving them morally stranded and so inclined to harbour unreal expectations and feverish dreams. In the very number of social contacts it necessarily generates, it may compel individuals to erect barriers to protect their privacy. Individuals may be forced into an attitude of reserve and isolation. Hence, as Simmel noted, the superficial paradox that “one nowhere feels as lonely and lost as in the metropolitan crowd.”

At the same time, cities promote diversity and creativity. They attract the best and the brightest. If anything is to be accomplished in modern society, it almost certainly will be in the city. Karl Marx spoke of “the idiocy of rural life.” Only in cities, many sociologists have felt, are human beings able to realize to the full all their potentialities. Cities are the forcing house of change and growth. “Great cities,” declared the French sociologist Émile Durkheim, “are the uncontested homes of progress; it is in them that ideas, fashions, customs, new needs are elaborated and then spread over the rest of the country. . . . Minds naturally are there oriented to the future.”

But whether they deplored or praised urban life, most commentators have agreed that, with industrialism, the city moved into a pivotal new relation with society as a whole. Preindustrial cities were islands in an agrarian sea. They hailed each other across vast alien tracts of nonurban life, which remained largely indifferent to and unaffected by their practices. Essentially they were parasitic on the countryside and on the peasant masses whose agricultural labour sustained them. Their disappearance not only would not have mattered to the peasants but would in most cases have been welcomed.

With industrial urbanism, this relationship was reversed. The countryside now became dependent on the city. It became an integral but peripheral part of a single economic system revolving around trade and commerce that was centred on the cities. Largely emptied of people, the countryside was now in effect simply another theatre of industrial operations for city merchants and bankers. Political and economic power resided in the city; industrial and financial corporations became the dominant landowners, replacing individual proprietors. Except in pockets largely maintained as quaint retreats for tourists, rustic life virtually disappeared; certainly it no longer significantly affected the values and practices of the larger society. What remained of “country life” was often little more than a persuasive and nostalgic motif in the hands of advertising copywriters, preying on the fantasies of city dwellers.

The city became both the symbol and the reality of industrial society as a whole. No longer, as in the past, standing in a merely mechanical relation to other parts of society, the city took its place at the centre of an increasingly organic whole. Industrialism created a centralized web of social relationships, and the city was the node. It dictated the style and set the standard for the whole society, imposing on all its own economic, political, and cultural framework.


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