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biblical literature


The title (in the Greek, Latin, and English versions) means “a going out,” referring to the seminal event of the liberation of Israel from Egyptian bondage through the wondrous acts and power of God. The book celebrates and memorializes this great saving event in song and story and also the awesome revelation and covenant at Mt. Sinai. The contents of the book may be summarized thus: (1) Israel in Egypt, (2) the Exodus and wanderings, (3) the Covenant at Sinai, (4) the apostasy of the people and renewal of the Covenant, and (5) the instructions on building the Tabernacle and their execution.

Redemption and revelation

Significant in the early chapters is God’s special concern for the Hebrew slaves, his reference to them as “my people,” and his revelation to Moses, the rebel courtier whom he has picked to be their leader, that he is YHWH, the God of their fathers, an abiding presence that will rescue them from their misery and bring them into Canaan, the land of promise. This assurance is repeated at the critical moments that follow (e.g., “And I will take you for my people, and I will be your God”). In the series of frustrations, obstacles, and redeeming events that are narrated, God’s special causal power and presence are represented as being at work. God hardens the Pharaoh’s heart, sends plagues that afflict the Egyptians but spare the Hebrews, causes the waters to recede in the Sea of Reeds (or Papyrus Marsh) to permit passage to the fleeing Israelites and then to engulf the pursuing Egyptians (“the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea”), and gives the people guidance in their wandering in the wilderness. The cryptic “name” that God gives to himself in his revelation to Moses (ʿehye ʿǦĨḤḥİ ʿehye), often translated “I am that I am” or “I will be what I will be,” may also be rendered “I will cause to be that which I will cause to be.” In either case, it is a play on, and an implied interpretation of, the name YHWH.

The constancy of God’s directive power and concern is displayed notably in the period (40 years) of wilderness wandering (on the eastern and southern borders of Canaan), when Israel is tested and tempered not only by hardship but also by rebellious despair that looks back longingly to Egyptian bondage (see also below Numbers). God sends the people bread from heaven (manna) and quail for their sustenance (J and P strands) and, through Moses, brings forth hidden sources of water (JE strand). When the Amalekites (a nomadic desert tribe) attack, Moses, stationed on a nearby hill, controls the tide of battle by holding high the rod of God (a symbol of divine power), and when the enemy is routed he builds an altar called “The Lord is my banner” (E strand). Also inserted here is the account (E) of the visit of Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, a priest of another people (Midianite) who, impressed by YHWH’s marvellous deliverance of Israel, blesses, extols, and sacrifices to him—under the name Elohim, but in the context the same God is clearly meant.

God’s power and presence manifest themselves impressively in the culminating account of the Covenant at Mt. Sinai (or Horeb). The people, forewarned by God through Moses, agree beforehand to carry out the terms of the Covenant that is to be revealed, because God has liberated them from Egypt and promises to make them his special holy people; they purify themselves for the ensuing Covenant ceremony, according to God’s instructions. Yahweh appears in fire and smoke, attended by the blare of a ram’s horn at the top of the mountain, where he reveals to Moses the terms of the Covenant, which Moses then passes on to the people below. Here follow in the text the Ten Commandments and the so-called Covenant Code (or Book of the Covenant) of lesser, specific ordinances, moral precepts, and cultic regulations, accompanied by a promise to help the people conquer their enemies if they will serve no other gods. After this comes the Covenant ceremony with burnt offerings and the sacrifice of oxen, with the blood of the animals thrown both on the altar and on the people to sacramentally seal the Covenant, followed by a sacral meal of Moses and the elders at the mountaintop, during which they see God. Many modern scholars hold that this is presented as the initial form of a Covenant renewal ceremony that was repeated either annually or every seven years in ancient Israel.

There are certain problems and apparent discrepancies in this account that are explained by critical scholarship as deriving from the combination of different sources, mainly J and E, traditions, or emphases. In the opening portion (chapter 19) the people are gathered at the foot of the mountain so as to hear and meet God, and Moses himself brings down to them God’s words. In a later portion (24:12–18, also 32:15–20), after the sacral meal, Moses goes up on the mountain to receive “the tables of stone, with the law and commandments,” inscribed by God himself, and returns with two stone tablets written on both sides by the hand of God—which he breaks in anger at the people’s worship of the molten calf that has developed in his absence. Later (chapter 34), at God’s command, Moses cuts two new stone tablets, upon which after hearing God’s various promises and exhortations, he writes “the words of the covenant, the ten commandments”; finally, he brings the new tablets down to the people and tells them what YHWH has commanded. There seem to be two parallel accounts of the same event, woven together by the skillful redactor into a continuing story. There also seem to be two distinct strands in the account of the sealing of the Covenant in the first 11 verses of chapter 24. According to one, the elders are to worship from afar, and only Moses is to come near YHWH; in the other strand, as noted, the elders eat the sacred meal on the mountaintop in the direct presence of God.


The book of Exodus includes not only the narrative and celebration of God’s redemptive action in the Exodus and wanderings and his revealing presence at Mt. Sinai but also a corpus of legislation, both civil and religious, that is ascribed to God and this revelation event. The Covenant Code, or Book of the Covenant, presented in chapters 20–23, immediately following the Decalogue (Ten Commandments), opens with a short passage on ritual ordinances, followed by social and civil law applying to specific situations (case law), including the treatment of slaves, capital crimes, compensation for personal injuries and property damage, moneylending and interest, precepts on the administration of justice, and further ritual ordinances. Scholars generally date this code in the later agricultural period of the settlement in Canaan, but some hold that it is analogous to more ancient Near Eastern law codes and may go back to Moses or to his time. In any case, it seems to be a compilation from various sources, inserted into and breaking the flow of the narrative.

Instructions on the Tabernacle

Also interspersed in the story (chapters 25–31) are God’s detailed instructions to Moses for building and furnishing the Tabernacle, the clothing and ordination of priests, and other liturgical matters. According to this segment (evidently P in inspiration), an elaborate structure is to be set up in the desert, in the centre of the camp, taken apart, transported, and assembled again, like the simple “Tent of Meeting” outside the camp, where Moses received oracular revelations from God. Indeed, the two concepts seem to have fused and the Tabernacle is also called the Tent of Meeting. Its prime function is to serve as a sanctuary in which sacrifices and incense are offered on altars and bread presented on a table; it is also equipped with various other vessels and furnishings, including a wooden ark, or cabinet, to contain the two tablets of the Covenant—the famous ark of the Covenant. It is, moreover, to be the place of God’s occasional dwelling and meeting with the people. Scholars believe that the elaborate details and materials described stem from a later, Canaanite, period but that the essential concept of a tent of meeting goes back to an earlier desert time. An account of the execution of the instructions for the building of the Tabernacle is presented in chapters 35–40 (following the apostasy, tablet breaking, and Covenant-renewal episodes), which duplicates to the letter the instructions in chapters 25–31. After the Tabernacle is completed and consecrated, it is occupied by the “glory,” or presence, of YHWH, symbolized by a cloud resting upon it. It is on this note that the book of Exodus ends.


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