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biblical literature

The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians

The authenticity of Ephesians as a genuinely Pauline epistle has been doubted since the time of the Dutch Humanist Erasmus in the 16th century. It is most reasonable to consider it as “deutero-Pauline”—i.e., in the tradition of Paul but not written by him. The problem of Ephesians cannot be solved apart from that of Colossians, because many similarities are noted in the style and development of Pauline thought into cosmic imagery; yet they treat different problems. In both, the heritage of Paul is preserved by a “Paulinist,” and it is on this basis that Ephesians and Colossians were accepted into the canon. Both are “captivity epistles,” ostensibly written by Paul from prison. Of the 155 verses in Ephesians, 73 have verbal parallels with Colossians; and when parallels to genuine Pauline letters are added, 85 percent of Ephesians is duplicated elsewhere. It would appear that Ephesians is dependent on an earlier, more specifically oriented Colossians, and it may be that Ephesians uses, combines, and condenses the material of Colossians for its own needs.

Though Colossians is directed explicitly and strongly against a particular Judaizing proto-Gnostic heresy—i.e., an incipient form of a religious dualistic system that emerged as a very attractive heretical movement in the 2nd century—Ephesians is not polemically oriented and is not clearly connected to a particular congregation, its problem, or its individuals. Though Ephesians uses a letter style with an introduction, greeting, and closing benediction, the only person mentioned in it is Tychicus, already mentioned in the same context in Colossians. The doctrinal section shows that the whole world—not only the Jews—is in a cosmic sense subjected to Christ, and Jew and Gentile are reconciled and united through him. This is the mystery of God’s plan revealed to the church through Paul but expanded in scope. All are saved and reconciled through Christ, who has made both Jew and Gentile one and has “broken down the dividing wall of hostility,” bringing peace and unity. The author of Ephesians continues Pauline language and makes it more Pauline than Paul himself.

After the address—which, according to the best manuscripts, lacks a reference to Ephesus—there is a hymn of praise to God in terms of a cosmic plan of redemption. Through the ascended Christ, salvation is for all, and he is the head of the body, his church. Because the address and thanksgiving are to the church in general (the place name, Ephesus, being an early gloss), it is possible that Ephesians was meant as an encyclical, to be distributed, perhaps, as a covering letter for the whole Pauline collection. The “mystery of God’s will” (chapter 1, verse 9) is spelled out in chapter 2 as the reconciling act of Christ for both Gentile and Jew. In chapter 3 Paul’s role in giving knowledge of this mystery in his ministry leads to a doxology. After this semi-epistolary form, the general admonitions follow in terms of gifts of grace with stress on unity: one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God for all. A warning against a heathen way of life is given in contrast with the Christian’s old nature as opposed to his new being in Christ. In chapter 6, verses 10–20, the Christian is enjoined “to put on the whole armor of God” as defense against evil and Ephesians ends as a letter, with a blessing.

The Christology and ecclesiology imply a background of a Christianized, mythological proto-Gnosticism, or a strongly Hellenized Judaism. Perhaps one of the best clues to the lateness and pseudonymity of Ephesians in comparison with the genuine Pauline letters, however, is the phrase “revealed to his (Christ’s) holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.” Such an expression is certainly later than Paul and looks back on the apostolic age as a time in the past.

A possible date is shortly after Colossians, in the early 2nd century. Because there are so many similarities to Colossians, Asia Minor might be the place of composition, but this is merely conjecture. The non-Pauline use of the term mystery to denote that Gentiles are fellow heirs with Jews, the uniting of all in Christ, and an analogy between marriage and Christ’s relation to the church, all point to a different and later time than that of Paul. The style of Ephesians builds up long, almost unmanageable, unpunctuated, excited, and abundant sentences, even longer than those of Paul when he is most provoked or, perhaps, absentminded and does not finish sentences that he begins. A comparison of the table of duties of Colossians 3 and Ephesians 5 and 6 also shows a strong development in the direction of making the relationship of Christ and his church the basis for all other relationships.

The eschatology of Ephesians is attenuated, if not far in the background, and a continuation of the church is implied. In chapter 1, verse 13, the writer sees the Spirit as the guarantee (down payment) of the Christian’s inheritance—a present indication through the Spirit that the Christian can live in faith in the world looking for the Kingdom but already sure he can draw on the powers thereof without an imminent expectation of the end-time. Ephesians gives hope for universal salvation, grace as a gift of God, strength in patience, and an example of unity for the church as well as freedom in the Spirit to attain maturity as a Christian.


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