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Religious education

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The topic religious education is discussed in the following articles:


  • TITLE: Martin Buber (German religious philosopher)
    SECTION: From Vienna to Jerusalem
    ...or presence of a divine counterpart. In the interpersonal area they fulfilled God’s commandment to build a just community while yet denying the divine origin of the implicit imperative. Buber as an educator tried to refute these ideological “prejudices of youth,” who, he asserted, rightly criticize outworn images of God but wrongly identify them with the imageless living God...

Baptist churches

  • TITLE: Baptist (Protestantism)
    SECTION: Developments in education
    From the beginning, American Baptists displayed an interest in an educated ministry. The Philadelphia association in the 18th century collected funds to help finance the education of ministerial candidates. Hopewell Academy was established in 1756, and in 1764 Brown University was founded in Rhode Island. After 1800, educational institutions multiplied rapidly. The educational advance...


  • TITLE: kerygma and catechesis (Christian theology)
    ...both Protestants and Catholics began to make extensive use of written manuals called catechisms ( e.g., Luther’s Small Catechism). By the 19th century the term catechetics referred to all religious education outside of that found in the liturgy and preaching. Twentieth-century developments reflected an appreciation of trends in the psychology of learning and pedagogy, as well as the...


  • TITLE: Christianity
    SECTION: Forms of Christian education
    The Christian church created the bases of the Western system of education. From its beginning the Christian community faced external and internal challenges to its faith, which it met by developing and utilizing intellectual and educational resources. The response to the external challenge of rival religions and philosophical perspectives is termed apologetics—i.e., the intellectual...


  • TITLE: Martin Luther (German religious leader)
    SECTION: Significance
    ...and noteworthy. His insistence, for example, that sacred Scripture be available to commoners prompted him not only to translate the Bible into German but also to compose hymns and to advocate the establishment of schools in the cities.
  • TITLE: Lutheranism (Christianity)
    SECTION: Pietism
    ...when the Frankfurt pastor Philipp Jakob Spener published his book Pious Desires, in which he called for greater commitment to Christian living and a fundamental reform of theological education. Stressing the religion of the heart and the piety of the individual, the movement cultivated “small churches within the larger church” for prayer, Bible reading,...

Reformed and Presbyterian churches

  • TITLE: Reformed and Presbyterian churches (Christianity)
    SECTION: Religious education
    Lay education was accomplished through preaching the word and teaching the catechism, such as Calvin’s Little Catechism, which was designed for teaching the young. Others, such as the Westminster Larger Catechism, were used to instruct pastors and teachers. More recently catechetical instruction has given way to inductive forms of education, with emphasis on the age level at which instruction...

Saint Angela Merici


  • TITLE: revelation (religion)
    SECTION: Revelation and experience
    ...dramas, such as the mystery plays common in medieval Europe or those still performed in Indian villages. For a deeper initiation into the revelation, it is believed to be necessary to live under the tutelage of a guru, monk, or holy man. To the extent that revelation is identified with a profound and transforming personal experience, the spiritual...


  • TITLE: Islam (religion)
    SECTION: Education
    Muslim educational activity began in the 8th century, primarily in order to disseminate the teaching of the Qurʾān and the Sunnah of the Prophet. The first task in this endeavour was to record the oral traditions and collect the written manuscripts. This information was systematically organized in the 2nd century ah, and in the following century a sound corpus was agreed upon....


  • TITLE: monasticism (religion)
    SECTION: Nature and significance
    Monastics have been instrumental in creating, preserving, and enhancing institutions of religious and secular learning and in transmitting cultural goods, artifacts, and intellectual skills down through the generations. Monastic institutions have also fulfilled medical, political, and military functions, though since 1500 the latter two have become completely secularized in most societies.

prophet guilds

  • TITLE: prophecy
    SECTION: Nature and significance
    Prophets were often organized into guilds in which they received their training. The guilds were led by a prophet master, and their members could be distinguished from other members of their society by their garb (such as a special mantle) or by physical marks or grooming (such as baldness, a mark on the forehead, or scars of self-laceration).


  • TITLE: Sufism (Islam)
    SECTION: The path
    ...shaykh or pīr) accepts the seeker as disciple ( murīd), orders him to follow strict ascetic practices, and suggests certain formulas for meditation. It is said that the disciple should be in the hands of the master “like a corpse in the hand of the washer.” The master teaches...

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"religious education". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
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religious education. 2014. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 03 November, 2014, from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/497313/religious-education
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Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s. v. "religious education", accessed November 03, 2014, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/497313/religious-education.

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