
Did you know? We have tutorials on YouTube for all our Mappers projects: http://t.co/HcRafii8sg posted about 2 hours ago

The Team

We Are CosmoQuest

About CosmoQuest

While we don’t quite have a cast of millions, looking around at all the people pounding on keyboards to help make this project possible, it sometimes feels like a cast of millions. Want to join in? We are always looking for volunteers! We’re currently looking for graphical artists, computer programmers, educators to help us on a set of specific projects.

Project Director: Pamela “StarStryder” Gay

Programming Team: Cory Lehan (Lead), Joseph Moore (emeritus programming team: Di Alex Huang, Sean McKenna, Ben Press)

Education, Instruction, & Public Outreach Team: Georgia Bracey (Lead), Kathy Costello, Ellen Reilly, Nicole “NoisyAstronomer” Gugliucci, Ray Sanders, Matthew Francis

Evaluation Team (in alphabetical order): Georgia Bracey, Pamela Gay, Nicole Gugliucci, (past member: Michael Gibbs)

Hangout Producers: Fraser Cain, Pamela Gay, Nicole Gugliucci, Georgia Bracey, Scott Lewis

Administrative & Managerial Staff: Dawn Olive

Forum Administrators: antoniseb, swift, ToSeek, KMasterdo, Irene “IreneAnt” Antonenko, Cory “Cory” Lehan

Asteroid Mappers: Whitney Cobb, Judy Counley, Ricky Hart, Nicole Hess, Lucille LeCorre, Visnu Reddy, John Ristvey, Chris Russell, Britney Schmidt (lead), Jennifer Scully, Joseph Wise

Ice Investigators: Marc Buie, David Borncamp, JJ Kavalaars, John Spencer

Moon Mappers: Irene Antonenko (co-lead), Stuart Robbins (co-lead), Clark Chapman, Brian Day, Filles Foody, and Brooke Hsu

Mercury Mappers: Irene Antonenko (co-lead), Stuart Robbins (co-lead), MESSENGER Team



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